Thomas McLaughlin
Abt 1810 - 17/4/1886
Thomas was Calum's, Jamie's and Pippa's four
times great grandfather.
Thomas was noted in 1867 as being a farmer on his
daughter Eliza's wedding entry in the marriage register, a record which notes Eliza as residing in Killowen, Co. Londonderry,
Ireland. Another person is listed in this record who was
believed to be a relative, although the relationship was not stated - this was a William
McLaughlin, who has since been confirmed as a brother to Eliza.
There were a few Thomas McLaughlins in the Killowen and Coleraine area at this time, although
most were not farmers, but the evidence to finally pin down the correct candidate came from two DNA matches to McLaughlin
descendants in the USA. Both were descendants of a Thomas McLaughlin in Birmingham, Alabama, born in about 1847 in Ireland.
Of crucial note though was the discovery that he had a brother in the US called Cochrane. When Cochrane died in 1901, a newspaper
article noted that he had to disposeof a leasehold he had inherited in Ireland - the inheritance of that leasehold has since
been located.
Pulling this all together, we can now confirm that Thomas was the farmer of that name at North
Ballinteer in the parish of Macosquin, just to the west of Coleraine town.
A Thomas McLoughlin is noted in the 1831 census as the head of household for his property in the townland
of Ballinteer. There were eight members of the household, five males, so presumably Thomas and four sons, and three women.
All were Presbyterian. (NAI: 1831 census for Ballinteer, Macosquin parish, This may be a father to Thomas, but the same book does note a few other McLoughlin households.
Our Thomas is certainly confirmed in Griffith's Valuation as holding 26 acres and 15 perches in North
Ballinteer from the Worshipful Company of Clothworkers, at a total rateable value of £11. The Valuation Revision Books at
PRONI show that from 1887 the land was held by Thomas, before going to the Representatives of Thomas McLoughlin (PRONI: VAL12/B/30/5C);
in 1889 the land went to his son Cochrane McLoughlin (PRONI: VAL12/B/30/5D), who continued to hold it until
1904, at which point it was conveyed to Cochrane's brother-in-law, Peter McCloskey (PRONI: VAL12/B/30/5E).
Eliza McLoughlin and her husband William Watton named their third son Cochrane
Watton in 1872, who throughout his life signed himself as Cochrane McLoughlin Watton. The forename
Cochrane is very rarely used in Ireland (and there are none of that name in the Watton family). We also know that in 1869,
Eliza gave birth to her eldest daughter Anne, her second child, at Ballinteer in Articlave (her first
child John was born in Scotland), again reinforcing the Ballinteer link.
Thomas McLoughlin died at Ballinteer on 17 APR 1886, and was noted as a
76 year old farmer, and a widower. The cause of death was debility as suffered for 12 months, with no medical attendant to
certify the death, and the informant 2 days later to the Articlave registrar was William McLaughlin, his
son, also resident at Ballinteer - which again ties in with the name of the witness at Eliza's wedding record (GRONI
D/1886/93/1008/4/461 Coleraine). Thomas was subsequently buried in the
graveyard at St. Paul's Church of Ireland, Dunboe (RootsIreland).
(NB: Several trees on Ancestry have erroneously linked an Edward McLoughlin as the
father of some of the McLoughlin children, rather than Thomas. This is likely due to the presence of an Edward McLoughlin
in Ballinteer also, who may well have been a brother to Thomas - however, the evidence from the USA, combined with the DNA
evidence, shows this link to be erroneous).
Cochrane McLaughlin
b: Nov 1841 d: 8/9/1901
Cochrane emigrated to the USA in 1863, and settled in Catasauqua, Pennsylvania. The Presbyterian
Church of Catasauqua first received him as a member on 18 DEC 1864, and that he left the area in 1869, before returning on 8
JUN 1873. A second book for the church confirms this return date, and further noted his eventual passing on 8 SEP 1901.
An index to the Pennsylvania naturalisation records on Ancestry suggests that a Cochrane McLaughlin
naturalised as a US citizen on 6 OCT 1868.
The 1880 US Federal census shows him at Church Street, Catasauqua, where he is noted as a 35 year
old gardener from Ireland. Passenger records also show that he returned to Ireland in 1885, arriving back at New York
on board the Furnessia on 10 DEC 1885, and with the record confirming his occupation of gardener.
