Robert Browne
b: 15?? d: 1/8/1657
Whilst it is known that Robert Browne was the progenitor of the Brown line in Islandmagee,
it is unclear how the line progresses from him to Calum's and Jamie's six times great grandfather Samuel Brown of Ballycronan
(1762-1818). The working presumption, however, is that Robert Browne was the boys' eleven times great grandfather.
Dixon Donaldson's book The History of Islandmagee (1927) has a couple of pages on
the history of the Brown family from the parish. He starts by noting that "the family of Brown possesses a genealogical
tree, as recorded on the tombstones of the district, that is not approached in definte continuity by that of any other family
in the place".
After this he then goes into some considerable detail on the origins of the family, starting with
an examination of three headstones in Ballyprior graveyard in Islandmagee, and the tradition concerning two Scottish
brothers who arrived in County Antrim in exile in the early 1600s:
The first inscription records the death of Robert Brown - "who lived in Balliprearbeg
and departed of this lyf on the first of August 1657". The coat of arms has a shield, bearing a chevron between three fleur-de-lys,
with the initials R and B respectively in the opposite bays of that shield.
Tradition has it that the person buried here was one of two brothers who
left Scotland in the early part of the seventeenth century on account of the religious persecution prevailing there at the
time, and that a title to nobility was revoked by them in leaving their fatherland. The other brother is said to have settled
at Carnmoney and it seems to support the tradition that a tombstone, having a similar heraldic device, occurs in the Carnmoney
graveyard. The earliest decipherable date on the Carnmoney stone records the death of James Brown in 1752. Surmounting the
shield in the coat of arms is an esquire's helmet with mantling: the crest is a demi-lion holding a fleur-de-lys in the dexter
paw: the motto - Labor omnia vincit.
Donaldson also notes that in the 1669 Hearth Roll, there are then three Browns found located
in adjacent townlands within the northwest of the parish of Islandmagee, recorded under the name of Browne - James
Browne of Ballyprior, Robert Browne of Ballydown and Hugh Browne of Ballycronan.
In fact, Donaldson has overlooked a fourth member, as Robert Browne is noted as Robert Browne senior in the
Hearth Roll, alongside a Robert Browne Junior. It has been confirmed that two of these were certainly brothers,
and sons of Robert Brown who died some twelve years earlier, whilst it is almost cetainly the case that the two Roberts of
Ballyprior were also a son and grandson respectively.
However, although Donaldson discusses the episode within his book,
he curiously overlooks the Browns' involvement with one of the most infamous events of Irish history, the 1641 massacres by
Irish Catholics against Plantations colonists, and the subsequent brutal reprisals. Of all of these, perhaps the best known
is the so-called Islandmagee massacre, where it was alleged by propagandists at the time that some 3000 Magees were slaughtered
on the peninsula, most famously by many being allegedly driven over the cliff edge at the Gobbins. Whilst this latter incident
at the Gobbins is believed to have never actually taken case (there is not a single contemporary documented record describing
it), and the numbers of Magees slaughtered being more realistically some 30-50 members of the family, what is certainly the
case is that the Browns were suspected of having participated in the carnage, more specifically Robert Brown and his
son James. The 1641 depositions, now digitised by Trinity College Dublin at, contain witness statements given by both gentlemen and others alleging their involvement. Fascinating in their own
right, they are also useful in genealogical terms in confirming certain family relationships, not least of which the fact
that Robert's wife was called Jennett Woodsyde, and that he was the father of both James Browne
and Hugh Browne of Islandmagee.
