The MacGillivray Family
Motto: Touch Not This Cat
The name MacGillivray is an anglicised version of
the Gaelic name Mac Gille Bhreith, meaning "the son of the servant of judgement". It is one of the ancient Scottish clans
that came together to form the Clan Chattan confederation, and although originally from the Mull area, this line settled in
the Invernessshire region.
The following members of the MacGillivray family are known
to have been related to Calum:
James MacGillivray (abt 1750 - after
1781) married Ann Cameron
Donald MacGillivray (24/7/1772 - 30/1/1860) married Isabella
Jean MacGillivray (5/10/1774 - ????)
Janet MacGillivray (13/1/1778 - ????)
James MacGillivray (1/8/1781 - 27/2/1866) married Ann Cameron
James McGillivray (1797 - 3/4/1883) married Ann Alexander
Ann MacGillivray (20/3/1801 - ????)
Margaret MacGillivray (23/12/1802 - ????)
James MacGillivray (8/11/1804 - 4/4/1892) married Henrietta
Campbell, and then Margaret "Peggy" Cameron
John MacGillivray (24/3/1806 - ????)
Marjery MacGillivray (30/6/1808 - ????)
Donald MacGillivray (22/8/1808 - ????)
Donald MacGillivray (1/4/1811 - 23/6/1885)
Robert MacGillivray (17/6/1813 - ????)
David MacGillivray (1815 approx - 7/10/1887) married Jessie MacFarlane,
then Ann Cameron, and finally Isabel McIntosh Donald MacGillivray (1825 - 2/1/1857)
Mary MacGillivray (6/2/1827 - ????)
Isabella MacGillivray (10/2/1829)
James MacGillivray (7/6/1831 - ????)
Ann MacGillivray (7/212/1833 - ????)
James MacGillivray (1834 - ????) William Henry MacGillivray
(26/5/1836 - 4/1/1879) married Eliza MacKenzie
John MacGillivray (1837 - 26/5/1915) married Mary Clark
Christina MacGillivray (25/9/1837 - ????)
Isabella MacGillivray (1838 - 5/12/1859) married William
Margaret MacGillivray (1/8/1838 - ????)
MacGillivray (15/7/1839 - 18/3/1932)
Alexander MacGillivray (7/7/1841 - ????) John Lauchlan MacGillivray (3/8/1841 - 19/9/1885) married Margaret Cameron
David MacGillivray (30/6/1844 - ????) Christina MacGillivray (11/12/1844 - 12/2/1934) married Ewen MacDonald
Peter McGillivray (17/9/1865 - 1949) married Christina Menzies
Henrietta (formerly Fanny) McGillivray (26/5/1867
- ????)
James McGillivray (1868 - after 1885) James McGillivray (25/11/1869 - ????)
Daniel McGillivray (7/7/1869 - ????) Christina MacGillivray (21/10/1870 - ????) Donald McGillivray
(1873 - ????)
Eliza MacGillivray (9/8/1873 - ????)
John Lachlan McGillivray (14/9/1874 - ????) Colin McGillivray (26/3/1875 - 29/3/1875)
Anne McGillivray (1876 - after 1901)
Alexander Laidlaw McGillivray (1878 - after 1901)
John McGillivray (1880 - after 1901)
Colin McGillivray (9/4/1883 - possibly 1915)
William McGillivray (1886 - after 1901)
Donald MacGillivray - unconfirmed
17?? - 17??
Our earliest MacGillivray ancestor was likely to have been called Donald
MacGillivray, following the naming pattern of the eldest son named after the father's father, used almost excusively
by his descendants for several generations to come.
Virtually nothing is known of him, except that it is likely that he lived at Dunchea in the parish
of Dores in Invernessshire.
Confirmed children of Donald MacGillivray:
James MacGillivray
b: abt 1750
Calum's and Jamie's 6 x great grandfather - see below
MacGillivrays of Dunchea circa 1750
From the extensive records researched by Jane S. MacGillivray
as part of her Operation Dunlichity project, some extra information on the family of our earliest known MacGillivray ancestors can be examined.
