William Paton 11/3/1779 - 28/2/1849
William was Calum's, Jamie's and Pippa's five
times great grandfather.
William was born during the reign of the British king George III at Sconieburn,
Perth, on Thursday, March 11th 1779 (OPR:387/7):
Sconieburn March Seventh One Thousand Seven Hundred
and Seventy Nine was born William Paton, Lawfully procreated betwixt John Paton weaver and Ann Watson his spouse and baptized
March Eleventh by the Revd Mr Ian Moody Minr at Perth.
As a young child, William grew up in Sconieburn watching his father John working as a
weaver on an handloom, and ended up taking up the profession himself, which he worked at until the age of 19.
But in 1797, everything changed. William joined up to become a soldier in Breadalbane's
Fencibles, a Perthshire regiment raised in 1793 by the Earl of Breadalbane, to replace the troops in Britain who had gone
off to fight the French.
William was recruited by Sergeant Robert Mckay of the Second Battalion on
Saturday, March 25th 1797, a fortnight after his nineteenth birthday. From the battalion's recruitment book (NAS:GD/112/52/544),
we get a detailed physical description of William. It tells us that he was aged 19 and born in the city of Perth
in the County of Perth. He was five feet, eight and a half inches tall, had black hair, brown eyes, a fair complexion,
and was a weaver by trade.
The fact that William was a weaver caused Sergeant McKay some real problems. William signed
up with four other gentlemen on the same day - George McKay, John Garvie, John Herres
and James McLagon - and it appears that most of these gentlemen were weavers too. They were recruited on
the 25th, but they told Sergeant McKay that they were not going anywhere until they had finished the webs they were currently
working on. The rules of recruitment which McKay was working to included the following note (NAS:GD/112/52/538/10):
III: You must take care not to inlist
any indented Apprentices, without previously getting up their Indentures discharged. Nor are you to inlist Deserters from
other Corps, nor any Weavers engaged with an unfinished web, unless he agrees to purchase it out of his bounty, previous to
his being attested.
The lads were obviously not going to buy their own webs! Sergeant McKay was under
some pressure to get them to the battalion's headquarters in Edinburgh. He received two letters from Captain J. Roy in Edinburgh
Castle, instructing him to hurry up in getting the problem sorted. McKay wrote the following letter to Roy explaining the
Perth, 24th March 1797
I had the honour to receive your two letters and in
answer to the first letter, I wrote the commanding officer mentioning that the most of my party were weavers by trade and
some of them were committed to stay until they should find security to finsih and work the webs they had in the looms at the
time they were inlisted; and indeed the greatest part of them had webs incurring fines at that period, which they were obliged
to finish therefore I could not get them away until all these points were settled; but now I think it will be in my power
to march 8 recruits from here on the 28th March to head quarters, and I expect they will arrive there in due time.
I have the honour to be
Sir, your humble servant
Robert McKay,
Sergeant 2nd Battalion, 4th Fencibles
The problem was obviously sorted quickly, and on the following day, the 25th, William
became a private. Before he could join, he had to have a physical examination by a local qualified surgeon, and was then given
a bounty of money by Sergeant McKay as part of his enlistment.
On Monday, March 27th, 1797, Sergeant McKay was able to report in his weekly
recruiting return that he had sent William and the other four weavers to Edinburgh, in the charge of a Corporal Stewart (NAS:GD/112/52/499).
Curiously, all five of the weavers were listed in the return, but only William has his age, height and birthplace listed
again, the details for the other four remained blank.
On arriving in Edinburgh at the battalion headquarters, the new recruits had to be
kitted out in uniform, which they had to pay for themselves out of their recruitment bounty. Again, the recruiting orders
describe the uniform necessary:
The tartan worn by the Breadalbane Fencibles |
XIII: Each Recruit must purchase out of his Bounty, Necessaries according to the List annexed; the Recruiting
Officer reserving the sum of 3 Guineas out of the Bounty Money, for which the recruit will be supplied with Slop Cloathing,
immediately on his joining at head quarters.
List of Slop Cloathing and Necessaries to be furnished
for each recruit out of his bounty:
Slop clothing: scarlet jacket
with white cuffs, collar and buttons; a twilled white Flannel waistcoat; a pair of flannelled drawers; a bonnet and feather
Necessaries: three shirts with frills;
two pair of hose; two pair of shoes; a comb; a pair of brushes and black-ball; a black leather stock and buckle; a leather
rose; a haversack
William was stationed in Edinburgh Castle
for several weeks, where he was taken as a private into Captain William Maine's Company, a company within which he was to
serve until his eventual discharge. He is recorded as being present in the castle in the monthly return on May 27th
1797 (NAS:GD112/52/338). On June 17th, he is again found listed there, in the "Return of the Country age, size and time of
service of Captain Maine's in Edinburgh Castle" (NAS:GD112/52/339). In this, he is described as aged 18 (not 19), 5ft 8inches
tall, and born in Scotland, with the column for duration of service left blank. On the monthly return dated June 28th 1797,
William is again listed in the castle at Edinburgh (NAS:GD112/52/340).
At some point in the next three months, William
and his comrades were ordered on a march to Fife. In the regulations on marches, we get an idea of how this would have occurred
The evening previous to a March, the men are
to parade in marching order, with every article of necessaries in their Knapsacks, which must be packed with uniformity according
to the order fixed for the battalion.
After this initial review, and a night's sleep,
the men would be ready to march off on the following morning, with the baggage train ahead of them and the officer in charge
at the front. The way the men marched was equally disciplined:
The March in open column is invariably to
be adhered to, the division to contain as many files as the breadth of the road will conveniently admit.
William is next recorded in the
monthly company returns to headquarters for October 1797, in which we learn that he has now been billetted in St. Andrews,
Fife, as part of Captain Maine's Company. Then, in the battalion muster at Kirkcaldy in April 6th 1798, we learn that
William had been sent to St Andrew's, where he was detached as a private, from between June 24th until December
25th 1797. William's battallion had some 149 privates in it, and was under the command of a Captain David Williamson.
From the adjutant's rolls at the Public Records Office in London (WO 13/3811), we learn that from 25th December 1797 to 24th
May 1798 William was again quartered at St Andrew's, receiving an average monthly pay of one pound and eleven
During this period, William must have had a brief leave to return to Perth, although no such leave is listed
in the battallion furlough book (NAS:GD/112/52/560). But on Wednesday, 7th February 1798, he married Christian
Hay in the Gaelic Chapel (St.Stephen's) in Perth. From their
OPR record:
Perth the Third of February One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety eight contracted William Paton, Soldier
in the second battalion of Breadalbanes Fencibles and Christian Hay, Daughter to the Deceased Lauchlan Hay, Resident in Perth,
Parties both in this Parish Elder Thomas Robertson
The Persons before named were regularly proclaimed and married
the seventh day of February said year by Mr Duncan MacFarlan Minister of the Gaelic Chapel in Perth.
The Kirk Session records for Perth also give a note
of how much they had to pay to the church for the privilege, by way of pledge money, which would have been returned to
the couple upon the marriage being completed, minus a small donation for the poor (CH2/521/26/485):
7 March 1798 Contract Money
From William Paton and Christian Hay Three shillings and fourpence
The wedding took place in St.Stephen's Gaelic Chapel in Perth. This particular
church was built in 1788, after a fund raising drive by the town's other parishioners. The population of the town at that
time was mushrooming due to economic prosperity, and one of the results of this was an increase in the number of Gaelic speaking
Highlanders being attracted to the town from the surrounding countryside. The church was built for their needs, and the minister
of the church initially preached all of his sermons in the language of these Highlanders, Scots Gaelic, and as such, it
is almost certain that William and/or Christian were both Scottish Gaelic and English speakers. The 1845 Statistical Account of
Perth quite categorically states:
St. Stephen's is entirely for the Gaelic
population, which is limited, and not for the inhabitants generally (p.117).
The Gaelic chapel remained their church for a couple of years.
Two and a half weeks after his wedding, the Times newspaper of February 21st records that the Second Battalion of the Breadalbane
Fencibles had given a voluntary donation of 500L to the fund for national defence, in response to an appeal that had recently
been made by the Prime Minister William Pitt. The General Order Book of the
battalion in February outlines how each soldier, including William, had donated one day's pay each month towards the
fund, and that the money raised from his battalion had been the highest within the various Perthshire corps.
Although quartered in St Andrew's in Fife, on 6th
April 1798, the battalions of the regiment were mustered at Kirkcaldy in Fife, and from the muster roll we learn that there
were 149 privates in total in the Second Battalion; 35 were absent on leave, or sick, leaving 114 present for the inspection.
William is listed as "William Paton, private, detached".
From Friday, 25th May 1798 to Sunday,
24th June 1798, we learn that William was not on duty, and presumably returned to Perth for a brief period of R&R. But
in June, upon his return to duty, his regiment left Fife and marched to
Glasgow, marching through Queensferry, Bathgate and Airdrie, and by Sunday, August 19th had reached Ayr, where his company
was reviewed by General Drummond. The reason for the move was in case British troops in Ireland needed back up in countering
the United Irishmen rebellion. But by June the rebellion had been crushed.
On Wednesday, 22nd August, the regiment heard news
that a French force had landed at Killala, Ireland. Volunteers from the regiment were asked to go on an expedition to Ireland
to help counter this, but only half of them took up the cause, receiving a commemorative medal from Lord Breadalbane himself,
who had been inspired by their zeal. They set sail for Ireland on Wednesday, September 12th 1798, arriving at Carrickfergus,
and from there, marching on to Donegal. But it has now become clear from the surviving battalion muster rolls at the Public
Records Office in London and the Scottish Records Office in Edinburgh that William did not volunteer to go, and instead
stayed behind in Scotland.
What had happened was a major political realisation
on the part of William and the others who refused to go that they were not simply chattle, and that they did have the right
to do as they believed was correct. These were the days when France and the United States had already rebelled against their
rulers and had created republics for themselves after violent revolutions, and the same political thought was running
riot throughout Britain. The rebellion in Ireland was a part of this political awakening. But William and his colleagues knew
that their regiment had not been drawn up to put down the Irish - it had been created as a form of home guard to
defend Scotland in the advent of invasion. They weren't going anywhere.
The following description in George Penny's "Traditions
of Perth", recorded in 1836, outlines the reaction to both William's and his colleagues' refusal to go to Ireland (p.76):
These troops having been only raised as Scotch Fencibles,
when disturbances broke out in Ireland, no argument could induce them to serve in that country. Lady Breadalbane, who had
taken great interest in these proceedings, was so incensed at their obstinancy, that she is reported to have declared, that
she would raise a regiment that would march to the devil if she desired it. A third regiment was accordingly embodied to serve
in Ireland. By this time the new doctrines of the Rights of Man had been extensively spread through the country, and produced
an important change in the public mind. The officers who had formerly been in the service, now found it a different business
to deal with the men. They had acquired a knowledge of what was their due, and courage to demand it. One of the battalions
of Breadalbane Fencibles, had not received their arrears of pay and bounty: on the morning on which they were to march,
the regiment was drawn up in front of the George inn; when ordered to shoulder arms, each man stood immovable! The order was
repeated, but still not a man stirred. Upon enquiring into the cause of this extraordinary conduct, the officer in command
was informed, that not having received their arrears, the men were determined not to leave the place till these were settled.
This was a dilemma as great as it was unexpected. The paymaster had no funds at his disposal, and the Earl of Breadalbane
was not at hand. After much argument and entreaty, they were prevailed upon to march to Kinross; the officer pledging himself
that every thing would be settled there on the return of an express from the Earl. A mutiny broke out some time afterwards
in the first battalion; in consequence of which two of the men were shot, by order of a general court martial.
In the muster roll for Saturday, August
25th to Monday, September 24th 1798, William is listed as quartered for eleven days only - possibly he was
either redeployed to another location or perhaps sent on leave again? The next five adjutant's book's entries list him
as "in Scotland" only, until Sunday, February 24th 1799. From Monday, February 25th to Saturday, March
24th, William was "detached in Beith".