The first damning evidence against Robert Browne comes from 28 year old victim
Bryan Magee, who made the following statement at Lisnagarvy on 21 APR 1653 about the murder of his family:
...about the 8th of January 1641 this Examinant then liuing in the Isle McGee in his ffathers howse Owen McGee
in the nighte aboute bed time some knockt at the dore and this examinants mother opened the dore and there came in Robert
Browne now liuing in the Isle McGee and his sonne James with there swords drawne and seuerall others of the Neighbours to
the number of [twent?] and vpwards with pitch forks staves and other weapons, which said persons that are still liuing are
named as followeth William Gillis of the Isle McGee William Boyd & James Boyd of the same Alexander McAlester John
McMasters Elder and younger and John Nelson the sonne of James Nelson, and they killed at that time Jane Mother
of this Examinant and Margaret O Carrell and Euer Mc and Doltagh McGee a sucking Child brothers to this
examinant and Margaret Mary and Mena sisters to this Examinant
Magee escaped the slaughter with his father, and brothers Henry
and Turlough, and hid for an hour, before being joined by Bryan Boy Magee from a neighbouring house and others, where a similar
murder has also occurred by the Scots. All set off for Carrickfergus to seek the protection of the colonel in the castle.
When they arrived, it was to find that the colonel was not there - several soldiers on duty killed Bryan Boy magee, and Brian's
father and brothers, though he again managed to escape.
When quizzed about his involvement, Robert Browne gave the following deposition:
The examinacion of Rob: Brown of Isle Magee Gent: taken before vs 27 May 1653 Who being demanded where
he was that night when Donell McArt Magee & his family & then rest of the families were kild in Isle Magee saith
he was in his house all that night & his wife & children & his seruants Rob: Orr John Hunter & Agnes Woodside
& Marren Carr & saith that his eldest sonne Hugh Browne was Lieut: to Capten McCulloghes company in Carrickfergus
& saith <A> that the morning before in the Sabbath day he had sent his sonne Hugh James to
his brother James Hugh to see how he did & that he did not returne home till about between eleuen
or twelue a clock that night at which time this examinant & his said family were in bed & that his said sonne James
came to his bed syde & told him that his brother Hugh was well And being demanded whether his said sone James
told him of any stirr that was in or about the way as he came home saith he did not relate any such thing to him that
night And further saith that he understood from him the next morning that the reason of his staying out soe
long out that night was because he had mett some company & fell to drink with them in one John McGeughes house
in the Scotch quarter without the gate of Carrickfergus And further saith that when he was told in the morning of the killing
of those persons he did not inquire who did it nor did he then heare though the said Donell McArts Magees house was very neare this
examinants house & within less then a Muskett shott And further saith not
A further deposition from a James Collogh on 1 JUN 1653 also provides
details about Robert's wife, naming her as Jennett Woodsyde, and the fact that it seems that Robert
was held prisoner for a time in Carrickfergus: the tyme of the Massacre in the Isle of Magee he this examinant
was capten of a foot company in this towne under in the Regiment of Collonell Chichester, and that shortely
after the sayd massacre, one Jennett Woodsyde wife to Robert Browne now prisoner in this towne told this examinant that one
Robert Glasgow did kill Tieg o Sheale with a shot of a horsemans peece and that one commonly called Stagg fferry was at the
house of Donnell McArt and as she heard killed his wife; And being asked what he could tell concerning the murder of Owen
Modder Magee Henry Magee & Bryan Magee neere vnto this towne he this examinant saith that at the tyme the sayd murder
was acted he was asleepe vpon a bed and cannott tell who was the actors in the sayd murder otherwise them that he was told
that Lieutenant William Dawbyn doeth acknowledge himselfe to haue had a hand therein, and that he would Justifye the same
for that he did it by order and this examinant sayth that the reason of his knowledg is, for that one John McClowy
who was then Corporall to this examinant the sayd Lieutenant Dawbyn told him soe and further saith not.
It seems that Robert and James, who was also a prisoner, were subsequently
set free.
Hugh James Browne
b: 16?? d: aft 1659
See below.
James Hugh Browne
b: abt 1622 d: 10/9/1695
See below.
Robert Browne
b: 16?? d: 1???
See below.

Connecting Robert Brown to Samuel Brown
Whilst it is commonly accepted that Robert Brown was the Scots born founder of the Islandmagee line
of Browns, it is unclear as yet as to which of his three sons was our immediate ancestor. It is possible that Hugh
Brown of Ballycronan was a great great grandfather of Samuel Brown of Ballycronan (1762-1818), but
this is merely going by a shared townland of residence.