The 1900 US Federal census shows Cochrane at the same address, aged 54. confirms his year of immigration
as 1863, and confirms that he had naturalised as a US citizen. The record also notes that he could read, write and speak English.
The Valuation Revision Books at PRONI show that from 1887 the McLaughlin farm at North Ballinteer
was held by Cochrane's father Thomas, before going to the Representatives of Thomas McLoughlin (PRONI: VAL12/B/30/5C);
The subsequent book (from 1889) notes the land being held by son Cochrane McLoughlin (PRONI: VAL12/B/30/5D),
who continued to hold it until 1904, at which point, following his death, it was conveyed to Cochrane's brother-in-law, Peter
McCloskey (PRONI: VAL12/B/30/5E).
The following two stories shed some light on his Irish origins, and confirm his connection to the
North Ballinteer family - the first is from The Allentown Leader of 9 SEP 1901:
Cochran McLaughlin, the well known Catasauqua florist, died
on Sunday at his home on Church Street, near Howerton Avenue, where he lived alone ever since he came to Catasauqua 25 years
ago. He was born in Ireland and was in his 60th year. He was florist and gardener for John Williams and family for 22 years.
Mr McLaughlin was the greatest general utility man in Catasauqua, and in case of sigckness and death was nurse, adviser and
friend to poor and rich alike. He was bedfast for several weeks, suffering from heart trouble. He leaves one brother, Thomas
of Birmingham, Ala., and one sister in Ireland, and another in California.
Funeral Wednesday afternoon at 2 o' clock, with services
in Presbyterian Church, Rev. Messrs. Miller, Harbison and Earle officiating.
The second story, from The Allentown Democrat from 18 SEP 1901 is the genealogical pot of
gold that allowed us to confirm his connection as a further son of Thomas McLaughlin:
WILL PROBATED.-The will of the late Cochrane McLaughlin,
of Catasauqua, was probated on Thursday last by Register Longnecker. It bears date June 29, 1901, and was witnessed by Mr.
and Mrs. A. N. Ulrich. After making provision for the payment of all his debts, the purchase of a cemetery lot and the erection
of a suitable tombstone, he bequeathed $100 to his brother Thomas, of Thomas, Ala., a lot on American Street to John Bower,
and the cooking range in his home to Mrs Matilda Jones, an old neighbor. The rest and residue of his property, including a
leasehold on the old homestead in Ireland, is to be converted into cash, and the proceeds go to his sister in Ireland. A sister
in California and a brother in Ireland were cut off with $1 each. The sum of $100 is to be deposited with the Lehigh Valley
Trust and Safe Deposit Company, the interest to be devoted to the care of his burial lot. The estate will approximate $5000
in value. City Treasurer Al. L. Reichenbach, of Allentown, for many years one of Mr. McLaughlin's firmest friends, is named
as executor.
Mclaughlin died on Sunday 8th, of heart disease, aged 59
years and 10 months. He came from Ireland many years ago, and settling at Catasauqua he was long in the employ of the Catasauqua
Manufacturing Company and of Morgan Emmanuel Sr. For 23 years later he was in the employ of the late John Williams, of Catasauqua,
as florist and gardener.
The following is Cochrane's will and codicil, as found on Ancestry's Pennsylvania,
U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1683-1993, Lehigh, Will Dockets, Vol 9-11, 1897-1903 collection, confirming that he
was indeed Eliza Jane McLaughlin's brother:
I, Cochrane McLaughin, of Catasuqua, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania,
being of sound mind, memory and understanding, do hereby declare null and void all former wills by me heretofore made, and
do make and publish this as and for my last will and testament, in manner and form as follows, to wit:
As soon as can be after my death, I order and direct my hereinafter
named executor to apy all my just debts and funeral expenses.
I order and direct my hereinafter named executor, in case
I am buried at Catasauqua, to purchase a lot of the Fairview Cemetery Association, in which my body shall be buried, and to
erect a stone thereon, not to exceed in value the sum of One Hundred Dollars.
I also direct him to pay to the Lehigh Valley Trust and Safe
Deposit Company of Allentown, the sum of One Hundred Dollars, to be invested by them, the interest thereon to be paid
to Alex. N. Ulrich of Catasauqua, to be expended by him in keeping my lot in repair.