Our earliest confrmed ancestor, James MacGillivray, presumed son of a Donald MacGillivray, was noted
in his marriage entry to Ann Cameron of Ruthven in 1772 as being originally from Dunchea, and then moving after his wedding
to Bochrubin. Today, Dunchea, Bochrubin and Ruthven still exist, as farms on the south side of Loch Ness, in the parish
of Dores and Boleskine (previously Dores).
From Jane's research, other MacGillivray members are noted at Dunchea prior to James' marriage,
and it can be deduced that they were in some way likely related to James - some were almost certainly siblings.
The following are the other Dunchea based MacGillivrays:
On March 31st 1760, a Donald MacGillivray of Dunchea (noted as Danchy) married Elizabeth
MacGillivray of Gortleg, having initially contracted for the wedding on January 22nd.
On April 15th 1760, Donald MacGillivray, two year old son to John MacGillivray in Dunchea,
died in infancy.
On August 11th 1766, a Thomas McIntire was born to John McIntire and Mary
MacGillivray, of Dunchea, and baptised on the 17th.
On March 11th 1771, a William Glass was born to Donald Glass and Elspeth
MacGillivray of Dunchea, and baptised on the 16th.
On October 23rd 1771, a Donald Fraser was born to John Fraser and Mary MacGilliivray
of Dunchea, and baptised on the 27th.
In October 1780, a William MacGillivray of Dunchea married Janet MacLeod.
And on February 22nd 1796, a Margaret Fraser was born to Donald
Fraser and Isobel MacGillivray, both of Dunchea.

William Roy's map 1745 showing the MacGillivray settlements on south side of Loch Ness (source: NLS) |
The territory shown in William Roy's map above from 1745-47 comprises the
three settlements within which it is known that our ancestors came from. The main settlement of Dunchea (2) is noted,
as is the estate of Bochruben (1), where James MacGillivray settled in the 1770s, and the farm of Ruthven
(3), where Ann Cameron came from.
There are two other settlements worth noting. The estate at Aberarder (4) to
the east of Ruthven is just a few minutes walk away from the farm - a John MacGillivray of Aberarder surrendered
to the British Government on May 17th 1746 in the aftermath of the Battle of Culloden.
To the south (5) lies Dunmaglass - the seat of the clan for hundreds of
years prior to Culloden. At the battle, the regiment was led by Alexander MacGillivray, who died in the charge.
The regiment within which he served, Lady Mackintosh's, comprised of scores of MacGillivrays, who led the main charge and
as a result suffered the most casualties. From an issue of Celtic Monthly in 1898:
The MacGillivrays fell in scores at Culloden, including of officers, at
least one Colonel, one Major, two Captains and one Lieutenant.
As can be seen, our MacGillivray family lay right at the heart of the clan
territory. Whether any of our family was involved in the battle is unclear, but it is well established that in 1745, and in
particular 1715, the MacGillivrays played a major part on the Jacobite side. If
our ancestors did not fight, they certainly knew someone who did - and would equally have suffered the consequences after

James MacGillivray
1750 (approx) - after 1781
James was Calum's and Jamie's six times
great grandfather.
James was noted in the parish register for his wedding
as being from Dunchea in the parish of Dores and Boleskine, Inverness, situated on the south shore of Loch Ness. Dunchea today
still exists as a farm, and it is most likely that he was raised at the same farm. He was born in approximately 1750.
On May 21st 1772, James married Ann Cameron,
who was from the settlement of Ruthven, just east of Dunchea, where the marriage took place. It appears that the couple
had at least four children, and from their records, a brief summary of James' life can be worked out.
James worked as a shoemaker, presumably throughout his life within the parish
of Dores. After his marriage to Ann, the couple initially resided at Dunchea, where they are noted as residing for the births
of their children Donald and Jean in July 1772 and March 1774.