The 1798 Irish campaign medal depicting uniform of a Breadalbane Fencibles officer |
From the book A Military
History of Perthshire, we learn that the volunteers to Ireland from the regiment returned to Scotland
at the beginning of March 1799, and rejoined "the detachment from Ayr" towards the end of the month (p.162).
They had returned somewhat disillusioned that they were about to be asked to journey to the continent to campaign. This went
against their ethos, they were created to be a sort of "Dad's Army", whose duty was to protect Scotland in the advent of
invasion. Their trip to Ireland went above and beyond this call, and having basically worked as policemen, which was
not what they had expected to do, they had decided that enough was enough, and the order was given to return to Scotland for
(As an interesting footnote, the members of the regiment,
having served with Protestant Orangemen in Ireland, brought the notion of the Orange Order with them back to Scotland on their
return. Along with the Argyll Fencibles, they had been granted licenses in Ireland to allow their regiments to form Orange lodges within them. Arriving back in Scotland, these were
the first Orange Order lodges to exist in the country.)
On their return to Scotland, on April 2nd 1799, the battalion marched
to Paisley from Ayr, and on the following day, the battalion's final muster in the town recorded that there were 552 soldiers
of all ranks in the regiment, some 34 below establishment. Two weeks later, on April 18th 1799, the two battalions
of Breadalbane's Fencibles were disbanded. The disbandment order obviously came as a sudden surprise to the regiment, as noted
in the General Order Book, and Lord Breadalbane himself seems to have had not much prior warning of such an event happening.
The medals he had promised to the volunteers to Ireland were not ready by the time the disbandment order was given, and details
of the volunteers forwarding addresses had to be taken so that the medals could be sent on when they were ready. The final
adjutant's book, dated 24th April 1799, records that Private William Paton was "discharged, the battalion being disbanded".
William's wife Christian gave birth to their first daughter, Ann,
on February 14th 1799. Ann's birth entry in the OPR for Perth again confirms that William had previously been a weaver before
volunteering to join up.
Just after Ann's birth, the family moved to Carscroft (also written as Carr's Croft and Kerr's Croft),
where William went back to earning a living as a weaver. The manufacture of cloth in Perth was the town's biggest industry,
and the 1796 Statistical Account for the town gives a brief description of the trade:
The staple manufacture of Perth is linen, and of late, a considerable
quantity of cotton cloth. There are above 1500 looms employed in the town and suburbs; which manufacture of linen and cottons,
annually, about L.100,000 sterling value. Besides this, there is at least L.120,000 sterling more in value of linen, purchased
in the Perth market by dealers. These goods are wove in the surrounding country, and all pass through the hands of the traders
in Perth, so that the total of the linen and cotton manufactures, amounts to about L.220,000 sterling.
Perth woven wear included the renowned silesias,
the fine linen used for handkerchief manufacture, as well as coarse fabrics for hat linings, umbrella linens and window blinds
linens, and cotton shawl cloths, calicoes and muslins.
But unlike the other established trades in the city,
the Perth weavers did not have a trade guild, and had no right to be represented in the council or to exercise exclusive privileges.
There was a friendly society, known as the Pomarium Weavers' Friendly Society, after the area in which it was based, created
to help the families of the local area's weavers in times of difficulty, and William may have been a contributing
member to this, as Pomarium was literally only a few minutes walk from Carrs Croft.
By 1806, linen production in the town had almost completely given way to cotton weaving. In the 1806
publication "Memorabilia of Perth", the following describes the area to the south west of Perth in which the linen workers
lived, as well as the state of the industry (p.34):
Leonard Street, Powmarium (sic), the New Row, and the suburb of Earl's Dykes,
are almost entirley occupied by weavers. Perth was long a place of great consequence in the linen trade: the manufacture of
this article was very expensive, but it has now almost entirely given place to that of cotton. From this valuable plant, cloths
of every fabric and quality are woven to a very large annual amour.
Over the next few years, William and Christian set about the business of extending
the family. John was born in 1801, followed by Betty in 1803, William in
1806, David in 1808, and Helen in 1813.
By 1806, the family had become members of the West Church congregation in
Perth, and by 1813 had become members of the Middle Church congregation. The West Church, Middle Church and East Church were
in fact different wings of the same original church, but had become separate congregations after the Court of Session divided
the parish into three in 1807.
In 1814, William and his family, along with many of Perth's citizens, were undoubtedly affected when
the town was flooded. As a result of ice blocking the River Tay, the High Street was flooded on February 14th as far as the
King's Arms, resulting in people having to travel through the town by boat. A ship was sunk in the town's harbour and five
ships washed ashore, although no-one was killed by the disaster.
In 1820, the Perthshire Courier recorded the death of William's father, John
Paton, whilst walking on Marshall Place, near his home at Carr's Croft. No doubt the entire family would have been
devastated at the sudden loss of the head of their family.
In late 1831 or early 1832, William and Christian, living
in Carscroft with their younger children, were soon rejoined by their son William and his new wife Joan
Woodroffe, who had married in Edinburgh, where William had been working as a plasterer. Over the next three years, William
and Joan were to have three children, and the cottage at Carscroft soon began to get increasingly crowded. Joan,as well
as being a mother, no doubt helped Christian with the pirn winding to help William senior at the loom, whilst her husband
continued to work as a plasterer in the town.
The 1837 Second Statistical Account of Perth gives a description of the weaving industry
at that point:
Manufactures.- The manufactures
of Perth consist principally of cotton-coloured goods, of which umbrella cloth is the staple. A great quantity of handkerchiefs,
checked and striped ginghams, imitation Indian shawls, scarfs, trimmings, &c. are also woven.
The number of weavers is about 1600, some of whom are
employed by manufacturers in Glasgow and Paisley. But a considerable number are employed by manufacturers in Perth, Scone,
Methven, and Milnathort.
Most of the umbrella cloths are sent to London, Manchester,
and other towns in England and in Scotland. But the other goods are generally exported to North and South America, the East
and West Indies. Many of the shawl pieces are for the Turkey market.
But the same account also describes the downhill route in which the industry was heading
after its initial boom period at the beginning of the 19th Century:
About fifty years ago, several enterprising individuals
directed their attention to the manufacturing of cotton goods, - there being a demand for them in the market to a very encouraging
extent. This gave employment to weavers. The number of these rapidly increased, as high wages were held out to the people
who would engage in the trade, and as proficiency was very soon and very easily acquired. Besides capitalists in Perth, there
were others in Glasgow who had agents here, employing weavers. But, owing to adverse circumstances and events, some capitalists
failed, and others were necessitated to restrict their operations. The numbers of operatives thereupon diminished. Wages fell
very low, and no small distress ensued. There can be no doubt of the fact, that the temporary prosperity of this branch of
trade was chiefly owing to the too adventurous spirit of speculating individuals. Though it cannot be said to have yet revived,
there are gentlemen among us, who, by sound and spirited application of skill and capital, are employing a considerable body
of operatives.
Life in Perth was becoming quite civilised in the early
part of the 19th Century, and as such, the population rose, with a continuous influx of Highlanders from the surrounding districts
drawn to the city. In 1821 the population was 19,068; by 1831 it had risen to 20,016. Gasworks were erected in
the city in 1824, and a water supply for the city and its suburbs was built in 1830.
A picture of everyday life in the city is again recorded
in the 1837 Statistical Account:
Fairs.- There are two weekly fairs or markets in the city, on Wednesday and Fridays. That
held on Friday is the principal one. The chief business is among the farmers of the neighbourhood, who convene at the cross,
give and receive intelligence on the subject of current prices, or of whatever in any way affects the agricultural interests
of the country. It is the day when butter, eggs, &tc are brought in for sale, and when, as was particularly the case in
former times, housewives lay in their stock of provisions for the week.
But there are also what may be called great fairs or
markets in the course of the year. 1.The first of Luke (the first of hail ouk of March.) It is held on the first Friday of
that month. Horses and cattle are sold at it. - 2.Palm-sun-even. It is held on the first Friday of April. Cattle, barley,
lintseed, and grass seed are sold at it. - 3. Midsummer. It is held on the first Friday of July. It is a season of holiday
enjoyment among the peasantry, when they repair to the town to meet with one another. Farm servants were formerly hired on
this day. The sale of hores and cattle is usually great. - 4. St Johns Day. It is held on the first Friday of September. The
principal articles sold at it are salted butter and cheese. - 5. Little Dunning or St Dennis. It is held on the third Friday
of October. It also is a butter and cheese market, and is the understood time for hiring servants for the year. - 6. Andrews
Mass. It is held on the 11th day of December. It is at this season that tenants of houses give up their leases, or enter on
new ones for the following year.
But it wasn't all sweetness and light. In 1832, a major
cholera epidemic hit the city:
Cholera .- In 1832, the Asiatic cholera visited Perth, as it did many other towns in Britain.
As in the visitation of the plague, the most effectual means that could be devised were adopted by the continued authorities
to avert or mitigate the malady. A meeting of the the influential classes of the community was called. The meeting divided
the town and suburbs into sections. To each of these a certain number of persosn was appointed, with authority to remove nuisances,
and cause the house which required it to be thoroughly cleansed and purified. A temporary hospital was fitted up to receive
patients; and competent medical officers were appointed to attend and take charge of them. A soup-kitchen was established,
from which the poor of the place were supplied daily with broth and bread. The consequence of these precautionary measures
was most beneficial. To them may be justly ascribed, under Heaven, the comparatively small number of cases that occurred.
The deaths were 147. It is proper to mention, that, through the liberality of certain noblemen and gentlemen in the county,
and of the inhabitants of the parish, no legal assessment was resorted to. The sum collected and expended was L.2091, 4s.
5d. (p.37).
William's family may have escaped the cholera, but the
next few years were to be tainted with grief, with the cottage and its primitive conditions laying host to a hotbed of disease
for at least three years. On September 8th 1835, his wife, Christian, was the first to be affected, dying of tuberculosis
(or "decline" as it is written in the burial register at the A.K,Bell Library). Three days later, on the 11th, she was laid
to rest in the Greyfriars Cemetery in Perth, the city's communal burying ground. Soon after, William's two
sons John and David erected a stone in her memory, which confirms that they were still living
in Carscroft at the time (see below).
But the situation was to deteriorate even
further. On January 10th 1836, William's three year old granddaughter Joan (known as 'Ann'), who was living
with him in Carscroft, died of whooping cough. Then on October 28th, a freak snow storm hit Perth, accompanied by a severe
frost and wind, which decimated the county's potato and oats crops, which would undoubtedly have also hit William, who in
addition to working as a weaver, would also have relied on the produce that he had to grow from his own croft. The winter
of 1836 and early 1837 must have been a period of some hunger and sparcity for the family.
William is listed for the first time in the Kirk Session minutes of November 1st 1835 as a communicant
in the Perth East Church (GROS: CH2/584/1). In the following year, William had switched to the Middle Church parish, where
he was listed as weaver living in Carscroft in the Kirk Session minutes for November 23rd 1836 (SRO: CH2/584/1).
There was however, one happy event in this period. On December 7th 1836 William remarried to Elizabeth
Balmain, better known more colloquially as Betty, in Perth. The OPR recorded the event as follows:
Perth the Nineteenth day of November One thousand Eight hundred
and thirty six years _________ contracted William Paton Weaver in the West Church Parish of Perth and Elizabeth Balmain in
the East Church Parish of Perth Daughter to Daniel Balmain Labourer there _________ Elder David Wilson. The Persons before
married were regularly Proclaimed and Married the Seventh day of December said year by the Reverend John Findlay Minister
of St. Paul's Church Parish of Perth.