Dixon Donaldson's History of Islandmagee notes a succession of Browns as
recorded on the two flat headstones in Ballyprior graveyard, which he has arranged into generations, to which I have
added further information below. Analysing these gives us a rough idea of where our lines fits in generationally - the (a)
refers to the older of the two stones, (b) the second stone:
I. (a) Robert Brown: died 1657,
and married to Jennet Woodsyde
Robert was known to have had three sons - Hugh of Ballycronan,
James of Ballyprior, and Robert of Ballydown.
"Her lys the corps of Robert Brown who lived in Bellipriorbeg and departed
of this lyf on 01 Aug 1657"
II. (b) James Brown: died 1695
aged 73 - therefore born abt 1622.
Confirmed son of James Brown of Ballyprior, and as a brother
to Hugh of Ballycronan, as noted in the 1653 depositions. James was married to Janet METCHIL,
and had eleven children.
"Here lyeth the body of James Brown of Ballipriorbegg who deceased 10 Sep
1695 aetatis 73. Also Jean Metchil his wife who died the 16 Nov 1687 & thay had 5 sons & 6 daughters."
III. (b) William Brown: died
1738 aged 80 - therefore born abt 1658.
Likely a son of James Browne of Ballypriorbeg
"Also William Brown of Ballipriorbegg who died 30 Mar 1738 aged 80 years
and Janet Marten his wife died 30 Jul 1740 aged 80 years."
IV. (a) Samuel Brown:
died 1726 aged 32 - therefore born about 1694.
Buried in the same grave plot as Robert Browne
who died 1657:
"Here lyeth the body of Samuel Brown who died 29 Jan 1726 aged
32 years"
V. (b) Robert Brown: died 1758
aged 33 - therefore born about 1725.
Again, of the Ballypriorbeg line:
"Also Janet Brown who died 23 Aug 1753 aged 8 months, daughter to Robert
Brown of Ballipriorbegg, who also died 21 May 1758 aged 33 years."
V. (a) Mary Brown: died 1807
aged 84 - therefore born about 1724.
Possibly the wife of the Robert Brown in the adjacent
grave, or a separate cousin called Robert:
"Mary Brown wife of the late Robert Brown lyeth here who died 04 May 1807
aged 84 years."
Our earliest confirmed Brown member is Samuel Brown of Ballycronan, born abt
1762, and one generation down further from this list. This would therefore seem to make Robert Browne, who died in 1657,
Samuel's three times great grandfather.
It is possible that being from Ballycronan himself Samuel is a descendant of Hugh
Browne - likely a great great grandson - but there is a gap in the record that has yet to be filled in to confirm this.
Some of those listed above may indeed be direct ancestors, or members of a parallel line.
Hugh, James and Robert Browne
(17th century siblings)
One of these three brothers was the ten times great grandfather
of Calum and Jamie.
It is unknown as yet which is the correct candidate and so the following is what is known
about all three.
1) Hugh James Browne
b: 16?? d: aft 1659
Hugh was Robert Browne's eldest son, as noted in Robert's deposition of 21 APR 1653. The statements
from 1653 also reveal that Hugh was a Lieutenant to Captain McCullogh's
company in Carrickfergus.
Little else is known about Hugh apart from the 1642 incident, except that he was later noted
as Hugh Browne of Ballycronan in the 1659 Hearth Roll for Islandmagee. It is possible that Hugh was the forebear of the Ballycronan
Brown line, from whom we descend, though more research needs to be done to confirm this.
2) James Hugh Browne
b: abt 1622 d: 10/9/1695
James was alleged to have been involved not only in the murder of Brian Magee's family
at Islandmagee on Sunday January 8th 1642, but also to have participated in the murder of the survivors after they made their
way to Carrickfergus for protection. The following accounts refer to his alleged involvement.