Dunchea farm, Dores, Invernessshire |
By January 1778 they had moved to a neighbouring farm called Bochruben, as noted
in the baptism record for their daughter Janet, with the farm situated about a mile west of Dunchea. In Charles Fraser Mackintosh's "Minor Septs of Clan Chattan: An
Account of the Confederation of Clan Chattan; Its Kith and Kin", published in 1898, there is a description of the history
of Bochruben in the 18th and 19th centuries, with its MacGillivray links:
eldest son of the above Farquhar, succeeded in 1714, and entered into marriage articles with Elizabeth Mackintosh, daughter
of William Mackintosh of Aberarder, upon 8th September, 1716, but the contract is not dated till 8th May, 1717, nor the lady
infeft in Dunmaglass, Lairgs, and Gask, until 29th July, 1730, after her mother-in-law's death. The MacGillivrays took an
active part in the rising of 1715. The laird (Farquhar) and his brother, William, were Captain and Lieutenant respectively
in the Clan Chattan regiment, while there was another Farquhar MacGillivray, also Lieutenant. The two former at least, got
off, but one John MacGillivray, apparently of good standing, was tried and convicted on 25th January, and executed at Wigan, 10th February, 1716. This Farquhar was a leading man under Lachlan and William
Mackintosh, Chiefs of Clan Chattan, and did much to bring about the agreement with the Macphersons in the year 1724. He received
from Lachlan Mackintosh a feu of the Davoch of Bochruben in Dores, which he parted with to Fraser of Bochruben, the dominium
utile ultimately falling into the hands of William Fraser of Balnain, whose posterity still retain it. He was an excellent
man of business, but interfering too much with other people's affairs, his own became involved. He died in 1740, but his wife,
Elizabeth Mackintosh, is found as late as 1769. He had several children--Alexander, who succeeded; William, who succeeded
his brother; John, Farquhar, and Donald, also Anne, Catherine, and Elizabeth. With the exception of William, none left issue.
A report held by Highland Archives in Inverness, dated to 22 MAR 1839, notes
how the farm was till at this point being operated via the Highland runrig system many years later. The farm also still
exists today.
By August 1781, the family had relocated back to Dunchea, where they are noted
within the baptism record for James' and Ann's son James.
It is not known when either James or Ann died, or what became of them in later life. From the record
of death of his son Donald, which occurred on 30 JAN 1860 in Inverness, James was noted as a deceased
shoemaker (SP/NRS D 1860 098/51 Inverness). Similarly, for the death of James' son James, which occurred
in Inverness on 27 FEB 1866, James senior was again noted as having been a shoemaker (SP/NRS D 1866 098/00 0076 Inverness).
An apprenticeship record from Inverness for his grandson David MacGillivray, dated
to 1 SEP 1828, notes a James MacGillivray, shoemaker, as a witness to the signing of the indenture.
It is possible that that this might have been Davvid's grandfather, but equally possible it might have been his uncle
James, also a shoemaker (Source: Highland Archives, BI/1/15/1, p.41 merchants guild section at rear of book).
b: 24/7/1772
c: 26/7/1772 d: 30/1/1860
was Calum's and Jamie's great great great grandfather - see below.
Jean MacGillivray
b: 5/7/1774 c: 11/12/1774
was born at Dunchea in the parish of Dores on 5 JUL 1784 and baptised on 11 JUL 1784. Her parents were noted as
James McGilvray and Ann Camron (SP/NRS OPR B 096/0A 0010/0038 Dores).
Janet MacGillivray
b: 13/1/1778 c: 8/2/1778
was born at Bochrubin in the parish of Dores on 13 JAN 1778 and baptised on 18 JAN 1778. Her parents were noted
as Jas MacGilvray and Ann Cameron (SP/NRS OPR B 096/0A 0010/0043 Dores).
James MacGillivray
b: 1/8/1781 d: 27/2/1866
was born at Dunchea in the parish of Dores on 29 JUL 1781 and baptised on 1 AUG 1781. His parents were noted as James
McGilvray and Anne Cameron (SP/NRS OPR B 096/0A 0010/0047 Dores).
James grew
up to become a weaver in the town of Inverness. Like his father, he too was to
marry a woman with the name of Ann Cameron, the happy event taking place in Dunain, in the parish of Daviot
and Dunlichty, on March 5th 1800. The couple were to have at least
seven children.
