Alexander Brough
16?? - 17??
Alexander Brough was Calum's, Jamie's and Pippa's eight times great grandfather.
The suggestion that Alexander was James Brough's father comes from the
Scottish naming pattern, with the eldest son named after the father's father - and James' eldest son was called Alexander
(born in Airntully in 1734 - see below). If the pattern holds correctly, then his wife would have been named Isobel.
Alexander and Isobel were known to have had at least one son:
Child of Alexander BROUGH and Isobel:
James Brough
b: bef 1717 d: aft 1757
Calum's Jamie's and Pippa's seven times great grandfather - see below.

James Brough
Bef 1717 - aft 1757
James Brough is Calum's, Jamie's and Pippa's seven times great
Although the baptism record for his son James has not been found, this James'
son James called his own eldest son James, which fits with the Scottish naming pattern of
the eldest son being named after the father's father. The Grandtully Muniments at the National Records
of Scotland (G121/1), the Kinclaven Associate Session minutes and baptismal register, and the OPR records for Kinclaven Established
Church of Scotland note this to be the only family of the name in the parish.
The Brough records found in both churches do not overlap chronologically, and seem to confirm that
James moved from the established kirk to the Associate Session. A small recording gap is found between the runs of baptisms,
and it is presumed that his son James' birth was located in this gap (the Associate Session church at Kinclaven had no minister
from 1741-1746). It is a reasonable assumption that our earliest confirmed ancestor was indeed also called James.
In addition, as James' eldest son was Alexander, born in 1734, James must have been born before 1720 at least,
as the minimum lawful age for young men to marry at this stage was 14.
James married Grisal Gallatley (Galletly) in Kinclaven in late 1731 (Source: SP/NRS
OPR M 365/00 0010 0250 Kinclaven):
November 18th 1731
James Burgh and Grisal Gallatley being regularly proclaimed were also married.
A document from 1744 mentions James Brugh of Airntully as one of a number of
tenants cited to appear at the Sheriff Court in Perth on behalf of Sir George of Grandtully. This was in response to
a case to determine whether the appropriation of part of the common lands of the Muir of Thorn by John McKenzie of Delvine,
which was given in tack to a William Dow, was illegal (Source: NRS GD 121/1/Box 28/161, arrestments and hornings 1742-99;
extract process Sir George Stewart of Grandtully & his tenents agt William Dow).
On 7 JUN 1749 James Brough is recorded in the Associate Session minutes for Kinclaven
as being one of several men present when a John Morice had taken an oath as a 'burly man'. This is a variant of 'birlawman'
or 'birley-man', a man whose role it was to estimate the value of local crops, essentially a parish arbiter appointed to settle
disputes (Source: NRS CH3/502/1/49 Associate Session kirk session minutes, Kinclaven).
James appears to have had some difficulties in paying his rent. In 1755 he was noted as being five
years in arrears with regards to rent due to Sir George Stewart, to the value of £234 4s 8d. This was by far the largest outstanding
debt in Airntully, and in all of Stewart's estate, as recorded in A List of Rests of Rent due by Sir George Stewart's
tenants and vassals for Cropt and year 1755 and preceedings Given up by William Mackewan in his clearance from Cropts in 1754
and in 1755 and in preceeding Rests (NRS: GD121/41/223/12).
A letter entitled 'Sir George Stewart agins tenants', dated 19 MAR 1757, notes that James
Brogh in Irntillie is one of several people cited to appear at the Sheriff Court in Perth 'at the hour of cows',
at the instance of Sir George Stewart of Grandtully (Source: NRS GD121/1/Box 28/161, 1742-99 Arrestments and Hornings).
Children of JAMES BROUGH and Grizel GALLATLEY:
Alexander Burgh
b: abt 20/1/1734
Alexander was baptised in the Church of Scotland at Kinclaven on 20 JAN 1734 (Source: SP/NRS OPR B
365/00 0010 016 Kinclaven):
January 20th 1734
Alexander, son to James Burgh in Airntully was baptized
An Alexander Burgh from Kinclaven, but outwith Airntully, was found to be a communicant of the Kinclaven
Associate Session congregation on 16 JUN 1763 (Source: NRS CH3/502/1/169 Kinclaven Associate Session kirk session minutes).
Grisal Brough
b: 28/3/1736
Grisal was baptised in the Church of Scotland at Kinclaven on 18 MAR 1736 (Source: SP/NRS
OPR B 365/00 0010 0019 Kinclaven):
March 28th 1736
William son to John Young in Cottertown of Innernytie also
Grisal daughter to James Brugh in Airntully were baptised
It is not yet known what became of Grisal.
Robert Brough
b: abt 10/9/1738
Robert was baptised in the Church of Scotland at Kinclaven on 10 SEP 1738 (Source: SP/NRS OPR B 365/00
0010 0023 Kinclaven):
Septr 10. 1738
Robert son to James Brough in Airntully was baptised
It is not yet known what became of Robert.