On November 6th 1838, tuberculosis was to claim its next Paton victim in the family,
with the further death of William's son William (Joan's husband). And tragedy of a different sort ensued
when a year and a half later, in April 1840, another of William's sons, John, died in an industrial accident
whilst working in Linlithgow (see below).
Within only five short years, the Paton family of Carscroft had been decimated, and despite
his remarriage, William was undoubtedly a broken man, no doubt beginning to fear for his own mortality. It is not hard
to see why such devastation visited the family in Carr's Croft when you consider the renatl books held by King James VI Hospital
in Perth, which was the feudal superior of the properties on the row. The rental book from 1847 to 1865 shows that William
had left the row at this point, though his brother John Paton was still resident at Number 4 Carr's Croft
(where he stayed until July 1850), paying an annual rent for his cottage of £2 15s Sterling, in two separate payments
of £1 7s 6d at the term days of Whitsunday (May 28th) and Martinmas (Nov 28th). From the rental book, a sorry picture
is given of the state of Carr's Croft. John's house in 1858 was noted as being "in very bad order at front", with the adjoining cottages
no better. Number 2, which was possibly William's cottage (being two doors up from John, as noted in the 1841 census)
was noted in 1856 as "now in ruins and unlet"; Number 3 in 1861 as a "house in very bad order, tenant had to leave and no
rent paid"; whilst number 9 in 1848 was simply listed as "fallen down". An interesting tale also was mentioned concerning
Number 19 - "This tenement fell one stormy night in November 1848". Clearly Carr's Croft had been underinvested in for years
by the feudal superiors at the Hospital, a situation which would not be rectified by them until the mid 1850s and early 1860s. In
such a sorry state of repair, it would have been extremely difficult to keep healthy, and must be a good indicator of
the levels of poverty that the family must have been enduring at this point, with the handloom weaving industry by now having
all but collapsed.
In the 1841 census, William is recorded as a
63 year old hand loom weaver, still living at Carr's Croft (recorded as Kerr's Croft), Perth, Perthshire, along with
his wife, 45 year old Betty, and daughter, 24 year old Mary. Amongst William's neighbours
in the other ten cottages of Carr's Croft are found his brother, John, aged 63, still a hand loom weaver;
Jean, his wife, aged 60; and their son, John, aged 36, another hand loom weaver. At
some stage between 1841 and 1847, William, and what was left of the family, finally left Carr's Croft altogether, no doubt
the poor condition of their cottage finally becoming too much for them.
On February 28th 1849, William Paton is found
to have died at his home in Scott Street. He was buried a few days later on March
3rd in Greyfriars Cemetery, perhaps alongside his wife Christian, although the archives of the A. K. Bell Library do not list
a lair number. To his final days, William remained a weaver, his occupation listed in the burial record (A. K. Bell
Library/Perth and Kinross Council).
It is not yet known what became of William's second wife Betty, though it is not believed that the
couple had any children of their own.
(1) Ann Paton
b: 14/2/1799 c: 24/2/1799
Perth, Thursday fourteenth February one thousand seven
hundred and ninety nine was born Ann Paton, lawful daughter to William Paton weaver now soldier in the second battalion of
Breadalbane's Fencibles and Christian Hay his spouse and baptised the twenty fourth of February said year by Mr Duncan MacFionlach
Minister of the Gaelic Chapel in Perth.
In November 2001, Ann's great great granddaughter,
Cheri Reisman, contacted me and informed me of the following information:
Ann married Alexander Mackay,
a Perth shoemaker, on 25/6/1825. The following is the OPR record of the event:
Perth, the thirteenth day of May, Eighteen Hundred
and Twenty Five____contracted____Alexander McKay Shoemaker in the Middle Church parish of Perth, and Ann Paton in the East
Church parish of Perth, daughter of William Paton, Weaver in Perth____Elder Dr Henderson____The persons before named were
regularly proclaimed and married in the third day of June said year by the Reverend John Findlay, Minister of St. Paul's church
parish of Perth.
Of special note in the OPR record is the name
of the elder, Dr. Henderson, who recorded the marriage contract. He was in fact Dr. William Henderson, Calum's and Jamie's great great great great great great uncle.
It is not known when either Ann or her husband
Alexander died, although it is currently believed that they both passed away before the advent of civil registration in 1855,
as death certification for both of them cannot be found. It is also believed that the couple had only one child.
(1) Robert Mackay
b: 14/2/1829 d: 8/7/1875
Robert was born in Redgorton, Perthshire, and grew
up to become a mason, perhaps inspired by his uncles, John and David Paton.
In the 1851 census for Perth, Robert was listed as
a mason, lodging at 38 Pomarium with the head of the house, 57 year old Jean Robertson, a cotton winder (GROS:.
In 1852, Robert married Louisa Bennet
in the Gorbals, Glasgow, and the couple had eight children, the first four in Glasgow, the second four in Stirlingshire.
In 1860, Robert is living at 43 Garscube Road, Glasgow (son Robert's birth certificate),
and in the 1871 census, Robert is listed as living at 40 Grove Street, in the St George parish of Glasgow.
Robert died at 10pm on July 8th 1875, aged
46. He was living at 453 New City Road in Glasgow, and the cause of his death was muco enteritis, as suffered for six days,
and as certified by Dr D.Sutton. Robert's son John Logan MacKay informed the registrar in Glasgow on the
following day (GROS:1875/644/9/539).
Robert's widow Louise eventually passed away herself in her home at 633
Dumbarton Road, Partick, at 5.30pm on September 19th 1903. The cause of her death was senile decay, as certified by Dr. Farquhar
Gracie. The informant to the Partick registrar was once more John Logan MacKay (GROS:1903/646/03/687).
(1) Sarah
Jane Mackay
b: 5/2/1854
Born in the Gorbals, Sarah tragically
died in her Glasgow home at 4.00pm on March 19th 1857, at the age of three. The cause was capillary bronchitis,
from which she had suffered for 7 days, as certified by Dr Robert Renfrew. She was buried in Glasgow's Southern Necropolis,
and her father informed the registrar on the 30th (GROS:1857/644/7/211).
(2) Hugh
b: 3/6/1855
Hugh was born in Milton, Glasgow, but like
his sister Sarah, was to die tragically young, at the age of 22 months. He passed away on April 3rd 1857 in Rosehall buildings,
Burnside Street, Glasgow, the cause being broncho pneumonia, from which he had suffered for 17 days. Like his sister, he too
was buried in the Southern Necropolis in Glasgow, and his father informed the Glasgow registry office on the day of Hugh's death
(3) John
Logan McKay
b: 13/2/1858 d: 28/8/1916
John was born at 10.00am on February 13th
1858 in Milton, Glasgow (GROS: 1858/644/7/187). He grew up to become a stone mason, and on November 29th 1892 he married
Mary McCallum Cassidy in the Blackfriars district of Glasgow. The statutory records recorded the method of the marriage
(GROS: 1892/644/5/313):
On 29th November at 169 George Street Glasgow
by Declaration in presence of Robert Brown Insurance Agent John Street Glasgow and William Petrie Insurance Agent 34
James Orr Street Glasgow.
Married by warrant of Sheriff Substitute of
Lanarkshire dated 29th November 1892.
His wife Mary was the a domestic servant,
the daughter of a boilermaker, William Cassidy, and his wife, Mary McCallum, both of whom
were deceased at the time of their daughter's wedding. John's address at the time of the wedding was 22 Carrickarden Street
in Glasgow, whilst Mary lived at 125 Onslow Drive. The wedding was registered in Glasgow.
In the 1901 census we learn that John and Mary were by now living at
633 Dumbarton Road in Partick, and that John was still a stone mason. They had a son, John, living with them in their tenement,
as well as John's mother Louise, now widowed. In this census, John's age was listed as 36 - he was in fact 43. This was not
the first time his age was mistranscribed - in his wedding enrty in the atautory records, his age was listed as 29, when
it should in fact have been 33. His wife's age at the time of marriage was listed as 22 - was he trying to cover up the
age difference?!
The age lie was maintained until his death in 1916, when he was recorded
as being 53, when he was in fact 58. John died on August 28th, in the Paisley Poorhouse, although he had a usual address
listed in the death entry, it being 3 Smith Street. The cause was chronic bronchitis and cardiac disease, as certified
by Dr. M. Robertson. The informant to the registrar on the following day was J. Craig, the governor's clerk (GROS: 1916/573/1/1087).
John's widow, Mary, went on to marry on two subsequent occasions. Her
first marriage was to Robert Marshall, an engineer's storeman, whom she married in Paisley in 1919. After his death on
Christmas Day 1928, Mary married John Rennie, a tanyard labourer. Mary died at 1.30am on July 22nd 1934 at the Paisley
Infirmary. The cause was diverticulosis and diverticultitis, and an operation which she failed to survive, as registered by
Dr. Harry B. Gibbs. Mary's husband John informed the registrar on the following day (GROS: 1934/573/1/722).
John Logan Mackay
b: 24/6/1893 d: 15/2/1950
John was born at 201 Gairbraid Street, Glasgow, Scotland on June 24th 1893.
He eventually died on February 15th 1950 at 11 Knox Street, Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland.
(4) Robert Mackay
b: 31/1/1860 d: 1904
Robert Mackay, born 1860, photographed in the United States after his emigration there |
Robert was born at 7.30pm on January 31st 1860, at
43 Garscube Road, Milton, Glasgow. His father informed the registrar, James Smith, on February 6th (GROS:1860/644/17/125).
Robert grew up to become a mason like his father and
grandfather before him.
On December 1st 1880 Robert married a domestic
servant called Catherine Jackson at 65 Yorkhill Street in Glasgow. Catherine was born in Tarbert, Argyll,
but raised in Motherwell, and was the daughter of Malcolm Jackson, a tailor, and Catherine Black.
At the time of the wedding, Robert lived at 385 Garscube Road in the city, with Catherine living at the Yorkhill Street address.
The minister to the couple was the Presbyterian Reverend John Manse Campbell, whilst the witnesses were James Neill
and Isabella Jackson, Catherine's sister (Catherine's other siblings included Alexander,
Hugh, Euphemia, Archibald, Elizabeth and Malmmina
Jackson). The wedding was registered on the following day in Glasgow (GROS:644/10/273).
Robert Mackay, with wife Catharine & daughter, Euphemia - 1893, USA |
The couple settled down to start a family, their first son being Robert
Mackay, born in Tighnabruich Hills, Midlothian. They soon after returned to Glasgow, where their next three children Malcolm,
Catherine and Louise were born.
On June 6th 1888 the couple emigrated to the United
States. After an initial stay in New York, where Robert helped to build the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company building, the
family made their way to Boston, Massachussetts, and in 1892 moved on towards the township of Springfield, Hampden,
Massachussetts, where Robert then built a house for himself and his family. They lived initially in a house in Springfield,
Massachussetts, which Robert built himself.
In 1904, Robert died of lung problems (related to
his trade as a mason) at the age of 44. He was buried on December 16th 1904 in Wachogue Cemetery, Springfield, located at
1402 Allen Street.
(1) Robert Mackay
b: 19/4/1881 d: 7/6/1939
Robert was born in Tighnabruich, the Kyles of Bute, Scotland. Robert emigrated
to the USA when he was seven years old, and eventually married a Scottish girl in the States, Cupar born Jessie Fiddes
Nicole (23/1/1880 - 20/2/1947), on August 5th 1903. The couple had met in approximately 1900, when Robert had gone
to work in New York.
Robert eventually died on June 7th 1939 in Los Angeles California, and is buried
in Inglewood Park Cemetery, Los Angeles.
(1) Victor Stirling Mackay
b: 13/7/1904
Victor was born in Springfield, Massachussetts, USA. He married Minnie
M. Gray (b: 27/5/06) and had four children. The first, Douglas Alan Curtis (16/10/1955 - 13/5/1956),
died in infancy in his home town of Downey, Los Angeles. Of the other three, one of them married a partner by the name of
Kiler, this couple having two children of their own (names unknown).