In the 1841 census James was noted as a 60 year old agricultural
labourer resident in Wells Street, Inverness. Also present were his 60 year old wife Ann S. McGillivray,
and children, John (aged 30), Margaret (aged 35), and William (aged
20). All were noted as coming from Invernessshire (SP/NRS 1841 census RD 98 ED 11 p.31 Inverness).
In the 1851 census James was noted as a 68 year old agricultural
labourer resident at 37 Wells Street, Inverness. Also present were his 70 year old wife Ann McGillivray,
children Margaret (a 40 year old ag lab), John (a 38 year old ag lab), and a 14
year ol servant Janet McGillivray. All were noted as coming from Invernessshire (SP/NRS 1851 census RD 98
ED 13 p.7 Inverness).
At 11am on 16 AUG 1863 James applied for
poor relief from the Inverness based Parochial Board. His application notes that he was resident in
Wells Street, was aged 81, married, born in Scotland,
and a farmer by trade. He was visited by an inspector two days later at noon. He
was noted as having no dependants, whilst the following was recorded under Other Information:
Age and General
Debility. William son about 40 years of age, about Fortwilliam when last heard of, John about Aberdeen
and a daughter [...] living with us in Wells St.
recorded, the daughter's name looks something like 'Weakly', but was almost certainly Margaret, who
made a subsequernt application from the same address. James was committed to the Poorhouse (Highland Archive, Inverness Parochial
Board applications, BI/4/1/46).
died on February 27th 1866 at 2am,
at his home of 37 Wells Street, Inverness. The
cause was debility from old age, which he had suffered for some nine months, without the aid of any medical attendant. On
his death entry in the register, he was again listed as married, as opposed to being a widower, which presumably means his
wife Ann was still alive and kicking at the time, although no death entry for her has as yet been identified. James'
son James informed the Inverness registrar about his father's death on March 5th (SP/NRS
D 1866/98/76 Inverness).
was born in Inverness in approxiamtely March 1801, and christened on the 20th (SP/NRS B OPR 098/00
6 Inverness):
James McGilvray (weaver Dunend) and his spouse Ann Cammron (sic) had a child baptised
by H. Rok called Ann - Duncan Fraser & John Gunn witnesses.
c: 23/12/1802
was born in Inverness in approximately December 1802, and baptised in the town on the 23rd (SP/NRS
B OPR 098/00 6 Inverness):
James McGilvray
Dunain his spouse Ann Cemron had a child bapt by Rd. Fraser called Margrat / Duncan Fraser & John Gunn witn.
never married, and appears not to have settled in Inverness city until the early 1840s. At 10.30am on 3 JUL 1883 she applied
to the Inverness Parochial Board for relief. In her application she was noted incorrectly as aged 78, a domestic servant,
Protestant, and resident at 37 Wells Street. Under Country of Birth she is noted as being from 'Inverness - Duncan' and as
being Protestant. She was also partially disabled, as certified by Dr. D. S. McDonald, being 'not able-bodied on account of
old age infirmaties'. In the Other Information section, the records states the following:
Parents - James McGillivray and Ann Cameron or McGillivray both dead - They resided in Inverness and were relieved by this
Board - Resides in Inverness 40 years.
was referred to the committee, and granted 1/6 a week in relief payments (Highland Archive, Inverness Parochial Board applications,
Margaret died
of chronic heart disease at 8.30pm on December 15th 1886, in her home of 37 Wells Street, Inverness. Her niece, Margaret McKenzie,
listed as living at 20 Muirtown Bridge, informed the registrar, Donald Fraser, on December 20th (SP/NRS D 1886 098/00 425
8/11/1804 d: 4/4/1892
was born in Inverness in either October or November 1804 and christened on November 8th (SP/NRS B OPR 098/00 6 Inverness):
James McGilvray
labourer & his spouse Ann Cameron had a child bapt. by W. H. Bayer named James - Duncan Fraser & John Gunn witnesses.
married Henrietta Campbell in Wick, Caithness, in the year 1834 (SP/NRS M OPR 043/00 0005 Wick). The couple
went on to have two sons in Caithness, but it seems that Henrietta, or "Fanny" as she was known, died between 1837 and 1843.
remarried to Margaret 'Peggy' Cameron, on December 2nd 1843 in Kilmallie, near Fortwilliam in Invernessshire.
the 1851 census, James was listed in Druimarbin, Kilmallie, as a 46 year old road foreman. His wife Margaret was also living
in their home, as well as Marion Cameron, a lodger, and described as an "idiot" (SP/NRS 1851 Census RD 520 ED 4 p.6).