Con O' Sheale deponed that James was involved in his relative Tige O' Sheale's murder
in Islandmagee the same day, via a testimony on 21 APR 1653:
...this Examinant hath hard James Browne sone of Robert Browne & one Robert Glaskow liuing in Larne
coming by & seeing the smoke they went in & shot & the said James (as he hath hard) shot & killed
the said Tige
James was arrested and imprisoned for a time in Carrickfergus Gaol. On 6 MAY 1653 he gave
the following testimony:
The examinacion and Confession of James Browne prisoner in Carrickfergus this 6th of May 1653 Who
beinge demanded where hee Liued in the beginninge of the rebellion answereth that hee then Liued in Iland Magee in the Towne
of Bellypruerbeg, in which Towne Daniell Magee with all his family also Liued, and beinge further asked whether he knewe the
said Daniell Magee, saith that hee did & further saith that hee alsoe knewe all his sones: & beinge further demanded
whether hee had heard of their killinge & he there vnto saith that hee had & that it was in the begininge
at the rebellion that hee the sade Daniell Magee was kild And beinge further asked whether hee was ever in the Company of
Robert Boyd: Hugh Porter, William Gillis a{ } the house of the said Daniell Magee, answereth that hee was not and beinge
asked whether he had ever heard or did knowe, how the said Daniell Magee was killed or who killed him, answereth that hee
did not, & beinge further demanded whether hee did knowe, or euer heard ho{w} any of those persons that were kild with
Daniell Magee or who were kild or who did kill them, saith that hee neuer did knowe or heare what persons
were kild with him the said Daniell Magee or how they were kild/
Carrickfergus based tanner John McGeugh also gave a testimony in support of James, dated
27 MAY 1653:
...a Little before the shutting of the gates that Sunday night James
Brown now prisoner which & his brother Hugh (Lieutenant to Capten McCullogh in Carrickfergus) with others of
the Island came to this examinants house a little before daylight was gone without the gate & drunk two or three
quarts of Beere & taryed there an houre or vpwards & afterwards about six or seuen a clocke the said James <A>
Brown (who had left his horse at this examinants company house) rode away bewith two or three other Inhabitants
of the Island towards the Island it being a faire moone shony shyne night & the said Lieutenant returned
into the towne, & the next morning early this examinant being in the street he saw Owen Magee & two other men with
him (one whereof was wounded in the face) & had a broken forck in his hand & to the best of his remembrance
it was Bryan boy Magee & this examinant demanding of him who had hurt him & why they came in that manner without part
of their clothes they told him that all their people was murderinged that night in the Island & that they were comeing
to the Gouernor to complaine & demanded of this examinant whether their master Coll: Hill was in towne but this examinant
told them that he was not in towne but would haue had them to tarry in his this examinants house till he did come
& not to venture into the towne because this examinant understoodd there was a proclamacion
In 1653, the Cromwellian Government in Dublin published a list of ‘popular Scots’ in Ulster
that were to be transplanted into other parts of Ireland. From Islandmagee, Magheramore and Ballynure, the following Scots
were to be transplanted: Capt. Robert Kinkede, James Browne, Ensign Willm Stephenson, Capt. James McCullough, John Blare,
Willm Agnew and John Agnew . The transplantation of these men was never carried out.
We know that James did regain his freedom, because he was later
noted in the 1659 Hearth Roll as being resident in Ballypriormore, Islandmagee. His gravestone further notes that he ended
his days in nearby Ballypriorbeg. We also know that James had eleven children and was married to a Jean METCHIL
(MITCHELL). The gravestone inscription notes the following about James:
Here lyeth the body of James Brown of Ballipriorbegg who deceased 10 Sep 1695 aetatis 73. Also Jean Metchil
his wife who died the 16 Nov 1687 & thay had 5 sons & 6 daughters.