(2) Malcolm Jackson Mackay
b: 5/1/1883 d: 10/3/1959
Malcolm was born in Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland, and emigrated to the USA
aged five. He married Clara Bell Hosford (28/10/1886 - 29/11/1966) on April 30th 1907 in Springfield, Massachussetts.
Malcolm patented the copper wire process to make paper in Grand Rapids, Michigan,
and was founder of Mackay Wireworks in the state.
Malcolm eventually died of congestive heart failure on March 10th 1959, in Kalamazoo,
Michigan. He is buried in Indianfield Cemetery, Kalamazoo.
(1) Malcolm (Jr) Robert Mackay
b: 5/6/1908 d: 1998
Malcolm was born in Kalamzoo, Michigan, USA. He became a school principal, and
married Constance 'Connie' Hienga in 1933, the couple then going on to produce two children, who married
partners with the surnames Kuyers and Margaret, and who produced five children
of their own (names unknown).
Malcolm eventually died in 1998 in Kalamazoo.
(2) Hale Jackson Mackay
b: 29/1/1914 d: 25/6/1998
Hale was the founder of Mackay Industrial Sales. He was born in Kalamazoo, Michigan,
and died in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He married and had two children.
Children of Hale Mackay and Unknown:
i) Philip Hale Mackay
b: 6/7/1944 d: 25/6/2000
Philip married Susan, who contacted us in October 2008, and helped to flesh out the
American side of the family some more, for which we are extremely grateful.
From Susan we learn that Phil had a business where he took
people back to Ireland and also a shop that sold Edinburgh Crystal. He was also previously a Vietnam veteran, where he
served as a helicopter pilot.
Philip passed away on June 25th 2000.
Children of Philip Mackay and Susan (unknown):
Benjamin Jackson Mackay
b: 6/3/1994
Benjamin currently resides in the Unites States.
ii) Rose Mackay
b: 19??
Rose is married to Russell Smith, with whom she has three children.
Children of Rose Mackay and Russell Smith:
Ann Smith
b: 19??
Laura Smith
b: 19??
Andy Smith
b: 19??
(3) Catherine Jackson Mackay
b: 16/12/1884 d: 19/4/1925
Catherine was born in Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland. She emigrated to the USA
at the age of three, and eventually married John Short Proctor (b:1882) on August 8th 1903 in Springfield,
Catherine died of a sudden heart attack on April 19th 1925, and was subsequently
buried in Oak Grove Cemetery.
(1) Robertina Mackay Proctor
b: 25/4/1905 d: Jan 1966
Robertina was born in Springfield, Massachussetts. She went on to marry George
Albert Leyner on October 27th 1932 in Marble Collegiate Church in New York City's Fifth Avenue. The minister was
Dr. Norman Vincent Peale.
The couple then had two children (one of whom married a partner with the
surname Eiseler), and at least two grandchildren (names unknown).
Robertina died in January 1966 from cancer of the breast.
(4) Louise Bennett Mackay
b: 14/12/1887 d: 9/8/1861
Born in Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland. Although she emigrated to the States
with her parents, she eventually died somewhere in Britain in 1961.
Louise married Clarence Sinclair Monteith Scaife on April
19th 1906 and the couple then had two children.
Louise eventually died on August 9th 1961 in Springfield, and was buried in Hillcrest
(1) Mary Louise Hunter Scaife
b: 18/9/1913 d: 14/4/1999
Mary married George Barry (b: 12/3/1911). She eventually passed
away in Springfield.
(2) George Allen "Buzzy" Scaife
b: 5/9/1916 d: 13/7/1995
George was born in Springfield, Massachussetts, USA, and his social security
number was 016-10-5892.
George married a woman with the surname Salvas, and had four
children with her, who produced at least three kids of their own (names unknown).
(1) Linda Marie Scaife
b: 2/2/1961 d: Oct 1995
Linda was born in Springfield, Massachussetts, and died at the age of 34 in Boston,
reason unknown. She had one child, name unknown.
(2) (Unknown) Scaife
b: 19??
Married twice, and has three children.
(3) (Unknown) Scaife
b: 19??
(4) (Unknown) Scaife
b: 19??
(5) David Patton Mackay
b: 15/8/1890 d: 9/12/1980
David was born in Boston, Massachussetts, USA. He married Cora
Adalaide "Addie" Butler on June 4th 1921 in Springfield, and had one son. David died in Enfield, Connecticut, in
December 1980.
David owned and ran a trucking company
in Springfield, called New York - Massachussetts Motor Service, along with his brother Archibald. He visited Cheri Beauregard's
family each Saturday morning, usually bringing a bunch of bananas because she liked them so much.
(1) Donald Mackay
b: 24/7/1923 d: 24/7/1989
Donald was born in Springfield, Massachussetts, and died in Niantic, Connecticut,
aged exactly 66 years. He married a lady by the surname Payne, and had two children with her (names unknown).
One of the children married a partner by the name of Sikes, and had three children (names unknown).
(6) Euphemia Mary Mackay
b: 22/6/1892 d: 22/11/1970
Euphemia was born in Springfield, Hampden, Massachussetts, USA. She married Wilfred
Louis Fillion on March 6th 1920 in Springfield.
Euphemia later remarried to Robert (Israel) Arthur Beauregard
on February 18th 1928, in Los Angeles, California.
Euphemia died in Bakersfield, Kern County, California, on November 22nd 1970.
Her daughter, Cheri Beauregard, contacted Calum's and Jamie's father in November 2001 to establish our link,
and in addition to providing us with all the information about the American Mackay families, she also sent this description
of her mother:
Euphemia chose to be called Phay. She therefore named
her daughter Phay. Phay(Euphemia) was almost 5 feet tall and a trim beautiful woman. She had a brilliant mind which was active
up until her last breath. My mom was a very good cook and homemaker. She taught me so much. She was a Presbyterian and practiced
her beliefs daily. When she passed on I found that she had paid up her tithe to the church to the end of the year. She loved
to sew and produced many clothes and household items. She was a devoted mother and grandmother. Cheri, her daughter
February 25, 2000
(1) Donald Mackay Fellion
b: 19/12/1920 d: 22/8/1921
(2) Phay Lorraine Fellion
b: 16/1/1922
Phay was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She married Earl
James Moore (b: 21/12/1919) and had four children with him.
(1) Lawrence James Moore
b: 17/7/1946 d: 9/2/1964
Lawrence died in a car accident
in 1964 in Rosemead, California, USA. After his death,
the facts of the accident were withheld from the family to protect them, as the police had mishandled the inquiry. He was
buried in Tehachapi, California on February 14th, 1964.
(2) (Unknown) Moore
b: 19??
This daughter of the family married twice, to a gentleman with
the surname Young, and then to another with surname Gideon. She had/has two sons and a daughter.
The first son married twice, to a Hagen and a Coleen, and has two kids. The second son married
someone with the surname Bonnie, and has a child. The daughter married someone with the surname Deem,
and has two children (all names unknown).
(3) David Moore
b: 19??
From Cherie Reisman- "David retired from Division
IX Fire Department of Los Angeles County on May 6, 2000. David was hired in 1966 and steadily climbed the promotion ladder
to the rank of Battalion Chief in 1993. He always gave his heart and soul in each assignment that he took on. As BC17 he would
visit every station in the largest battalion in the county, driving 350 miles per day. Apparently he loves to travel and plans
to do a lot as a retiree."
David married a lady by the name of Frye, and has two
sons and daughters. The sons married partners with the surnames Salazar and Melissa, whilst
the daughters married partners with the surnames Hatfield and Plant. Each of the couples
has two children - eight grandchildren in total.
(4) (Unknown) Moore
b: 19??
(1) Cheri Marlene Beauregard
b: 2/3/1937
Cheri was born in Los Angeles County Hospital. She is a master's prepared
nurse practitioner by trade, and is married to Irvine Reisman. She is also a member of the Church
of Lattrer Day Saints, and it is through her enquiry in November 2001 that has led to our acquiring so much informnation about
the American Mackay families, direct descendants of Calum's and Jamie's great great great great great grandfather, William
Paton. For all her hard work and research, we are eternally grateful.
Cheri can be contacted by e-mail at the following link: Cheri Reisman.
(1) Dan Reisman
b: 19??
Dan was born in California, USA. He is married to Misty
Zibetti. Dan was baptized at the Presbyterian Church, Whittier, California, and became a member of the Church
of Latter Day Saints in 1987. Dan's wife Misty is currently studying web design, and her home page can be accessed at the
following link: Misty's Web Designs.
(2) Ruth Reisman
b: 19??
Ruth was born in California, USA, and baptized at the Church of Religious
Science, Whittier, California. She is married to Mark Yaddow, with whom she has a daughter,
Erica Brock Yaddow, born February 1998.
(7) Lillian Emelia Mackay
b: 29/8/1894 d: 6/2/1895
Born in Springfield, Hampden, Massachussetts, USA.
(8) Archibald "Mack" Black Mackay
b: 10/3/1896 d: 29/4/1953
Born in Springfield, Hampden, Massachussetts, USA. Owned New York - Massachussetts
Motor Transport Company with his brother David. He married Hilda Boulden on September 19th 1922 in Perryville,
Maryland. After his death, he was buried in Hillcrest Cemetery, Springfield.
(9) Alexander Mackay
b: 5/9/1897 d: 9/9/1897
Alexander was born in Springfield, Hampden, Massachussetts, USA, but died four
days later.
(10) Donald Alexander Mackay
b: 26/5/1902 d: 10/2/1919
Born in Springfield, Hampden, Massachussetts, USA. Donald
died of hypothermia in Watershop Pond, after saving his girlfriend who had fallen through the ice. He did not survive, dying
at the age of 16 years old.
(5) James Brown
b: 2/3/1862
Born in Dunipace, Stirlingshire.
(6) Louise Bennet
b: 3/9/1863 d: 21/9/1882
Louisa was born in Larbert, Stirlingshire in
1863. She is found in the 1881 census at 385 Garscube Road in Glasgow, aged 17, living with her younger brother David and
her mother Louisa. Under the column for occupation, she is simply listed as "none, incurable" (Cen:1881/644/8/55/15). By 1881,
Louisa had become ill with bronchitis, and things were to slowly get worse for her over the next year.
Throughout 1882, Louisa and her brother David were
both seriously ill. On August 19th, David died of severe diahorrea. Louisa was herself now desperately ill with chronic bronchitis,
and liver disease which had started six months prior, as treated by her doctor, Robert Orr. Just over four weeks after
the death of her brother, Louisa was herself to tragically die at the age of nineteen, on September 21st at 3.50pm at her
home, 370 Garscube Road, in Milton, Glasgow. Her distraught mother informed the Glasgow registrar on the following day
(7) David Paton
b: 20/9/1865 d: 19/8/1882
David was born in Larbert, Stirlingshire in 1865.
In the 1881 census, David was living at 385 Garscube Road in Milton, Glasgow with his mother and his sister Louisa. Like his
sister, David was listed as incurable, and not working as such.
David tragically died at 5pm on August 19th
1882 after 14 days of diarrhoea at the age of 16, as certified
by Dr Robert Orr. He had been training as an apprentice iron dresser and was single, and was living at 371 Glasenbe Road (sp?)
in Glasgow. His death was registered by his mother two days later in Glasgow (GROS:1882/644/8/567).
(8) Alexander Mackay
b: 16/12/1868
Born in Larbert, Stirlingshire.
(2) John Paton b:
18/5/1801 (OPR: 387/13) d: 4/4/1840
Carscroft in the Parish of Perth Monday the Eighteenth
day of May One Thousand eight hundred and one was born John Paton lawful son to William Paton weaver in Carscroft and Christian
Hay his spouse and baptized the Twenty fourth day of May said year by the Reverend Mr. John Duff Minister of the Gospel in
John worked as a stonemason in Perth and outwith.