1861, the couple were listed in Kilmallie at Duncansburg, with James recorded as a road contractor. This census tells us that
Margaret was from Blurchaerine in Invernessshire, whilst 62 year old James was from 'Dunean'. Also listed were their son John,
Marjery Cameron, a 54 year old pauper and James' sister-in-law, as well as Christian Cameron,
a 19 year old servant (SP/NRS 1861 Census RD 520 ED 1 p.3 Kilmallie).
died at 4.00pm on March 20th 1880, at the age of 77, the cause being asthma, from which she had suffered for two years. Her
husband James had the sad duty of informing the registrar on the 29th (SP/NRS D 1880 520/00 18 Kilmallie).
next we hear of James is in the 1881 census. In 1881, James was described as an 81 year old road contractor. Living with him
were his 11 year old grandson James (born in 1869), is sister-in-law Marjorie Cameron, described as an 84 year old lunatic,
and Annie McDougall, a 19 year old general servant from Glenelg (SP/NRS 1881 Census RD 520 ED 1 p.2 Kilmallie).
finished his days as a crofter in Druimarbin. He died on April 4th 1892 at midday, apparently aged 95, although he was in
fact about 88. The cause of his death was senile decay, as certified by Dr John MacNaughton. James' son John
informed the registrar on the 7th (SP/NRS D 1892 520/00 24 Kilmallie).
James MacGillivray
1837 d: 26/5/1915
December 22nd 1864 John, at that time a labourer, married Mary Clark, from Blarmacfoldach, the daughter
of crofter Peter Clark and Ann Campbell (both by then deceased). The marriage was carried
out by the Reverend Charles Stewart, the Free Church of Scotland minister in Fortwilliam, and the witnesses were Charles
Cameron and Jim Hinton. From the wedding entry, it is clear that Mary could not write, as she had to make her mark
by way of the letter X, which was witnessed by Charles Cameron and James MacGillivray, although it is not known if this James
was her prospective brother-in-law or father-in-law. The wedding was subsequently registered on the 24th (SP/NRS M 1864 520/00
21 Kilmallie).
1881, the year after John's stepmother had died of asthma, we find in the census that John had been born in Wick, Caithness,
where his parents had obviously lived for a time. He was living at Blarmacfoldach Road in Killmallie, and was a crofter of
10 acres. His wife Mary was described as having been born in Crieff in Perthshire, and all their children were listed as born
in Kilmallie.
the 1891 census, John is still at Blarmacfoldach in Kilmallie. He is listed as a 51 year old crofter, who was born in Wick,
Caithness, and who could speak both Gaelic and English. Also in the house were his wife Mary, and his children, James,
Donald, Annie, Alexander, John, Colin, William
and Mary. The house was described as having three rooms with one or more windows.
1892, John had the sad duty of informing the registrar of his father's death (SP/NRS D 1892 520/00 24 Kilmallie).
the 1901 census, John was still listed as a crofter at 10 Blarmacfaoldach in Kilmallie. He was described as aged 58,
and as both a fluent speaker in Scots Gaelic and English. The house was described as having two rooms with one or more windows
(SP/NRS 1901 Census RD 520 ED2 p.3 Kilmallie).
died at 11pm on May 26th 1915
at Fassifren Road in Fortwilliam, aged 76. The cause was hemiplegin, retention
of urine and cardiac failure. His son Peter, by now living at Burks Cottage in Aberfeldy, Perthshire, informed
the Fortwilliam registrar on the 28th (SP/NRS D 1915 098/B0 032 Fortwilliam).