A further gleaning about James farmstead comes from Richard
Dobbs 1683 description of County Antrim:
Now return we again to Portmuck, from whence to the Corran, which
is the entrance into Loughlarn, is a very hard shore, except a little Bay called Brown's Bay, clear and sandy, open to the
north-west winds, and has in it a little shelter for small boats; we are yet in Island Magee, which affords little or no spring;
the poorer people burning (instead of turf and coal) much of their straw in winter time, yet one James Brown who
lives at the Bay last mentioned, having a good farm here, has near his house excellent meadow, wherein of late years he has
found very good turf, and under that moss clay appears again, which being removed he finds good turf again, and so as he tells
me it may be further down.
The account also continues with further information about the north
of the peninsula:
The northend of this island is sandy, dry, and fit for rabbits; but the people here think that no profit
can be made but by ploughing, in which the men spend their whole time, except the summer quarter in providing and bringing
home fireing; and the women theirs, in spinning and making linen cloth, and some ordinary woollen for their family's use.
There is a handsome church much out of repair, but no churchmen. A meeting house, all presbiters, all Scotch, not one Irish
or English, except a custom house waiter. The Dean of Connr, is vicar.
3) Robert Browne
b: 16?? d: 1???
Robert Browne, whilst not being specifically connected yet to Robert Browne of Ballyprior,
who died in 1657, is almost certainly a third son. He was noted in the 1659 Hearth Roll as being resident in the townland
of Ballydown, adjacent to Ballyprior and Ballycronan, where James and Hugh resided. The Hearth Roll also tells us that this
Robert was designated Robert Browne Senior, with a Robert Browne Junior resident in Ballydown also.
Robert Browne
b: 16?? d: 1???
Mentioned in the 1659 Hearth Roll for Islandmagee as Robert Browne
junior of Ballydown.

Unknown Brown
b: 1??? d: 17??
This unknown Brown ancestor was Calum's and Jamie's nine times
great grandfather.
Nothing is known about this gentleman as yet, except that he likely resided in either Ballyprior,
Ballydown or Ballycronan, and had at least one son.
Unknown Brown
b: 1??? d: 6 NOV 17??
This gentleman was Calum's and Jamie's eight times great grandfather.
The belief that the following burial may relate to the boys' eighth times
great grandfather is based on a circumstantial case surrounding a gravestone found in St John's Churchyard. The stone's inscription is
as follows:
Here lyeth the body of
... Brown
who died 08 Nov (17..)
aged 82 years.
My wife and children dear, grive not for me.
My debt is pyed, my grave yeow see
Therfor prepare to follow me.
This is the oldest Brown burial found in the graveyard, which lies
closer to Ballycronan than to Ballyprior, and the only Brown there who passed away in the 18th century. Samuel Brown
of Ballycronan, also buried in the same graveyard, passed away on 15 JUL 1818 at the age of 56, placing his birth year
at about 1762. If this unknown Brown was buried as late as 1799, at the age of 82 this places his birth year as 1718,
meaning that he was 44 when Samuel was conceived. It seems more likely that there is a generation in between, and that the
missing candidate was perhaps buried in Ballyprior, possibly pre-deceasing his father. Again, this is merely a circumstantial
case at present, and still needs to be stood up further.

Robert Brown (unconfirmed)
b: abt 1730 d: 1???
Robert Brown (if this is indeed his name), was Calum's and Jamie's
seven times great grandfather.
The name of Robert Brown is deduced purely through the Scottish Presbyterian
naming pattern, which notes the eldest son to be named after the father's father. Samuel Brown of Ballycronanmore
named his eldest son Robert, making this a possibility, though one that needs to be confirmed.
Whilst his name has as yet to be confirmed, we know that he had at least
two sons. Samuel was obviously one of them, but according to Dixon Donaldson's History of Islandmagee, Samuel's
son James, the last of the line at Ballycronanmore, was a cousin of John Brown of Springvale.