After their mother's death, John and his brother David (also a stone mason) laid
a headstone in her memory in the city cemetery, Greyfriars Cemetery, in Perth. It is, or was, located at section c. The
headstone, when recorded in the book of pre-1855 Perthshire Monumental Inscriptions, was described as broken in half,
and was barely legible. The inscription read:
"Placed by John and David Patton, masons in Carrs Croft in memory of mother Christian Hay died 8th August 1835, aged 58 years"
A search of the graveyard in 2001 failed to turn up the stone - it has either been removed
or has been overgrown.
On Saturday April 4th 1840, John was working at Linlithgow's Burgh Mills, on the banks
of the River Avon, when he was involved in an accident that was to prove fatal. On page 3, column 1, of the Perthshire
Advertiser of Thursday April 9th, we learn of what happened:
At Linlithgow, on Saturday last, while John
Patton, mason, eldest son of William Patton, Cars Croft, near Perth, was removing some tools from one part of the work at
which he was engaged to another, and while passing an excavation, the ground gave way, and he was precipitated to a considerable
depth. A lump of rock followed his fall, and bruised him severely, while a pick-axe which he was carrying cut literally almost
through his head. He only survived the accident an hour and a half.
He was a young man, and remarkably kind and obliging in his disposition. A high mark
of respect was paid to his memory by the whole body of workmen attending his remains to their final resting place.
John's body was taken into the
centre of Linlithgow and buried in the graveyard of St Michael's Church, beside Linlithgow Palace (birthplace of Mary, Queen
of Scots), with his brother once again having to perform the solemn duty of recording the death of a member of his family.
John Paton's gravestone, erected by his brother David in 1840 at St Michael's Church, Linlithgow |
In April 2004, a long search of the
graveyard at Linlithgow by Calum Paton and his parents revealed John's grave headstone to still be standing,
on the south east side of the church and down a steep slope, where there is a small contained area of about twenty graves.
It is quite a tranquil area, and John's grave, at lair 297, is set in a prime position overlooking the loch. The
following inscription can still be made out on the headstone, despite some weathering on the front:
Erected by
David Paton
In memory of his brother John
Mason, Perth
Who died at Burgh Mills, April
4th 1840, aged 37
The only other information that can currently
be gleaned about John is that it appears that he never married.
(3) Elisabeth (Betty) Paton b: 23/5/1803
d: 12/4/1875
Elisabeth, more colloquially named Betty, was
born in Perth on May 23rd 1803 (and in fact christened as such), as evidenced from the OPR:
Carscroft, in this parish Saturday the twenty
third day of May one thousand eight hundred and three was born Betty Paton, lawful daughter to William Paton, weaver in Carscroft
and Christian Hay his spouse and baptised the twenty second day of May said year by the Reverend Mr John Duff, minister of
the gospel in Perth.
On February 3rd 1826, Betty married tobaconnist James Murray in Perth, and went on to raise
a family with him. Their first child, John, was born in 1826, followed by William in
1828 and David in 1829, although he died in infancy. James was next in 1831, with another
David in 1834, though again, it is believed that he died in infancy, as did his sister Christian
born in 1836, she having been named after her grandmother who had tragically died a year earlier. In 1838 Ann
was born, followed in 1840 by Sarah Straten Murray, who was named after her great grandmother, Sarah
In the 1841 census, Elisabeth is found in the St. Leonard's district of Perth, though an address is not given.
She was described as a 38 year old woman from Perthshire, and was resident alongside her husband James, aged
36 and described as a shop keeper. Also listed were several of her children - 15 year old John, described
as a coach builder, 13 year old William, 10 year old James, 3 year old Ann
and 1 year old Sarah (Cen:1841/387/0/33/0/31).
At some stage between 1841 and 1849, Elisabeth and James relocated to Glasgow, taking up residence at 7 Killermont
Street in the city centre.
Tragically, James died on January 11th 1849, as briefly noted in the Glasgow Herald of Monday January 15th:
At 7 Killermont Street, on the 11th instant, Mr. James Murray.
The cause of death is unknown, but from his surviving testament we learn that James was in fact
a very wealthy individual, a partner of the tobacco firm Hugh McFarlane and Company.
The following is the confirmation of the testament to Elisabeth in June 1849:
Murray £30 Inventory
At Glasgow ther 6 June 1849 Compeared Drew V McClure Writers and
gave in the Inventory to be recorded whereof there now follows
Inventory of the Personal Estate and Effects which pertained and
belonged and were indebted and owing to the deceased James Murray Tobacconist in Glasgow who died at No. & Killermont
Street of Glasgow in the Barony parish of Glasgow on the 11th day of January 1849 years made and given up for Confirmation
by Mrs Elizabeth Paton or Murray relict of the deceased Executrix Dative qua relict deceased to the said James Murray by the
Commissary Depute of Lanarkshire Conform to the Decree Dative to that effect pronounced on the 31st day of the said month
of January and last year mentioned
1. The Household furniture, wearing apparel and other effects belonging
to the deceased at the time of his death and situated in the House occupied by him conform to Inventory and Valuation by George
Railton licensed appraiser____________£59..6..
2. The deceased's share in the business of Hugh McFarlane &
Company Tobacconists Glasgow of which firm he was a partner and fund of the said concern as appearing at the last annual balance
of their Books on the 22nd day of May 1848____________£731..8..9
3. Interest on the last mentioned sum from the said 22nd day of
May 1848 to the date of the decease to which the deceased's representatives are entitled under the Contract of Copartnery
of the saif Company__________£23..8..10
4. Amount of Salary due at the time of the deceased's death_______£1..13..4
Summa Inventarii __________ £815..16..11
At Glasgow the eighth day of May 1849.
In Presence of George Shane Esquire Commissary Depute of Lanarkshire
Appeared Mrs Elizabeth Paton or Murray relict of the deceased James Murray Tobacconist in Glasgow who being solemnly sworn
and examined Depones that the said James Murray died intestate at number seven Killermont Street of Glasgow on or about the
11th day of January 1849. That the Deponent is about to enter upon the possession and management of his personal or moveable
Estate as Executrix dative qua relict decerned to the said James Murray by the Commissary of Lanarkshire conform to Decree
Dative to that effect pronounced on the 31st day of the said month of January and year last mentioned: that the Deponent knows
of no settlement or other Writing left by the deceased relative to the disposal of his personal estate or effects or any part
of them: That the foregoing Inventory which is signed by the Deponent and the said Commissary is relative hereto is a full
and complete Inventory of the personal estate and effects of the said deceased wherever situated & belonging or due beneficially
to the deceased at the time of his death in so far as the same have come to the Deponent's knowledge, and that the Value of
the said estate situated in Scotland is of the Value of £800 and under the Value of £1000 Sterling. All which is truth as
the Deponent shall answer to God (signed) Elizabeth Murray George Shane Commissary Depute.
In the 1851 census, Elisabeth is still living at 7 Killermont Street in Glasgow, where she is recorded as Mrs
James Murray, 46 years of age, a fundholder born in Perth, Perthshire. With her were two of her daughters, Ann, aged 13 and
described as a scholar, and Sarah, also a scholar and 11 years of age. Both were noted as being born in Perth. Interestingly,
there is another person also listed at the house, a 23 year old clerk in the woolen trade, Robert Balden, from Bolton,
Haddington. Robert would soon be the cause of a family scandal, when at the age of 27 in 1854, he got 14 year old Sarah
pregnant, marrying her when she was five months gone, presumably after being discovered as the culprit (Cen:1861/622/0/33/0/14).
Seven years later, the 1861 census shows us that Elisabeth was still at 7 Killermont Street, but now living
in her own appartment, with her daughter Sarah and her son in law Robert Balden living in another room of the same tenement
building. In this census, 57 year old Elisabeth was again noted as a Fund Holder from Perth, with the apartment she was
in being noted as having two rooms with one or more windows (Cen:1861/644/1/105/1/3).
In the 1871 census, Elisabeth is found to be living alone at 188 Rose Street in Govan, where she is listed as
a 66 year old widowed annuitant, born in Perth, Perthshire (Cen:1871:644/10/57/10/17).
Elisabeth eventually died at 5.00pm on April 12th 1875, at her home of 10 South Shamrock Street in Hutchesontown,
Glasgow, Scotland, the cause being general debility with no medical attendant present. Elisabeth is at this point noted
as being the widow of James Murray, a tobacco manufacturer, and the daughter of Christian Hay
and William Paton, with her father described as a fisherman. This is significant, as it is the first and
only mention of William being a fisherman as well as a weaver, which has already been established as the situation of both
his brother and father who also lived at Carr's Croft (they were both salmon fishermen). The informant to the Glasgow registrar
on the 13th was Elizabeth's daughter Sarah Straten Balden (GROS:1875/644/11/378).
i) John Murray
b: 31/8/1826
John was born on August 31st 1826 and christened in the city on September 20th.
On October 6th 1848, John married Mary Munro in Perth, with the banns having been previously
called in Perth and St. Quivox and Newton in Ayr (September 24th 1848).
The couple went on to have at least nine children.
John died on October 31st 1874 at his home of 162 Hospital Street, Glasgow. He is listed in the death record
as being a 48 year old tobacconist, and as being married to Mary Munro. The cause of death is listed curoiously
as "not ascertained", with no medical attendant. His son, James Murray, was the informant to the Glasgow
registrar on November 2nd (GROS:1874/644/10/1368).
James Murray
b: 1/4/1850
James was born in the Gorbals, Lanarkshire, Scotland on April 1st 1850, and christened on the 14th.
Thomas Munro Murray
b: 2/10/1851
Thomas was born in the Gorbals, Lanarkshire, Scotland on October 2nd 1851, and christened in November. He
died in infancy.
Thomas Munro Murray
b: 9/7/1855
This Thomas was born on July 9th 1855 in Hutchesontown, Glasgow, Lanarkshire,Scotland.
Mary Hay Murray
b: 22/7/1857
Mary was born in Hutchesontown, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland on July 22nd 1857.
William Murray
b: 24/5/1859
William was born in Hutchesontown, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland on May 24th 1859.
David Murray
b: 4/2/1863
David was born in Hutchesontown, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland on February 4th 1863.
Charles Murray
b: 5/7/1865
Charles was born in Hutchesontown, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland on July 5th 1865.
Robert Wilson Murray
b: 26/2/1868
Robert was born in Hutchesontown, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland, on February 26th 1868.
ii) William Murray
b: 29/5/1828
William was born in Perth on May 29th 1828 and christened in the city on June 1st.
iii) David Murray
b: 17/11/1829
David was born in Perth on November 17th 1829 and christened in the city on December 6th. However, it is
believed that he died in infancy, as another brother called David was born to the same parents five years
later (see below).
iv) James Murray
b: 2/10/1831
James was born in Perth on October 2nd 1831 and christened in the city on October 16th.
v) David Murray
c: 17/10/1834
David was born in Perth on October 17th 1834 and christened in the city on November 23rd.
vi) Christian Murray
b: 21/8/1836
Christian was undoubtedly named after her grandmother, Christian Paton (nee Hay), who died in
the previous year. She was born in Perth on August 21st 1836, and christened in the city on September 11th.
vii) Ann Murray
b: 1/4/1838
Ann was born in Perth on April 1st 1838 and christened in the city on May 6th 1838.
viii) Sarah Straten Murray
b: 23/5/1840
Sarah was born in Perth on May 23rd 1840 and christened in the city on June 14th.
Sarah married mercantile clerk Robert Balden, from Haddington, on November 29th 1854, in
the Barony parish of Lanarkshire. It would appear that she married at such a young age because she was five months
pregnant. In December 1856, Robert was recorded in the Edinburgh Gazette as being a merchant's clerk, witnessing the signatures
of William Craig and Robert Craig, during a reconstitution of the firm (Ed. Gaz. 5 DEC 1856, p. 1102).
In the 1861 census, Sarah was recorded as a 20 year old wife of Robert Balden, resident at 7 Killermont Street
in Glasgow, alongside her family and her mother (Cen:644/1/105/Glasgow Central District/p.3).