As to any other property of which I may died possessed, I
make the following disposition.
To my sister Kate, I will the sum of One Dollar.
To my brother William John McLaughlin, I will the sum of
One Dollar.
To my brother Thomas McLaughlin, I will the sum of One Dollar.
If I still own the lot on American Street, Catasauqua, at
the time of my death, I will the same to my friend John Bower.
To Mrs. Matilda Jones, of Catasauqua, I will my cook-stove,
or range.
All the remainder and residue of my estate, I will and devise
and bequeath unto my siser Mary, now Mary McCloskey, of Ballyntier, County Derry, Ireland.
As executor of this my last will and testament, I appoint
Alfred Reichenbach, of Allentown, and order and direct him to realize all my securities, and after paying the different bequests,
to pay the balance to my sister Mary McCloskey, as directed above.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal
to this my last will and testament, this 29th day of June, A.D. 1901.
Cochrane McLaughlin
Signed, sealed, declared and published by said Testator,
as and for his last will and testament, in our presence, who, in his presence at his request, and in the presence of each
other signed our names as witnesses.
Irene F. Ulrich
Alex. N. Ulrich
Now July 5 1901. I add the following Codicil to my above
will dated June 29 1901.
I will to my sister Eliza Jane the sum of One Dollar - and
to my brother Thomas McLaughlin I will the sum of One Hundred dollars instead of one dollar as above written.
Witness my hand and seal the
fifth day of July 1901.
Cochrane McLaughlin
Irene F. Ulrich
Alex. N. Ulrich
Thomas McLaughlin
b: Jun 1847
The fact that Thomas McLaughlin was the brother of Eliza McLaughlin is confirmed thanks to a
DNA link with two individuals on Ancestry between Calum's and Jamie's father Chris, and a Linda Risher and Barbara O'Brien,
and the link to Cochrane McLaughlin in Catasauqua. Linda and Barbara also match each other and share many connections with
other confirmed relatives connected to Eliza.
As noted on Thomas's headstone, he was born on 10 Jun 1847. He emigrated to the United States in 1862
or 1863, settling initially in Pennsylvania before relocating in 1888 to the East Thomas district of Birmingham, Alabama.
He married Eliza Ann McCandless in 1869, and had several children. Following the death of Eliza in 1902 he
remarried to Mary Anne Jones on 30 JUL 1909.
The following is Thomas' obituary in The Birmingham News of 8 FEB 1933:
Thomas McLaughlin Succumbs at Home in East Thomas
Thomas McLaughlin, 85, died at his home at East Thomas Wednesday following
a brief illness. He was a pioneer resident of the Birmingham district. He came here from Pennsylvania in 1888 and was for
a number of years an employee of the Republic Iron Works at Thomas. He was a Knight Templar and a Scottish Rite Mason.
Surviving in addition to his wife, Mrs Mary McLaughlin, are two sons, James
and J. Thomas McLaughlin, Birmingham; five daughters, Mrs Elizabeth Blaich, Mrs Thomas Lanyon and Miss Maimie McLaughlin,
all of Birmingham; Mrs Byron Zimmerman, of Salem, Ohio, and Mrs Walter Posey, of Pennsylvania.
Funeral arrangements will be announced by Echols & Angwin.
Eliza McLaughlin
b: abt 1847 d: after 1902
Eliza was Calum's, Jamie's and Pippa's four times great grandmother - see below.
William John McLaughlin
b: abt 18?? d: ????
William was left One dollar by his brother Cochrane in his will of 1901.
Mary McLaughlin
b: 18?? d: ????
Mary married Peter McCloskie on 26 JUL 1888 at St. Mary's Church of Ireland in Macosquin (Camus Juxta
Bann parish). Mary was noted as of full age, resident at Ballinteer townland, Camus Juxta Bann (Macosquin) parish, and the
daughter of Thomas McLaughlin, farmer. Peter was 26, a farmer and son of James McCloskie, farmer. The witnesses were Robert
Kerr and Ellen McCloskey, and the minister a Rev. Stubbs (Source: M 1888 GroupRegID 2472406 Coleraine).
