Ann Cameron
17?? - 1???
Ann was Calum's and Jamie's great great
great great grandmother.
On May 21st 1772, Ann, described as being from the
parish of Ruthven, married James MacGillivray, from Dunchea, Inverness-shire. The wedding took place in Ruthven. From the research done by Jane MacGillivray on
her Operation Dunlichity site, it appears that the couple had three children at least.
After their marriage, the couple moved to a neighbouring farm called Bochruben,
situated about a mile west of Dunchea, and which still exists today as a farm. James, a former shoemaker, was later noted
as working as a farm manager and also as a weaver in his lifetime.
Donald MacGillivray
b: 24/7/1772 c: 26/7/1772 d: 30/1/1860
Donald was Calum's and Jamie's great great great grandfather -
see the MacGillivray page.
Jean MacGillivray
b: 5/10/1774 c: 11/12/1774
Jean was born and baptised in the parish of Dores and Boleskine, presumably at
Janet MacGillivray
b: 13/1/1778 c: 8/2/1778
Janet was born and baptised in Buchroben, in the parish of Dores and Boleskine.
James MacGillivray
b: 1/8/1781 d: 27/2/1866
James was born in the parish of Dores and Boleskine.