Isobel Brough
b: abt 13/7/1740
Isobel was baptised in the Church of Scotland at Kinclaven on 13 JUL 1740 (Source: SP/NRS OPR
B 365/00 0010 0025 Kinclaven):
July 13 (1740)
Isobel daughter to James Brough in Airntully was baptised
It is not yet known what became of Isobel.
James Brough
b: bet 1741 and 1745
Calum's, Jamie's and Pippa's six times great grandfather - see
George Brough
b: 16/1/1746
George was born in Perth on 16 JAN 1746 and baptised in the city's Associate Session congregation
on 1 MAY 1746 (Source: IGI). The delay in baptism may indicate that this was the period in which the family switched
to the Associate Session Church from the Church of Scotland. The original record has still to be consulted, but the index
notes his parents as James Brough and Grizel Gellety (Gellatly).
Patrick Brough
b: abt 20/3/1747
Patrick was baptised in the Kinclaven Associate Session church on 20 MAR 1747 (Source: NRS
CH3/502/1 Kinclaven Associate Session baptisms):
March 20th Sab 3d (1747)
James Brough in this Parish had a child Baptized
called Patrick
It is not yet known what became of Patrick.
John Brough
b: abt 23/6/1751
John was baptised in the Kinclaven Associate Session church on 23 JUN 1751
(Source: NRS CH3/502/1 Kinclaven Associate Session baptisms):
June 23 Sab. 4. Eodem die (1751)
James Brough in this Parish had a Child baptized
called John
It is not yet known what became of John.
Joseph Brough
b: abt 12/6/1753
Jospeh was baptised on 12 JUN 1753, a weekday, in the Kinclaven Associate Session church (Source:
NRS CH3/502/1 Kinclaven Associate Session baptisms):
June 12th Week Day
James Brough in this parish had one baptized called Joseph
It is not yet known what became of Joseph.
David Brough
b: abt 26/2/1755
David was baptised in the Kinclaven Associate Session church on 26 FEB 1755 (Source:
NRS CH3/502/1 Kinclaven Associate Session baptisms):
Febr 26th (1755)
James Brough in this parish had a child baptized on a Week day
called David
It is not yet known what became of David.

James Brough
Bet 1740 and 1746 - aft 1798
James was Calum's, Jamie's and Pippa's six times great grandfather.
James was almost certainly born in Kinclaven, Perthshire to James
Brough and Grizel Gellatly. A record for his baptism cannot be found, though this is almost certainly
due to the disruption caused by the secession of the Kinclaven minister from the Church of Scotland, as part of the establishment
of the Associate Session church. Most logically James was likely to have been born between the birth of his sister Isobel
in 1740 and his brother George in 1746, where there is a six year gap in the baptismal records, as the
family switched from the Kinclaven based Church of Scotland parish kirk, the Perth based Associate Congregation, and then
the Kinclaven based Associate Congregation. This would also make sense in placing James as the third son, named for his
father in the traditional Scottish naming pattern.
James was a weaver who married Anne Lamb in Kinclaven. The banns
were called on December 21st 1777 (OPR 365/00 0010 0267 Kinclaven):
Brugh & Lamb
The Marriage Banns of John Chalmers and Jean Grimman both in this
Parish and of James Brough in this Parish and Ann Lamb in Parish of Auchtergaven and of Robert Chapman in this Parish and
Isobil Thom in parish of Rattray were all regularly published December the 21st 1777.
However, the newlyweds were quickly to fall foul of local church discipline -
and via two different churches within the parish. On 3 MAY 1778, the kirk session minutes from the Associate Session recorded
the following entries (Source: NRS CH3/502/1/203; Associate Session kirk session minutes):
It being reported that James Burgh & Anne Lamb his spouse had been
guilty of antenuptial fornication & James having been desired to attend this Meeting was called & compeard; and being
interrogate he acknowledged his having been guilty of antenuptial fornication wt Anne Lamb his spouse. The Modr endeavoured
to lay the evil of his sin before him wt the aggrevations of it, it was agreed that he be just now rebuked before the session
for the same, & appear before the congregation this Day for the first time to make profession of his Repentance, he was
accordingly rebuked by the Modr in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ the alone King & Head of his Church, and appointed
to appear before the congregation this day.
May 3d 1777 James Burgh in Airntully appeared this day before the Congregation,
& was rebuked for the Sin & Scandal of Antenuptial Fornication
May 10th – James Burgh appeared for the second time before
the Congregation, & made profession of his Repentance.
May 17th James Burgh appeared before the Congregation &
was absolved from the Scandal of antenuptial fornication.
With James disciplined, the church moved to do similarly with Anne on 31 MAY 1778 - only
to discover that the couple had in fact also attended the kirk session of the Established church the week before (Source:
NRS CH3/502/1/203; Associate Session kirk session minutes):
Anne Lamb spouse to James Burgh compeared, acknowledged her having been
guilty of the Sin & Scandal of antenuptial fornication wt sd James her Husband. After some conference & dealing wt
her, the session understanding that both James & Anne had been attending last Lord’s Day in the parish church, had
appeared before the session belonging to the Established Church & had made publick profession of their repentance before
said Congregan, in obedience to sd session & that they were both absolved them. The session considering that their so
doing was contrary to their profession as being members of this congregation and under the inspection of this session, who
are in a state of secession from the established Church. They agreed to Delay the forsaid until afterwards.