"The Browns of Ballycronan, of which the last was James Brown (who owned
the farms at Hunterstown and Craigcrum) died in 1893 at the age of 85 years; he was a cousin to the late John Brown, of Springvale)
(the above Mrs Hamilton's father). It is worthy of note that the old sculptured slate headstone at the burial ground of these
Browns in the New Churchyard has a similar motto to those of the first mentioned settlers, viz. Labor omnia vincit; but the
date of the death of the person interred is worn out: his age is given as 82 years, and the following quaint verse is inscribed
My wife and children grieve not for me
My debt is paid my grave you see
Therfor prepare to follow me"
Samuel Brown
b: abt 1762 d: 15/7/1818
See below.
Unknown Brown
b: 17?? d: 18??
Nothing is known about this brother of Samuel as yet, except that he had at least one son:
John Brown
b: abt 1804 d: 13/1/1888
Ths John Brown has been identified by Dixon Donaldson in his History of Islandmagee
as a cousin of James Brown of Ballycronan, and as resident at Spring Vale, Ballyharry, Islandmagee.
He died on 13 JAN 1888 at home in Ballyharry, aged 83, with the cause being old age and debility.
he was noted as a farmer and a widower. The informant to the Ballycarry registrar on 31 JAN 1888 was a Nancy Smith, present
at death and also resident at Ballyharry (Source: GRONI D/1888/129/1016/5/200 Ballycarry).
John was buried in St John's churchyard in Islandmagee. The following is the gravestone inscription:
Labor omnia vincit.
Erected by John Brown, "Spring Vale", Islandmagee, in memory of
his beloved wife Sarah who died 15 Apr 1871 aged 64 years.
The above-named John Brown died 13 Jan 1888 aged 84 years.
Their son James records the death of his beloved wife Sara who
died 15 Apr 1894 aged 47 years. In loving memory of the above-named James Brown who died 22 Oct 1915 aged 86 years.
Their 3rd and youngest son James died at Los Angeles, Calif., 01
Apr 1923 aged 44 years.
Their 3rd and youngest daughter Alice died 09 Jul 1944 aged 58
Their 2nd daughter Sara died 21 Nov 1944 aged 68 years.
Their 2nd son John died at Pasadena, Calif., 13 Sep 1946 aged 72
Eleanor E. died 16 Feb 1949 aged 79 years. 'At Rest' All that
pleases is but for a moment. All that troubles is but for a moment. That only is important which is eternal. Their eldest
son Robert died 30 Apr 1953 aged 82 years. The last of his generation.

Samuel Brown
b: abt 1762 d: 15/7/1818
Samuel Brown was Calum's and Jamie's six times great grandfather.
No direct birth or baptism record has as yet been found that connects Samuel
as being the father of Isabella Brown. However, it is confirmed that this is the case via the will
left by Isabella's brother James, and also through a monumental inscription for James at St. John's Church
of Ireland graveyard on Islandmagee, County Antrim, the same plot in which Samuel was also buried, with his wife Mary.
The full inscription reads as follows:
Erected by James Brown, Ballycronnan, to the memory
of his father Samuel Brown who died 15 Jul 1818 aged 56 years. Also his mother Mary Brown who died 22 Apr 1857 aged 76 years.
Also his brother William who died 26 Dec 1827 aged 24 years. Also his brother Robert who died 22 Apr 1837 aged 66 years.
Also his sister Margaret who died 05 Apr 1878 aged 77 years. And his sister Jane who died 05 Dec 1880 aged 84 years.
The above named James Brown died 08 Dec 1893 aged 85 years. Also his wife Margaret Brown who died 13 Dec 1893 aged 82 years.
In death they were not divided.
The above inscription conclusively links James to Samuel as his son.
Samuel's widow Mary was noted at Ballycronan More in 1834 in the Tithe Applotment
books for Islandmagee.
When Samuel's son James died in Larne in 1893, a will left behind conclusively connects him
to his sister Isabella, via several legacies left to nephews and nieces borne by her to John Montgomery,
conclusively proving that Isabella was indeed the daughter of Samuel. Indirectly we also know that Isabella was from Hunterstown
in Ballycronanmore, the same townland in which Samuel resided.
Children of SAMUEL BROWN and MARY:
Isabella Brown
b: abt 1791 d: 6/4/1877
Isabella was Calum's and Jamie's five times great grandmother - see below.