Mary was left the family farm in Ballinteer townland, Macosquin parish, by her brother Cochrane in his USA written will
in 1901. She was also noted at this point as Mary McCloskey. The Valuation Revision Books for Ballinteer townland note that the farm at North Ballinteer
had been transferred by 1904 to Peter McCloskey, with a further record found in the Registry of Deeds
showing that the property had been given to him by Mary “in consideration of the natural love and affection which
she the said Mary McCloskey bore towards her husband the said Peter McCloskey”.
In the 1911 census, Mary McCloskey was listed at Ballinteer
as aged 51, able to read and write, and Anglican. She had been married for 23 years, and had had seven children, all of whom
were still alive. Her husband Peter was a 52 year old farmer, also able to read and write, and Anglican.
All seven children were present - Jane (28), Sally (a 22 year old clerk), Annie
(16, scholar), Cochrane (15, scholar), Peter (13, scholar), James (10,
scholar) and William Thomas (8, scholar). All were literate, and everyone was born in Co. Derry.
Kate McLaughlin
b: 18?? d: ????
Kate was left One dollar by his brother Cochrane in his will of 1901.
She was noted as being resident in California, USA, at this point.

Elizabeth Jane McLaughlin
abt 1847 - aft 21/8/1902
Elizabeth was Calum's, Jamie's and Pippa's three times great grandmother.
Elizabeth (Eliza) McLaughlin married William Watton, a 20 year old servant (son of William Watton), on December 7th 1867, in the registry office of
Coleraine. Eliza was the daughter of farmer Thomas McLaughlin, but from the town's Waterside district
in Killowen parish; William was from Castletoodry, Killowen. Because Eliza was aged 20, she had to obtain a special license
for the wedding from the registrar, William Young. The witnesses to the marriage were William McLaughlin
(a relative of Eliza) and Robert Mitchell. At the time of the wedding, William was working as a labourer.
Although noted as Elizabeth in the marriage record, in several of her children's birth records she is noted as Eliza
Jane, and also in the codicil to her brother Cochrane's will in 1901.
In the 1901 census, Eliza was listed at McCandless Street in north Belfast, in Shankill ward, parish of Shankill. She
was 45, from County Londonderry, and could read and write. Husband William was a 47 year old gardener, could read and write,
was Church of Ireland by way of religion, married and born in County Antrim. Also present were 17 year old son Willie
Watton, a catch boy in ship building, and 13 year old daughter Edith Watton, a scholar. Both Willie
and Edith were born in Derry and could read and write (Source: National Archives of Ireland, 1901 census).
William died on 21 AUG 1902 and was buried in City Cemetery two days later. Eliza placed a notice in the intimations
column of the Belfast Newsletter:
WATTON - August 21, at his residence, 9, Hartwell Street, Belfast, William,
the beloved husband of Eliza Watton. Funeral to City Cemetery, tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon, at two o' clock. ELIZA WATTON
It is not yet known when Eliza passed away.
John Watton
b: 27/9/1868 d: 14/11/1868
Anne Watten
b: 21/12/1869
William Watton
b: 16/12/1871
Cochrane McLaughlin Watton
b: 13/11/1872 d: 19??
Calum's and Jamie's three times great grandfather -
see Watton page.
Eliza Watton
b: 30/1/1875 d: 1946
William Thomas Watton
b: 6/6/1877 d: Jun-Sep 1879
Helena Watton
b: 21/7/1879 d: aft 27/3/1919
Mary Jane Watton
b: 14/11/1881
William Reid Watton
b: 20/12/1883 d: 6/6/1972
Sarah Robinson Watton
b: 1/2/1885
Edith Watton
b: 28/5/1887
Unknown Watton
b: 29/4/1889

Connecting to Calum and Jamie
Elizabeth McLaughlin married William Watton
prior to 1872.
Son, Cochrane McLaughlin Watton, married Elizabeth Holmes in 1900.
Daughter, Annie Evelyn Leslie Watton married
William McKeever Smyth in 1920.
Daughter, Martha Jane Elisabeth Watton Smyth, married Ernest Graham in 1943
Charlotte Harper Graham, married Colin Paton in 1969
Son, Christopher Mark Paton, married Claire Patricia Giles in
Sons, Calum Graham Paton and Jamie Christopher Paton