On December 30th 1870, Sarah's husband Robert was listed as a Commissioner in the sequestration of David Chassar
Jr., Tailor and Clothier in Glasgow and Coatbridge. Robert's occupation was noted as 'cashier' (Ed. Gaz. p. 1587). In
the 1871 census, Sarah was then listed as a 30 year old wife to a woollen merchant, born in Perth, Perthshire, and resident
at 191 North Hanover Street, Glasgow (Cen:644/1/26/Glasgow Central District/p.1).
On June 6th 1871, a notice dated May 29th 1871 appears in the Gazette regarding another reconstitution of the
firm Craigs Brothers. In reference to this, the following note was made by the firm's John Craig (Ed. Gaz. 6 JUN 1871 p. 8169):
In reference to the above notice, Mr John R. Craig begs to intimate
that he will continue to carry on the business at the same address, and under the same Firm, in partnership with Messrs. Robert
Balden, William Hodge and Robert Paterson Craig, all of whom were in the employment of the late Firm, and had charge of Departments
of their business for the last twenty years and upwards.
After a couple more stints as a Commissioner in sequestrations, Robert next appears in the Gazette with the following
notice (6 JAN 1874, p. 10):
JOHN BLAIR, deceased, lately Tailor and Clothier, Busby.
A PETITION has been presented to the Commissary of the County of
Renfrew by Robert Balden, Wholesale Woollen Cloth Merchant, Argyle Street, Glasgow, a Partner of the Firm of Craig Brothers,
Wholesale Woollen Cloth Merchants there, praying his Lordship to decern the said Robert Balden Executor dative qua Creditor
to the deceased.- Of which Notice is hereby given, in terms of the Act 4 George IV., cap. 98.
ROB. RUSSELL, Writer, Paisley, Agent.
Robert eventually retired from the firm on May 20th 1879, as noted in the Gazette of June 13th 1879 (p. 606).
In the census of 1881, Sarah is further described as a 40 year old Perth born wife, living with her
family at 21 Granville Street, Glasgow. Her husband Robert was again listed as a 53 year old woollen warehouseman, from Bolton
in Haddington. (Cen:1881/644/9/106/4).
In May 1893, Sarah was one of the benificiaries of her Aunt Margaret's will (Margaret being the wife of her uncle
David Paton). After Margaret's debts were paid, her will stipulated that Sarah should receive one sixth of
the remaining value of her estate. Perhaps Margaret was especially sympathetic to Sarah with regard to her situation? She
was certainly the only member of the Paton family to benefit from the will.
Sarah eventually passed away at 1.40am on May 7th 1894 at her home of 21 Granville Street, St. George's
Road, Glasgow. The cause was acute peritonitis, suffered for ten hours after she collapsed, as certified by Dr. Archibald
R. Gunn. Her husband informed the Glasgow registrar on the same day (GROS:1894/644/9/485).
Robert tragically passed away himself just a few months later, at 5.30am on November 18th 1894, also in the Granville
Street home. The cause was bronchopneumonia suffered for 21 days and syncope, as certified by Dr. Archibald R. Gunn. His son
Peter informed the registrar of the death on the following day (GROS:644/9/1095).
James Balden
b: 6/3/1855 d: 5/3/1943
James was born at 71 Killermont Street in the Central District of Glasgow, Lanarkshire, at 3am on March
6th 1855. The certificate tells us that James was the son of 26 year old Robert Balden, a mercatile clerk from Haddington,
and that this was his mother Sarah's first child, though interestingly she was described as being 16 years of age. The informant
to the Glasgow registrar was James Barden (GROS:1855/644/01/415).
In the 1861 census, James was listed as a six year old living with the family at 7 Killermont Street, Glasgow
(GROS:1861/644/1/105/p.3). In 1871, he was recorded at 191 North Hanover Street, Glasgow, where he was listed as a 16 year
old insurance clerk (GROS:1871/644/1/26/p.4).
In the 1881 census, James was living with the family at 21 Granville Street, Glasgow, and was described as being
an unmarried insurance agent (GROS:1881/44/9/106/4).
On August 14th 1890, James married 30 year old Margaret Currie, daughter of Chief Officer of
HM Coast Guard Daniel Currie (deceased) and Harriet Kitching. Maureen was resident at 232
Great Western Road, Glasgow, whilst James, a cashier, was living at 21 Granville Place in the city. The ceremony, peformed
by the Reverend Hugh Ross according to the rites of the Church of Scotland at the Bath Hotel on Bath Street, was witnessed
by William Balden and Elizabeth Jane Reid. The marriage was registered in Glasgow on the 16th (GROS:1890/644/7/422 Blythswood).
In the 1901 census, James and his wife were recorded with their nine year old son, also called James, at
5 Doune Quadrant, Maryhill, Glasgow. James was listed as a 46 year old cashier. Also in the house was 21 year old servant
Christina McLeod, a servant from Obbe in North Uist, who could speak both Gaelic and English (GROS:1901/622/1/001/Maryhill/p.10).
James' wife Margaret passed away on March 17th 1928 at 4 Park Gate, Glasgow, with her usual residence being
5 Doune Quadrant. The cause was phlebitis, as suffered for 14 days, and a cerebral embollism suffered for a quarter of an
hour, as certified by David MacDonald. James informed the Hillhead registrar on the same day (GROS:1928/644/12/309).
James eventually died himself at 1.55am on March 5th 1943, at 6 North Gardner Street, Glasgow. The cause was
arterio sclerosis, suffered for 10 years, and senility and myocarditis, as certified by Thomas G. Rennie. The informant to
the Hillhead registrar on the same day was his son, James C. Balden (GROS:1943/644/13/242/Hillhead).
James Currie Balden
b: 22/11/1891
James was born at 1.00am on November 22nd 1891 at 4 Holyrood Quadrant, Glasgow. His father, listed as a cashier,
informed the registrar at Kelvin, Glasgow, on December 10th (GROS:1891/644/9/1757).
In the 1901 census, James was found living with his parents at 5 Doune Quadrant, Maryhill, where he was noted
as a scholar (GROS:1901/622/1/001/10).
On April 17th 1930, James, by now an accountant residing at 5 Doune Quadrant, married 33 year old Isabella
Marshall Stark Hempseed, daughter of pawnbroker James Hempseed and Isabella Marshall Shanks
Stark (deceased). The wedding was held at Kelvinside Church, Botanic Gardens, Glasgow, and was performed by the Reverend
Thomson. The witnesses were A. N. Turner and Else H. Lubbins. The service was registered at Hillhead on the 23rd (GROS:1930/644/12/83).
However, all did not go well between the two, and at some stage prior to 1948, James divorced Isabella. (She went on
to work as a school teacher in Glasgow, and eventually passed away on January 11th 1967 at 4 Highburgh Road, Glasgow.
James eventually died on June 28th 1948 at 2.00am, at his home of 6 North Gardner Street, Glasgow. His death
entry tells us that by then he had been working as a clerk with the Forestry Commission, and had retired. The cause of his
death was chronic nephritis as suffered for 20 years, myocarditis, suffered for 3 years, and cardiac failure, as certified
by Thomas Rennie. The death was registered at Hillhead on the 29th by James' solicitor John Edward (?), resident
at 95 Beith Street (GROS:1948/644/13/605).
James and Isabella had no children.
Elisabeth Balden
b: 19/1/1857 d: 20/11/1932
Elisabeth was born in the Central District of Glasgow, Lanarkshire, on January 19th 1857.
In the 1881 census, 24 year old Elisabeth was living with the family at 21 Granville Street, Glasgow (GROS:644/9/106/4).
In 1891, Elizabeth was note as still being unmarried at the age of 34, with no vocation, resident at 21
Granville Street (GROS:1891/644/9/119).
With both parents deceased, in the 1901 census, Elisabeth was listed as the head of the household at 21 Granville
Street, Glasgow, aged 44, and described as a vocalist. Their house had 6 rooms with one or more windows (GROS:644/9/103/9/16).
On July 14th 1905, at 29 Queen Margaret Drive, Glasgow, Eilzabeth married 48 year old Thomas Finnie,
a tailor's cutter, and son of deceased gamekeeper Bertram Finnie and Margaret Hamilton,
also deceased. The service was performed according to the rites of the Church of Scotland, and was witnessed by John
Henry Pritchard and Elisabeth's sister Alison Balden, and the ceremony was performed by the Reverend
Hutcheson, minister of St. Cuthbert's Church of Scotland. At the time of the wedding, both Elisabeth and her fiance were residing
at 29 Queen Margaret Drive (GROS:1905/622/1/186).
Elisabeth eventually died at 2.35am on November 20th 1932 at 63 Possil Road, Glasgow, with her usual residence
listed as 27 West End Park Street in the city. The cause of death was noted as cerebral thrombosis, as noted by Dr. Richard
P. Butler. The informant to the Glasgow resgistrar on the 21st was her widowed husband, Thomas (GROS:1932/644/13/543).
John Balden
b: 7/10/1859
John was born in the Central District of Glasgow, Lanarkshire, on October 7th 1859.
In the 1881 census, John was living with the family at 21 Granville Street, Glasgow, and was described as being
a cloth merchant's clerk (GROS:1881/644/9/106/4).
On August 24th 1883, 26 year old John, by now wholesale draper's book keeper, is recorded in the register
of marriages as having married 26 year old Jessie Buchan, daughter of master brass founder Hugh Buchan and Mary Dunn. The
marriage was noted as having been performed irregularly by declaration with a warrant from the Lanarkshire sheriff substitute.
At the time of the wedding, held at 70 Bell Street, Glasgow, John was still resident at 21 Granville Street, whilst Jessie
resided at 112 Gloucester Street in the city. The witnesses to the ceremony were James Muir Steel, a bank clerk, and Robert
Sloan, a wholesale draper's clerk. The marriage was recorded in the Blackfriars register on the same date (GROS:1883/644/5/146).
In fact, the couple seemed to enjoy it so much that they married again, but this time in front of a minister!
The following notice in the Glasgow Herald, dated Friday, September 12th 1884, tells the story:
BALDEN-BUCHAN - At Port Elizabeth, South Africa, on the 13th August,
by the Rev. Robert Johnston, Scotch Presbyterian Church, John Balden to Jessie, daughter of Hugh Buchan, brassfounder,
Robert Balden
b: 17/8/1862
Robert was born in the Central District of Glasgow, Lanarkshire, on August 17th 1862.
In the 1881 census, Robert was living with the family at 21 Granville Street, Glasgow, and was described as being
an accountant's clerk (GROS:644/9/106/4).
William Balden
b: 18/2/1865 d: 24/2/1919
William was born in the Central District of Glasgow, Lanarkshire, on February 18th 1865.
In the 1871 census, William was listed as a six year old scholar resident at 191 North Hanover Street, Glasgow
(GROS:1871/644/1/26/4). In the 1881 census, William was living with the family at 21 Granville Street, Glasgow,
and was described as being an accountant's clerk (GROS:1881/644/9/106/4). In 1891 he was still an unmarried clerk, now
24, and still residing at 21 Granville Street (GROS:1891/644/9/119).
William never married and lived his life working as a railway clerk. He eventually died at 11.48pm on February
24th 1919 at 51 Rupert Street, Glasgow. The cause was pulmonary tuberculosis as certified by Arthur Innes, and the informant
to the Hillhead registrar on the 25th was his brother Peter Gibson Balden, resident at West View, Milngavie
Alison Smith Balden
b: 8/8/1867 d: 24/7/1954
Alison was born in the Central District of Glasgow, Lanarkshire, on August 8th 1867.
In the 1871 census, Alison was listed as a three year old residing at 191 North Hanover Street, Glasgow (GROS:1871/644/1/26/4).