Jane Brown
b: abt 1795 d. 6/12/1880
Jane was born in Ballycronan in approximately 1795, and never married.
She died on 6 DEC 1880 at Ballycronan, Islandmagee, at the age of 85. She was unmarried, and a farmer.
The cause of death was debility from old age, as suffered for a year, and she had no medical attendant. The informant to the
registrar in Ballycarry was her nephew John Campbell, also of Ballycronan, who was present at her death (Source:
Robert Brown
b: abt 1799 d. 27/8/1865
The published gravestone entry found for Robert carries a serious transcription error for the
date of his death, stating that he died on 22 APR 1837 aged 66, which would place his birth years ten years before his
mother's! Robert in fact died on 27 AUG 1865, aged 66, the casue being abcess of the liver. He was noted in his death certificate
as being a farmer at Ballycronan, Islandmagee, and unmarried. The informant was a Jinney Brown, who was present at the death
and also resident in Ballycronan. (Source: GRONI D/1865/129/1016/1/126 Ballycarry)
Robert died intestate. Letters of administration concerning his estate were created, but have not
suvived, though the calendar entry for them has. This notes that the executor was James Brown of Islandmagee,
"brother and next of kin of said deceased" (Source: PRONI Wills Calendars).
Margaret Brown
b: abt 1801 d: 5/4/1878
Margaret was born in approximately 1801 in Ballycronan, Islandmagee. She
married Islandmagee man James Campbell, and had at least one son.
Margaret died on 5 APR 1878, as recorded both on the family headstone and an announcement in the Belfast
Newsletter on 12 APR 1878:
CAMPBELL - April 5, at the residence of her brother, James Brown, Esq.,
Rock Lynn Cottage, Islandmagee, Mrs Campbell, aged 77 years.
Margaret was buried in the family plot at the New Graveyard, Islandmagee.
John Campbell
b: 18?? d: 1???
Little is known of John as yet, other than that he received a sum of £100 Sterling following
the death of his uncle, James Brown, in December 1893.
William Brown
b: abt 1803 d: 26/12/1827
James Browne
b: abt 1808 d: 8/12/1893
James was born in Islandmagee, Co. Antrim, in approximately 1808 (his death record in 1893
noting him as aged 85).
James died on 8 DEC 1893 at Blackcare, Larne, aged 85, and with the certified cause being general
debility, suffered for a month. The informant to the registrar on 22 DEC was A. J. Campbell of Blackcare. In the record James
was noted as a retired farmer (Source: GROI D 1893 Group Reg ID 3916555 SRD Larne).
A notice recorded James' death in the Belfast Newsletter on 9 DEC 1893:
BROWN - December 8, at Waterloo, Larne, James Brown,
late of Hunterstown, Islandmagee, aged 85 years. His remains will be removed for interment in the family burying-ground, New
Church, Islandmagee, on Monday morning, the 11th inst., at eleven o'clock. Friends will please accept this (the only) intimation.
The monumental inscription recording James' death, and several members of his family, is noted above
with the entry for his father, Samuel Brown. His wife, Margaret, tragically died just a few days later, and
was buried six days after James, as again noted in the Belfast Newsletter on 15 DEC 1893:
BROWN - December 13, at Waterloo, Larne, Margaret, relict of the late James Brown, Hunterstown, Islandmagee,
aged 82 years. Her remains will be removed for interment in the family burying-ground, New Church, Islandmagee, tomorrow (Saturday)
morning, at eleven o'clock. Friends will please accept this (the only) intimation.
James has been confirmed as the brother of Calum's and Jamie's five times great grandmother Isabella
Brown through the detail of his will, which included many bequests to Isabella's children.