No further coverage of the incident is found in the Associate Session minutes; the
established church minutes have yet to be consulted, they being held in private hands in Perthshire.
James and Anne went on to
have at least four children in the parish.
On 24 JUN 1790, James and Anne were noted as two communicants from Airntully
in the kirk session records for the Associaste Session (CH3/502/2/5).
It is not known yet when James died, but it is believed to have been after
1798, as James Brough, weaver, is noted as one of the men of Airntully in a list drawn up of men from Murthly aged
between 15 and 60, presumably for the purpose of drawing up a ballot for the militia at that time (Source: NRS GD121/1/Box
37/207/30 Grandtully Muniments).
James Brough
b: 7/5/1778
James was born on May 7th 1778 in Kinclaven (SP: OPR 365/00 0010 0096 Kinclaven):
James Son to James Burgh and Ann Lamb in Airntully was born the 7th of
May and Baptized the 23rd 1778.
James may have married Agnes Marshal in the parish of Kinclaven
on March 28th 1809, although the record has not as yet been confirmed.
Andrew Brough
b: 2/6/1780
Andrew was born in Kinclaven on June 2nd 1780, and christened in the parish on
June 5th.
Ann Brough
b: 31/3/1782
Anne was Calum's and Jamie's five times great grandmother
- see below.
Mary Brough
b: 27/6/1786 d: 20/10/1871
Mary was born in Kinclaven on June 27th 1786,and christened in the parish on
July 15th.
In the 1851 census, Mary is incorrectly listed as a 75 year old
pirn filler (of linen yarn for hand loom weaving) living alone in Airntully, Kinclaven. And in the 1871 census, Mary
is again listed, this time correctly, as an 85 year old unmarried pauper, originally from Kinclaven (SP/NRS 1871 365/0
3/0 p.5). Just a few months later, Mary ended her days living at her nephew James
Rogers' house in Airntully, where she died at the age of 85 at 11.00am on October 20th. The cause was old age and
frailty, and her nephew informed the Kinclaven registrar on the 21st. Her parents were confirmed as James Brough
and Ann Lamb. Throughout her life, Mary remained unmarried (SP/NRS D 1871 365/00 010).
Mary was later noted as having been 'removed by death' from the Kinclaven congregation in the kirk
session minutes (in private hands) of 11 MAR 1872.

Anne Brough 1731/3/1782 - between 1841 and 1851
Anne was Calum's and Jamie's five times
great grandmother.
Anne was born in Kinclaven, Perthshire, Scotland on March 31st 1782 and christened the
following day on April 1st. From the Kinclaven OPR:
Brugh - Ann Daughter to James Brugh
and Ann Lamb in Airntully was born on the 31st of March & baptized on the 9th of Aprile 1782
Banns for Anne's forthcoming wedding
to William Rodger were proclaimed on 27th November 1803 in the parish church
of Little Dunkeld:
November 27 1803 (p.44) William
Rogers and Anne Brough having given up their names were proclaimed without objection.
couple set up home in Wester or Little Burnbane, where they set about raising a family.
Mary Rodger b:
William Roger and Anne Brough, Little Burnbeun, had
a lawful daughter born the 17th January 1805 and baptised at the Minr of Kinclaven, named Mary.
Anne Rodger b:
William Roger and Anne Brough of Wester Burnbean had
a lawful daughter born 20th June 1806 and baptised Anne.
James Rodger b: 18/8/1808
John Roger b:
August 27th - John, lawful son to William Roger and
Anne Brough in Wester Burnbane was born 13th August.
Jean Roger b:
Jean, daughter to William Roger and Anne Brough, Wester
Burnbane, was born 4th and baptised 11th April 1813.
Thomas Rodger c: 9/2/1817
Catherine Rodger b: 8/7/1819
Catherine, daughter to William Rodger and Anne Brough,
was born 8th July current year, Wester Burnbane.
William Rodger b:
All the children were born in the parish of Little Dunkeld (373/1) and were baptised by the Reverend William

Connecting to the present
Anne Brough, married William Rodger in 1803
Son, James Rodger, married Janet Henderson in 1836
Daughter, Janet Rodger, married William Hay Paton in
Son, David Hepburn Paton, married Jessie McFarlane in 1889
Son, Charles Paton, married Jane Currie in
Son, Colin Paton, married Charlotte Harper Graham in 1969
Sons, i) Christopher Mark Paton, married Claire
Patricia Giles, and ii) Colin Paton married Melanie Warner
i) Sons, Calum Graham Paton and Jamie Christopher
Paton; ii) daughter Pippa Louise Paton