In the 1881 census, Alison was living with the family at 21 Granville Street, Glasgow, and was described as being a 13 year
old scholar (GROS:1881/644/9/106/4). By 1891, Alison was now a 23 year old unmarried woman, with no listed vocation residing
still at 21 Granville Street (GROS:1891/644/9/119).
In the 1901 census, Alison was listed as 33, and as still living at 21 Granville Street, Glasgow, where,
like her elder sister Elisabeth, she was recorded as a vocalist (GROS:644/9/103/9/16).
In 1905, Alison was a witness to her sister Elisabeth's wedding to Thomas Finnie at 29 Queen
Margaret Drive in Glasgow (GROS:1905/622/1/186). She was also to later become a witness to her sister Martha's wedding
to James MacDougall in 1910.
Alison, however, never married and eventually passed away at 7.45pm on July 24th 1954, at 7 Park Circus
Place, Glasgow, with her usual residence listed as 30 Westbourne Gardens in the city. The cause was a cerebral thrombosis,
as certified by Dr. John Warren. The informant on the 26th was Alison's nephew H. MacDougall, of 1 St. James
Mansions, West End Lane, London (GROS:1954/644/9/364).
Peter Gibson Balden
b: 13/10/1869 d: 16/6/1939
Peter was born in the Central District of Glasgow, Lanarkshire, on October 13th 1869. His birth was announced
in the Glasgow Herald on Thursday October 14th 1869:
At 91 Hanover Street, on the 13th instant, Mrs Robert Balden, a
In the 1881 census, Peter was living with the family at 21 Granville Street, Glasgow, and was described as being
a scholar (GROS:644/9/106/4). In the 1891 census, 21 year old Peter was recorded as a clerk at the same address (GROS:1891/644/9/119).
On November 19th 1894, Peter informed the Glasgow registrar of his father's death (GROS:1894/644/9/1095).
In the 1901 census, Peter was recorded as a mercantile clerk, resident at 21 Granville Street, Glasgow (GROS:1901/644/9/103/9/16).
On February 25th 1919, Peter informed the Hillhead registrar about the death of his brother William.
Peter never married and finally died in 1939, in the Ayrshire town of Largs (where Calum and Jamie live
today). He was found dead at 22 Brisbane Glen Road at 1.30pm on June 16th, having last been seen alive at 10.00pm the night
before. His usual residence was noted as Buchanan Street in Milngavie, and the cause of death was noted as "probably heart
failure". His death was registered on the information of the local procurator fiscal in Largs on the 18th (GROS:1939/602/1/61).
David Balden
b: 12/12/1871
David was born at 10.45pm on December 12th 1871 at 91 North Hanover Street, Glasgow. His father, a woollen
cloth merchant, informed the central district registrar on the 27th (GROS:1871/644/1/2454).
In the 1881 census, David was living with the family at 21 Granville Street, Glasgow, and was described as being
a scholar (GROS:644/9/106/4). In 1891, he was listed as a 19 year old clerk at the same residence (GROS:1891/644/9/119). In
the 1901 census, David, was recorded as a mercantile clerk, still resident at 21 Granville Street, Glasgow (GROS:1901/644/9/103/9/16).
A marriage and death record have not been found for David in Scotland.
Martha Gibson Balden
b: 1/1/1874
Martha was born at 11.30 on January 1st 1874 at 91 North Hanover Street, Glasgow. Her father, a woollen cloth
merchant, informed the central district registrar on the 5th (GROS:1874/644/1/29).
In the 1881 census, Martha was living with the family at 21 Granville Street, Glasgow, and was described as being
a scholar (GROS:1881/644/9/106/4). In 1891, 16 year old Martha was noted as a 16 year old millworks accountant at the same
address (GROS:1891/644/9/119). In the 1901 census, 27 year old Martha was again recorded at 21 Granville Street, Glasgow,
as a baker's shopkeeper (GROS:644/9/103/9/16).
On June 9th 1910, Martha married 37 year old commercial traveller James D. MacDougall, son of
clothier Alexander MacDougall and Ann Eleanor McKim (deceased). The wedding took place at
the Bath Hotel in Glasgow, and was witnessed by Andrew Paul and Martha's sister Alison Balden,
with the minister presiding being the Reverend Donald MacLeod. At the time of the marriage, Martha was resident at 17 Montague
Street, Glasgow, whilst James was living at 4 Kelvingrove Street. The Glasgow registrar was informed on the 10th (GROS:1910/644/10/587).
Martha eventually passed away at 0.30am on February 8th 1969 at Drumchapel Hospital, Glasgow. The cause of death
was broncho pneumonia, cerebral arterio sclerosis and congestive cardiac failure. The informant to the registrar in Glasgow
on the 10th was her son, H. MacDougall (GROS:1969/644/3/123)
H. MacDougall
b: 19??
This son of the couple registered his aunt Alison's death in Glasgow in 1954. At the time of her death,
he was resident at 1 St. James Mansions, West End Lane, London (GROS:1954/644/9/364).
He also later registerd his mother's death in Glasgow on February 10th 1969 (GROS:1969/644/3/123).
Norman MacLeod Balden
b: 3/11/1876
Norman was born at 8.45pm on November 3rd 1876 at 273 St. George's Road, Glasgow. His father, a woollen cloth
merchant, informed the Kelvin registrar (GROS:1876/644/9/1466).
In the 1881 census, four year old Norman was living with the family at 21 Granville Street, Glasgow (GROS:1881/644/9/106/4).
In the 1891 census Norman was recorded as a 14 year old jeweller's apprentice (GROS:1891/644/9/119). In the 1901 census, Norman
was recorded as a 24 year old accountant's clerk, still resident at 21 Granville Street, Glasgow (GROS:644/9/103/9/16).
On April 2nd 1898, Norman M. Balden is noted as a clerk in the Glasgow Herald, and as a subscriber to a business
called Frank H. Brown and Co. Ltd, the company having just been registered in Edinburgh. He is further recorded in the newspaper
on Saturday December 2nd 1899 as a subscriber to Anglo-Spanish Quicksilver (Limited), and as an accountant resident in Glasgow.
A marriage and death record have not been found for Norman in Scotland.
Walter Scott Balden - twin
b: 13/12/1880 d: 11/5/1882
Walter was born at 0.30pm on December 13th 1880 at 21 Granville Street, Glasgow. He was one of a pair of twins,
the other being Arthur. His father, listed as a woollen warehouseman, informed the Kelvin registrar on January
1st 1881 (GROS:1881/644/9/36).
In the 1881 census, four month old twin Walter was living with the family at 21 Granville Street, Glasgow (GROS:1881/644/9/106/4).
Walter tragically died in infancy, aged 16 months, at 8.10am on May 11th 1882, whilst at home in Granville
Street. The cause was whooping cough, which he had suffered for a month and fourteen days, as certified by Dr. George Allan.
Walter's elder brother Robert informed the Glasgow registrar on the 12th (GROS:1882/644/9/1095).
Arthur Smith Balden - twin
b: 13/12/1880
Arthur was born at 3.30pm on December 13th 1880 at 21 Granville Street, Glasgow, one of a pair of twins,
the other being Walter who was born three hours earlier. His father, listed as a woollen warehouseman, informed
the Kelvin registrar on January 6th 1881 (GROS:1881/644/9/37).
In the 1881 census, four month old twin Arthur was living with the family at 21 Granville Street, Glasgow
(GROS:1881/644/9/106/4). In the 1891 census, Arthur was listed at the same address as a 10 year old scholar (GROS:1891/644/9/119). In
the 1901 census, Arthur was again recorded at 21 Granville Street, Glasgow, as a 20 year old stockbroker (GROS:644/9/103/9/16).
A marriage and death record have not been found for Arthur in Scotland.
(4) William Paton b:
10/3/1806 d: 6/11/1838
William was Calum's and Jamie's great great great great grandfather
- see below.
(5) David Patton b:
6/6/1808 d: 15/1/1875
Carscroft Monday the sixth day of June one thousand
eight hundred and eight was born David Patton lawful son to William Patton weaver in Carscroft and Christian Hay his spouse
and baptized the Twelfth day of June said year by the Reverend Mr Daniel MacKenzie minister of the West Church Parish Church.
Like his brother
John, David worked as a stonemason, and helped him to raise a stone to their mother's memory in Greyfriars Cemetery in Perth
in 1835. But little did David realise that not five years later, he would end up having to raise a stone to John himself,
after his tragic death in an industrial accident in Linlithgow, in April 1840. John was buried in the graveyard of St Michael's Church in the town, beside Linlithgow Palace, and it
was in here that David erected John's memorial.
Nine months after,
on January 4th 1841, David married Margaret Scott in Arbroath. The OPR recorded the wedding (GROS: 1841/272/7):
Paton, contracted Dec 31. David Paton mason and Margaret
Scott, married 4 Jan within this parish.
The couple settled in Arbroath, but it is not known yet whether they had any children.
In the 1861 census, David and Margaret were listed as living at 7 Ladyloan, Arbroath, with David listed as a 52 year
old mason. His wife's 23 year old dressmaker niece, Margaret Simpson, was listed as residing with them, as
was a boarder, 21 year old smith John Moncrief (GROS:272/00/001/001). And in the 1871 census, David and the
two Margarets were still at 7 Ladyloan, although by this time, David was listed as a retired mason (GROS:272/00/03/034).
David died at 11am on January 15th 1875 at his home of 7 Ladyloan in Arbroath. The cause was gastro-enteritis
as certified by Dr William Manson. The informant to the Arbroath registrar on the 18th was a Margaret Simpson,
who is recorded as his niece, although it is not yet known how she connects to the family (GROS: 1875/272/27).
Margaret herself carried on living at 7 Ladyloan, and in the 1891 census for Arbroath she is listed
as a 77 year old widow living in a house with 3 rooms with one or more windows. She was financed through "private means",
and she had an unmarried servant living with her, a local Arbroath girl called Mary Swiles (GROS: 1891/272/3/1).
Margaret passed away at 1.00pm on December 5th 1892 at the age of 78, at the same address. The
cause was perrmohites and disease of heart, as certified by Dr John Russell. Her death
was registered in Arbroath on the following day by William Ramsay, described as her
"nephew by marriage" (GROS: 1892/272/341).
(6) Helen Paton b: 2/1/1813 d: 15/8/1883
Helen was born at the Paton family home at Carr's Croft in Perth on January 2nd 1813, as recorded in the Old Parochial
Carscroft West Church Parish Perth Saturday the second
day of January one thousand eight hundred and thirteen years was born Helen Paton lawful daughter to William Paton weaver
in said parish and Christian Hay his spouse and baptized the third day of January said year by the Reverend David MacKenzie
Minister of the West Church Parish Perth.
Three separate descendants from Helen have made contact
with me, Ainslie Sharpe, Pamela MacLennan and Betty Windsor. Ainslie
and Betty are distant cousins, whilst Pamela's husband, Wayne, is also a descendant of Helen and David. I
am eternally grateful to all of them for providing me with the following information on Helen's life:
Helen married David Bell, a Dyer of
Claverhouse, from Mains and Strathmartin in Angus, at Perth on 15/4/1836 (GROS:1836/387/31/24). David was the son of David Bell and Margaret Whitfield, both from Mains.
After the birth of their first daughter, Helen
Bell, in 1837, Helen and David moved to Glasgow, where they had another child, David Bell,
born on May 25th 1839. After two more daughters, the couple moved to Southward in Surrey, England, where daughter Ann
Paton Bell was born on September 27th 1843, at 3 Webber Street, followed by John Macbeth Bell (Ainslie's
great grandfather) on July 7th 1845, and James Fife Duff Bell (Wayne's great great grandfather) on July 31st
1847. Throughout all of this, David senior continued to work as a dyer.
On 1/5/1849, Helen Paton and David Bell, along with their family, emigrated
to Brisbane, Australia, aboard the ship Chaseley, on a voyage sponsored by James Dunmore Lang to
bring good Presbyterian immigrants to Australia. From research carried out at the Western Australia State Library in Perth
in July 2007, it has become clear that the original immigration records to Brisbane were destroyed by a flood in 1893, though
details were copied from them into a register. From this transcript (IMM/112 p.4) it is clear that only three children accompanied
David and Helen to Australia - Anne, aged 5, John MacBeth Bell, aged 3, and James
Fyfe Bell, aged just 1. David was listed as a 31 year old former labourer from Perthshire, whilst Helen was listed
as being 30.