17/9/1865 d: 20/10/1951
Peter McGillivray (1933) with daughter in law Catherine, granddaughter Margaret, and Catherine's mum |
Peter was born at 5.00am on September 17th 1865 at Blarmacfoldach, in the parish
of Kilmallie, Fortwilliam. His father John, a labourer at the time of the birth, informed the Fort William registrar
on the 18th (SP/NRS B 1865 520/00 55 Kilmallie).
On December 9th 1892, Peter married a twenty two year old domestic
servant, Christina Menzies, daughter of William Menzies and Christina
Anderson, at Viewlands in Perth. Peter was at that time working at Comrie Farm in Weem, Perthshire, whilst Christina
was living at Auchloe in Fortingall, Perthshire. The witnesses were Donald McTavish and Elizabeth Menzies, whilst the Church
of Scotland minister was the Reverend Robert Milne, of the West Kirk in Perth.
The couple settled down in Kenmore, Perthshire, and had four sons, two of whom
were William, born in 1893, and Robert, born in 1900. Peter's job varied from
being a careter to working as a ploughman.
But tragedy struck shortly after Robert's birth. Almost exactly a year after
the birth, Christina died from peritonitis, on March 23rd 1901, as certified by Dr John Mackay. The death may have been due
to an ongoing complication from having recently given birth. The couple had been living in Mains parish of Kenmore when
the tragedy had occurred, where Peter had been working as ploughman (SP/NRS D 1901 360/00 03 Kilmallie). To get over
the shock, Peter had moved back to his parents' home for a while in Kilmallie, where he is found listed in the 1901 census.
At this point, Peter was listed as a 35 year old coachman (domestic service), and the census confirms that he could speak
in both Scottish Gaelic and English (SP/NRS 1901 Census RD 520 ED 002 p.3 Kilmallie).
Peter was the informant to the same
registrar for his father's death in 1915, at which time he was living at Burk's Cottage in Aberfeldy, Perthshire (SP/NRS D
1915 098/B0 032 Aberfeldy).
Peter subsequently remarried to Christina Cameron, and continued
to live in Aberfeldy.
At 6.10pm on October 20th 1951, Peter, by now a retired gardener, died. He died
at Cuil an Daraich, Logierait, Perthshire, although his home address was 6 Breadalbane Terrace in Aberfeldy. The cause
was senility and cardiovascular degeneration, as certified by Dr. W. Yellowlees. The informant was a William A. Graham, the
occupier of the premises (SP/NRS D 1951 376 18 Logierait).
William McGillivray
b: 12/9/1893
William was born sat 3.300pm on September 12th 1893, in Kenmore, Perthshire.
The informat to the registrar on the 16th was his father, a carter at the time (SP/NRS B 1893 360 13 Kenmore).
John McGillivray
b: 1896
John was born in the Mains parish of Kenmore, Perthshire in 1896 (SP/NRS B 1896
360 05 Kenmore).
John later married Agnes Gracie (born 1908) and had at least one child.
Peter McGillivray
b: 1936
Peter was born in Aberfeldy, Perthshire in 1936. He later went on to marry Janet Salt
(born Hinckley, Leicestershire, England in 1937).
The couple went on to raise a family of five children.
Peter Wayne McGillivray
b: 1957
Peter was born in Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England, in 1957.
Gavin Mark McGillivray
b: 1958
Gavin was born in Hong Kong, China, in 1958.
Shaun Duncan McGillivray
b: 1959
Shaun was born in Hong Kong, China, in 1959.
Cheryl Jayne McGillivray
b: 1963
Cheryl was born in Leicester, England, in 1963.
Donna Michelle McGillivray
b: 1965
Donna was born in Leicester, England, in 1965.
Peter McGillivray
b: 3/5/1898
Peter was born in the Mains parish of Kenmore at 2.00pm on May 3rd
1898. His father, John, a farm servant at the time, informed the Kenmore registrar on the 10th (SP/NRS B 1898 360 08 Kenmore).
Robert McGillivray
b: 17/3/1900
Robert McGillivray and wife Catherine Stewart on their wedding day in 1925 |
Robert was born at 7.40pm on St Patrick's day, 1900, in the Mains parish of Kenmore,
Perthshire. His father, a ploughman at this point, informed the registrar on the 21st (SP/NRS B 1900 360 05 Kenmore).
