Andrew Bruce
17??-aft 28/1/1798
Andrew BRUCE was Calum's, Jamie's and Pippa's seven times great grandfather.
Little is known of Andrew except that he was a farmer in Airntully in the parish of Kinclaven,
Perthshire. It is believed that he married twice, first to Isobel ELDER, with whom he had at least two children, and
then to Elspet MILLAR, with whom he had at least one more. Isobel's marriage is not recorded, though it is believed
this may be due to the family worshipping with the Secession church in Kinclaven at that point, though the marriage to Elspet
is found in the OPR for Kinclaven:
Bruice & Millar
Andrew Bruice & Elspet Millar both in this Parish were three
times regularly proclaimed in order to marriage Sept 21st 1764.
There is seemingly a reference to Andrew from 28 JAN 1798 in the Kinclaven parish records (held
in private hands), as indexed at
Sim & Andw. Bruce appeared before the Session - James complained that Andw. had said something about him in relation to
a small piece of [...] which gave rise to reproach being cast upon his character, after investigating the business, the session
found James completely innocent. Apprehending that Andw. had said what he did say from inadvertence, and not from any wicked
design he was admonished to be more cautious in his language in future.
b: 6 JUN 1758 d: ????
Janet was Calum's, Jamie's and Pippa's six times great
grandmother - see below
Isabel BRUCE
b: 10 JUL 1761 d: ????
Isabel was born on July 10th 1761 at Airntully:
Isabel Dr. to Andrew Bruice & Isabel Elder in Airntully was born
the 10th & Baptized the 13th of July - 1761
William Bruice
b: 10 OCT 1765 d: ????
William was born in 1765 in Airntully:
Wil son to Andrew Bruice and Elspet Millar in Airntully
was born October 10th and Baptized 12th 1765

Jannet Bruce
1762 (approx) - after 1841
Janet was Calum's, Jamie's and Pippa's six
times great grandmother.
Little is known of Janet at present. According to
the IGI, Jannet was born in "approximately 1762" in Kinclaven, Perthshire - this is the right Jannet, as she is listed
as the wife of Peter Henderson. There is actually only one entry in the OPRs for the Kinclaven area at this
time, which is Jannet Bruice, born on June 6th 1758, and daughter to Andrew Bruice and Isbel
Elder. The following is the wording:
Jannet Da to Andrew Bruice & Isbel Elder was born
June 6th 1758
The complication here is that Kinclaven was one of
the first four parishes to split from the Church of Scotland when Ebenezer Erskine established the Associate Presbytery a
couple of decades earlier. However, one of the interesting things about this record is that it has been recorded retrospectively,
as the other baptisms on the page are not in chronological order. There is only one surviving baptisms register for the secession
church, containing baptisms from 1747-1755. This commenced in 1747 following a six year vacancy for a minister, until Alexander
Blyth was ordained in 1747. Janet's future husband Peter Henderson was recorded in the secession register
in November 1755, as one of the last few entries. The births of all of his subsequent siblings were recorded in the Church
of Scotland register. This may imply that there was no later register for the secession church after 1755, and help explain
the late nature of Janet's birth in the established kirk register - and it should be noted, not a baptism.
Jannet married Peter Henderson at some stage prior to 1782, in the parish of Kinclaven, Perthshire, where they raised a
family together.
By 1841, Janet was recorded in the census as
living at Airdrum, Kinclaven, where she resided on her own, living on independent means. Also living with her was a
Margaret Henderson, aged 20 and described as a farm servant, who may have been her granddaughter (GROS:1841/365/4/3).
It is not yet known when Janet died.
Andrew Henderson
b: 26/10/1782
Andrew was Calum's, Jamie's and Pippa's five times great grandfather - see Henderson page.
William Henderson
b: 25/1/1784 c: 26/1/1784
Jean Henderson
b: 14/2/1787 c: 7/3/1787
Isabell Henderson
b: 11/5/1789
James Henderson
b: 6/7/1791
Alexander Henderson
b: 1/5/1794
George Henderson
b: 4/1/1800 c: 21/1/1800
Agnes Henderson
c: 1/10/1804

Connecting to Calum and Jamie
Jannet Bruce married Peter Henderson prior to
Son, Andrew Henderson, married Janet McEwan
in 1809
Daughter, Janet Henderson, married James Rogers
in 1836
Daughter, Janet Rodger, married William Hay
Paton in 1859
Son, David Hepburn Paton, married Jessie McFarlane
in 1889
Son, Charles Paton, married Jane Currie in 1934
Son, Colin Paton, married Charlotte Harper Graham
in 1969
Son, Christopher Mark Paton, married Claire
Patricia Giles in 2000
Sons, Calum Graham Paton
and Jamie Christopher Paton
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