The will is as follows:
No. 74 James Brown
This is the Last Will and Testament of me James Brown of Waterloo near
Larne in the County of Antrim Gentleman I leave devise & bequeath all property of whatsoever nature Kind & description
of or to which I may I die seized possessed or entitled whether real freehold or personal unto my wife Margaret Brown absolutely,
subject however to the following legacies & bequests which I hereby charge thereof & payable after my decease that
is to say To a legacy or sum of One hundred pounds Stg which I hereby leave and bequeath unto my nephew Samuel Montgomery
of Islandmagee, To a legacy or sum of One hundred pounds stg which I hereby leave and bequeath unto my nephew John Campbell
of Islandmagee (son of James Campbell) To a legacy or sum of One hundred pounds stg which I hereby leave & bequeath unto
my niece Jane Douther (wife of John Douther of Islandmagee) To a legacy or sum of Fifty pounds which I hereby leave &
bequeath unto my grand niece Mary Brown (wife of Samuel Brown of Ballysnodd) To a legacy or sum of Fifty pounds I hereby leave
& bequeath unto my Grandniece Mary Dick (wife of John Dick, Ferryman, Islandmagee) and to a legacy or sum of Twenty five
pounds stg which I hereby leave & bequeath unto Robert Templeton of Ballycronanmore Islandmagee (who was married to my
niece Margt Montgomery) I authorize and empower my Executors to collect get in sue for recover & take proceedings at law
or in equity (if necessary) for the recovery of all Debts whether secured or in simple contract or otherwise which may be
due & owing to me and to give receipts and discharges for payments thereunder. And I nominate and appoint James Holmes
Jackson of Larne draper, Samuel McClelland of Portmuck Islandmagee farmer and William Baxter of Larne Auctioneer all in the
County of Antrim Trustees & Executors hereof. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand this 23rd day of March
One thousand eight hundred and ninety one.
James Brown
Signed published and declared by the said Testator as and for his last
Will and Testament in the presence of us who have at his request in his presence & in presence of each other set and subscribed
our names as witnesses hereto - William Baxter John Kain
Probate of the Will of James Brown deceased, Granted on the 17 day of January
1894 to James Holmes Jackson, William Baxter and Samuel McClelland the executors therein named.

Isabella Brown
Abt 1791 - 6/4/1877
Isabella was Calum's and Jamie's five times great grandmother
Not a lot is known about Isabella as yet. Her death record in 1877 noted
that she was 86 years old, placing her birth at approximately 1791. She was originally from the farm of Hunterstown on Ballycronanbeg,
Islandmagee, County Antrim, Ireland, and married school master, Justice of the Peace and later farmer, John Montgomery,
at some stage prior to 1817. With John she had at least six children, residing initially in the Islandmagee townland of Drumgurland,
and then the latter half of her life in Dundressan.
Isabella predeceased John by two years, passing away at Dundressan on 6 APR 1877, at the age of 86.
She was noted as being married to a farmer, and as having died after suffering asthma for six months. The informant was her
son Samuel Montgomery of Dundressan, who was present at her death. The death was registered on 17 APR 1877
at the sub-district registrar's in Ballycarry (Source: GRONI D/1877/129/1016/2/465 Ballycarry).
Hugh Montgomery
b: abt 1817 d: 6/1/1883
Margaret Montgomery
b: 18?? d: 1???
Robert Montgomery
b: 18?? d: 19??
Robert was Calum's and Jamie's four times great grandfather - see Montgomery page.
Samuel Montgomery
b: 1822 d: 4/7/1907
Jane Montgomery
b: 7/3/1834 d: 1???
Mary Montgomery
b: 18?? d: 1???

Connecting to Calum and Jamie
Isabella Brown married John Montgomery before
Son, Robert Montgomery, married Jane Gordon in 1863
Son, John Montgomery, married Matrilda Jane Taylor in 1892
Daughter, Charlotte Harper Montgomery, married
Ernest Graham in 1919
Son, Ernest Graham, married Martha Jane Elisabeth Watton Smyth in 1943
Daughter, Charlotte
Harper Graham, married Colin Paton in 1969
Son, Christopher Mark Paton, married Claire Patricia Giles in 2000
Calum Graham Paton and Jamie Christopher Paton.