Robert married Catherine Stewart in Aberfeldy on October 2nd
Their first child Daniel died in infancy, but their two daughters,
Margaret and Christine, survive to this day in Aberfeldy and in Australia.
Daniel McGillivray
b: 4/1/1928 d: 5/1/1928
Daniel died aged only a day old at 5.00pm on Januray 5th 1928, in the family
home at 6 Breadalbane Terrace in Aberfeldy. The cause was premature birth. His father, Robert, a journeyman baker at the time,
informed the Aberfeldy registrar on January 14th (SP/NRS D 1928 324 2 Aberfeldy).
Christine McGillivray
b: 31/10/1929
Christine currently lives in Aberfeldy, Perthshire, Scotland.
Margaret McGillivray
b: 20/8/1932
Margaret married Hugh Robertson in 1955, and emigrated
to Western Australia in 1964 with their three children. She still lives there with her family, which now includes six grandchildren.
In February 2003, contact with Margaret was established, and much information has been gratefully received from her.
Henrietta (Campbell) McGillivray
b: 26/5/1867 d: 24/3/1952
Henrietta was born on May 26th 1867 at 3.00am, at Blarmacfoldach
in the parish of Kilmallie. She was originally christened Fanny, but the register of corrected entries records
her name being changed to Henrietta on September 4th that year. Her
father was present at her birth, and informed the registrar on April 7th (SP/NRS B 1867 520 26 Kilmallie).
Henrietta married John Angus Mackintosh, an engineer's storeman,
and son of police inspector Lachlan Mackintosh and Christina Wilson, in 1891 (SP/NRS
M 644/9 369 Kelvinside), and had at least one son. John died at 8.05pm on February 10th 1947, aged 81, at 133 Balornoch
Road, Glasgow, alhough his usual address was 36 Simpson Street in the city. The cause was senility, as certified by Dr Ruth
Hoffman. The informant was his son, J. Mackintosh, also living at the family home at the time. In the death
entry, Henrietta is listed with the middle name Campbell, though it is unclear why, as she was not christened with the name
(SP/NRS 1947 644/5 197 Springburn).
Henrietta died herself on March 23rd 1952, at 6.15am in her home on Simpson Street,
Glasgow. The cause was arterio-sclerosis and terminal broncho-pneumonia, as certified by Dr. James R. Langmuir. Her son, J.
Mackintosh, who was by now living at 83 Argyll House in Kinlochleven, informed tghe registrar on the 24th (SP/NRS D 1952
644/12 159 Maryhill).
J. Mackintosh
b: ????
James McGillivray
b: 25/11/1869
James was born at 11pm on November 25th 1869 at Blarmacfoldach in the parish
of Kilmallie. His father informed the registrar in Fortwilliam on the 27th (SP/NRS B 1869 520 79 Kilmallie).
Donald McGillivray
b: 1873
Colin McGillivray
b: 26/3/1875 d: 29/3/1875
Colin was born in Blarmacfoldach, but died after only four days old. His father
registered both the birth and the death.
Anne McGillivray
b: 1876
Anne is listed in the 1901 census as a 24 year old
domestic servant, living with her parents at Blarmacfoldach in Kilmallie (SP/NRS 1901 Census RD 520 ED 2 p.3 Kilmallie).
Alexander Laidlaw McGillivray
b: 1878
In the 1901 census, Alexander is listed as a 22 year
old lodger living in Upper Achintore (Ach' an Todhair) with 69 year old widowed crofter, Catherine Cameron. Alexander
was described as a plate forger by trade, and could speak in both English and Scots Gaelic (SP/NRS 1901 Census RD 520 ED 1
p.6 Kilmallie).
John McGillivray
b: 1880
John is listed in the 1901 census as a 20 year old railway labourer, living with
his parents at Blarmacfoldach in Kilmallie. He could converse in Scottish Gaelic as well as in English (SP/NRS 1901 Census
RD 520 ED 2 p.3 Kilmallie).
Colin McGillivray
b: 9/4/1883 d: possibly 1915
Colin was named after his brother who had died a few years earlier at birth.