Having arrived down under, David began working initially as a labourer, and then
as a storeman for Bobby Towns. He bought two allotments of land at Kangaroo Point in Brisbane - there is still a Paton
Street and a Bell Street in the area today. A further parcel of land was purchased in South Brisbane, at which David
built a store to sell goods to the bullockies. Being the only storekeeper in the area, he soon prospered. With his increasing
wealth, he built a two story shop and a house for his family, and soon became a tea merchant.
Having settled in Australia, the couple continued to extend their family. On September 3rd 1854 their
daughter Amy Perry Bell was baptised in Perth (ref 1854/BP1083).
David also became a great boating enthusiast and named
one of his boats Helen, after his wife.
Helen Paton eventually died at Main Street, Kangaroo
Point on August 15th 1883, from paralysis of the brain, and was buried in an unmarked grave in South Brisbane Cemetery. Her
widow, David, passed away himself in South Brisbane on May 22nd 1891, from old age and paralysis.
1] Helen Bell
b: 30/7/1837 d: 1???
Helen was born and christened in Perth, as evident from the old parish register (OPR:387/26):
Canal Street, West Church Parish Perth the Thirtieth day of July One Thousand
eight hundred and Thirty seven was Born Heleb bell lawful daughter to David Bell Dyer in the said parish and Helen Paton his
spouse and Baptised the Sixth day of August said year by the Reverend George Miller Minister of St. Leonards Church Perth.
2] David Bell
b: 25/5/1839
David was born in Glasgow on May 25th 1839.
3] Unknown daughter
b: ????
4] Unknown daughter
b: ????
5] Ann Paton Bell
b: 27/9/1843
Ann Paton Love (nee Bell) in later life, Australia |
Ann was born on September 27th 1843 at 3 Webber Street in the parish of St. George, Southwark,
Surrey, England (GROE:London/Surrey/St.George,Southwark/1843Dec/vol.4/p.144).
Ann married Harry Clifford LOVE, with whom she went on to have four children.
Harry died prior to July 1919. An article in The Argus carried details of the probate for his will
in the issue dated Tuesday 15th July 1919, where he is stated to have been a merchant in Sydney, and which is soon due to
come online at the NLA Newspapers site.
6] John MacBeth Bell
b: 7/7/1845
John was born on July 7th 1845 at 3 Webber Street in the parish of St. George,
Southwark, Surrey, England (GROE:London/Surrey/StGeorge,Southwark/1845Sep/vol.4/p.454).
When the family moved to Australia, John went on to marry Mary Jane Mayne, as recorded in the Brisbane Courier of Wednesday, November 4th 1868:
BELL-MAYNE - On the 19th October, at Wickham Terrace Church, by the Rev.
T. Jones, John Macbeth Bell, son of Mr. David Bell, South Brisbane, to Mary Jane, second daughter of the late Mr. John Buchannan
Mayne, solicitor, Dublin.
The couple went on to have nine children.
On July 8th 1935, a local Australian newspaper carried
an article on John's 90th birthday. An incomplete clipping from this article was sent to me by John's great granddaughter,
Ainsley Sharpe (nee Cooper), for which we are very grateful, with the wording as follows:
A Nonagenarian's Yesterdays.
Newspaper cutting from Subiaco depicting John, 1935 |
Mr. John McBeth Bell, of 162 Subiaco Road,
Subiaco, celebrated his 90th birthday yesterday, and was visited by many old friends who wished him longer life and continued
"I just missed being an Australian native
by eight months," said Mr. Bell in a strong, hearty voice, and with twinkling eyes. "My parents came to Queensland in the
second free ship, when I was eight months old. They were Scotch folk, but I was born in England."
Mr. Bell came to Western Australia 51 years
ago, and for the last 30 years has lived in his present home. He took an active part in suburban affairs until recently. His
freinds say that he has given up nearly all his activities, even his garden, of which he has been so fond, seeing little of
him now.
Mr. Bell recalled vividly yesterday the time when bullock drays backed
into "Shenton's yard" at the corner of Hay and William streets, with their loads of hides and skins which were exchanged for
stores, and went up country again.
"Kangarooing was my great sport in my young days," he said. "They talk
about horses today. But none of them could come up to Hellfire Jack who could carry me over a six-foot fence like a bird!"
"They're crying out about population," he continued. "My wife had nine
children and I have got 61 descendants. So that's not so bad."
Mr. Bell, whose facilities are well preserved, admitted to having an ambition
to live till he is 105.
Albert Ernest Bell
b: 1869 d: 1932
Florence Ida Bell
b: 1871 d: ????
David William Bell
b: 1872 d: 1905
David married Bessie Caroline Shaw.
Lillian Gertrude Bell
b: 1874 d: 1900
Edith Helen Bell
b: 1875 d: ????
John George Bell
b: 1876 d: 1956
John married Elizabeth C. Charnley.
Mary Jane Bell
b: 6/2/1880 d: 21/10/1925
Helen Paton's great grandson, Alan Cooper, and his mother, Mary Bell - Australia 1912 |
Mary was born in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia on February 6th 1880.
On September 16th 1907, in Subiaco, Western Australia, Mary married Ashley
Cooper, the son of a convict from England called Charles George Harvey Cooper (b. 1827)
who had arrived at Australia on board the ship "Sea Park" in 1854. In 1860 Charles had married in
Perth and then purchased property in central Perth in 1864, his occupation being Clerk to the Attorney General, and senior
Law Clerk to a prestigious law firm called Stone (previous Attorney General) & Burt. He had at least one son, Ashley.
Mary and Ashley in turn are known to have had at least one son.
Alan Ashley Cooper
b: 2/1/1910
Alan was born in Claremont, Western Australia on January
2nd 1910.
Alan married Dorothy Wilson
Thomas, and the couple had at least one daughter.
Alan eventually died on July 21st 1997 at Mount Lawley, Western
Australia, and was buried at Karrakatta.
1) Ainslie Cooper
b: 1937
Ainslie married Roley Sharpe,
and the couple still live in Australia. A huge thanks to Ainslie, who has provided much information on her family history
for this site! Ainslie can be contacted at the following link: Ainsley & Roley Sharpe
2) Robert Ashley Cooper
b: 1940
Robert married Marlene Maurice and has two children.
Eva May Cooper
b: 1978
Ashley Bertram Cooper
b: 1980
3) Alan Clive Cooper
b: 1941
Alan married Dianna Harwood and has four children.
Colin Charles Cooper
b: 19??
Clifford Alan Cooper
b: 19??
Eleanor Margaret Cooper
b: 1978
Helen Cooper
b: 1978
4) Colin Charles Cooper
b: 2/12/1941 d: 12/2/1972
Colin was born in Melbourne, Australia on December 2nd 1941.
5) Pamela Margaret Cooper
b: 1943
Pamela married Giuseppe Rocca and has four children.
Michael Alan Rocca
b: 1963
Michael married Stacey Jane Annettes and has four children.
Jasmine Lee Rocca
b: 1990
Joseph Michael Rocca
b: 1992
Holly Ann Rocca
b: 1997
Lachlan Michael Rocca
b: 1999
David Bruce Rocca
b: 1964
David married Julie Elizabeth Berente and has five children.
Brodie Scott Rocca
b: 1989
Laura Jayne Rocca
b: 1992
Katie Leanne Rocca
b: 1994
Esther Renee Rocca
b: 1998
Haylie Marie Rocca
b: 1999
Paul Ernest Rocca
b: 1968
Paul married Debra Ellen Leeder and has one child.
Stephanie Pamela Rocca
b: 2000
Steven Joseph Rocca
b: 1970
Steven married Emma Casey and has one child.
Caleb Patrick Rocca
b: 2001
6) Donald Maxwell Cooper
b: 1947
Donald married Carmel Maginn and had two children with her.
Donald subsequently remarried to Jan Helsham (born 1944).
Carl Eoghain Cooper
b: 1979
Gareth Alexander Cooper
b: 1982
Caroline Elizabeth Bell
b: 1880 d: 1945
Caroline married Charles Quinn.
Samuel Reginald Bell
b: 1883 d: 1937
Samuel married Mary A. Dubberlin
7] James Fife Duff Bell
b: 31/7/1847
James was also born on Blackfriars Road, Southwark, Surrey, England,
on July 31st 1847.
James had children from three separate partners.
James first wife was Mary Devine, with whom he had a daughter. Mary died
in 1876.
He then remarried to Louisa Dallas, and had a son with her. the marriage
was evidently not long after Mary's death, as a notice in the Brisbane Courier of Friday October 11th 1878 testifies:
Persons enquired for.
JAMES FIFE DUFF BELL, Rockhampton - Your Wife has arrived in Brisbane
from Sydney. Telegraph at once, to No. 8 Martha Cottages, Albert-Street, Brisbane. Anxiously waiting. 4503
It may be a transcription error, or it may be genuine, but James had a second son in 1882,
this time to Margaret Townshend Jennings. Had he committed adultery?!
Ellen Mary Bell
b: 1874
All that is known of Ellen is that she married Michael Joseph Honan at some
stage in her life.
William Bell
b: 1882 d: 1882
William died in infancy.
James Fyfe Duff Bell
b: 1882 d: 1888
James went on to die in infancy at the age of 6.
8] Amy Perry Bell
b: 3/9/1854
Amy was born in Brisbane, Australia.
On Thursday, April 11th 1878, Amy married James William
Dowling, as recorded in the Brisbane Courier some nine days later (Brisbane Courier Sat, 20 APR 1878):
DOWLING-BELL - On the 11th April, at St. John's Church, by the
Rev. John Sutton, James William Dowling, eldest son of Mr. Henry Dowling, St. Albans, Geelong, Victoria, to Amy Perry Bell,
youngest daughter of Mr. David Bell, Stanley Street, Brisbane, South Brisbane.
It is believed Amy had six children. A descendant of hers, Wayne McLennan, still living in Australia, has been in touch, and can be contacted
(7) Mary Manson Paton b: 5/7/1816
d: 22/2/1897
The following is Mary's birth and christening record in the Perth register (OPR: 387/17):
Carscroft West Church Parish Perth Friday the Fifth
day of July one thousand and eight hundred and sixteen was born Mary Manson Paton lawful daughter to William Paton weaver
in said parish and Christian Hay his spouse and baptized the seventh day of July said year by the Reverend Mr William Aird
Thomson Minister of the Middle Church Parish Perth.
In the 1841 census, Mary is listed as living with
her father at Carr's Croft (listed as Kerr's Croft), her age incorrectly stated as 24 (GROS: 1841/387/4).
Six years later, on June 24th 1847, Mary married a
weaver called Alexander Robertson in Perth.
In the 1861 census, both Mary and Alexander were living at 47 Strathmore Street in Perth, with
Alexander listed as a cotton weaver (GROS:387/01/41/1/22).
By the time of the 1881 census, Mary was listed as a
widow, aged 65, and living at 61 Strathmore Street, Kinnoull, Perth, with her job listed as being a winder (GROS:1881/387/36/22).
Mary died on February 22nd 1897 at the age of 82, still living at 61 Strathmore
Street in Perth (Kinnoull). The cause of her death was senile asthenia, ascertified by Dr D. A. Carruthers. The informant
to the Perth registrar on the following day was R. Robertson, Alexander's sister (GROS: 1897/387/0/130).

The family story
continues with Calum's and Jamie's four times great grandfather William Paton, a plasterer who was sadly short lived
in the town of Perth, at The Paton Family (Part Three)...