He was born at 7.00am on April 9th 1883 at Blarmacfoldach, in the parish of Kilmallie. His father informed the Fortwilliam
registrar on the 23rd (SP/NRS B 1883 520 030 Kilmallie).
It is believed that Colin may have died fighting in the First World War, but
the record has yet to be checked to confirm that this is so (SP/NRS: Service returns-122/AF/0016).
William McGillivray
b: 1886
In the 1901 census, William was listed at Blarmacfoldach in Kilmallie as a 15
year old scholar. He was both a Gaelic and English speaker (SP/NRS 1901 Census RD 520 ED 2 p.3 Kilmallie).
Mary Flora MacGillivray
b: 20/2/1888
Mary was born at 9.00pm on February 20th 1888 at Blarmacfaoldach in the parish
of Kilmallie. Her father informed the Fortwilliam registrar on March 8th (SP/NRS B 1888 520 13 Kilmallie). She is listed in
the 1891 census in Kilmallie as John's three year old daughter.
John MacGillivray
b: 24/3/1806
John was born in Inverness in March 1806 and christened
there on the 24th (SP/NRS OPR B 098 06 Inverness):
James McGilvray farmer & his spouse Ann Cameron
had a child bapt by R. Thomas Fraser called John - Duncan Fraser & John Gunn witnesses
Marjery MacGillivray
b: 30/6/1808
Marjery was born in Inverness in June 1808 and christened
on the 30th (SP/NRS OPR B 098 07 Inverness):
James McGillivray farmer at Dunain & his spouse
Ann Cameron had a child baptised by Mr. Thos. Fraser named Marjery, witnesses John Gunn & Duncan Fraser.
Donald MacGillivray
b: 1/4/1811 d: 23/6/1885
Donald was born in Inverness in March 1811, and
was christened there on April 1st (SP/NRS OPR B 098 07 Inverness):
James McGillivray labourer and his spouse Ann Cameron
had a child baptised by Mr. Thomas Fraser named Donald, witnesses Duncan Fraser & John Gunn.
Donald worked as a general labourer in his lifetime. He died in the poorhouse
in Inverness on June 23rd 1885, at the age of 75.
Robert MacGillivray
b: 17/6/1813
Robert was born in Inverness in June 1813 and christened
on the 17th (SP/NRS OPR B 098 07 Inverness):
James McGillivray at Dunain and his spouse Ann Cameron
had a child baptised by the Revd Thomas Fraser named Robert - witnesses.

Donald MacGillivray 24/7/1772 - 30/1/1860
Donald MacGillivray was Calum's and Jamie's
five times great grandfather.
Donald was born on July 24th 1772 in Dunchea, parish of Dores, and christened
two days later on the 26th.
Donald trained to become a house carpenter,
and married Isabella Munroe on 5th September 1796, in Inverness, Scotland (OPR:098/8/14). Donald is listed from Ness Bleachfield,
most likely his place of abode at the time.
The Inverness Militia in 1804 - Donald will be in the background somewhere! |
The couple had at least three sons, although the dates of their birth cover such
a vast period that it can only be assumed that there were several other children. The first of the known children, and the
oldest, was James, born in Kiltearn in Ross and Cromarty, in October 1797, with Donald noted as the
father and as a servant to a Mr Barclay of Balcony. (James' death entry in 1883 later confirms that Donald spent most of his
life as a master house carpenter).
The next known about son is Donald, who was born in Edinburgh
in 1808, and from his birth entry in the Edinburgh OPR we learn that Donald senior had left the carpentry trade for a period
to become a soldier in the 75th Militia, the Inverness militia brigade, enlisting on February 5th 1808. From the Public
Records Office in Kew Gardens, London, England, I have managed to track down a single adjutant's roll for the Inverness Militia
covering the period from the end of 1807 to the end of 1808. The roll lists four entries that refer to Donald (PRO Kew: WO/13/1084):
25th December 1807 to 24th March 1808 Private
Donald MacGillivray served 49 days from February 5th 1808, the date on which he joined the militia.
25th March to 24th June 1808
Private Donald MacGillivray was entitled to the full
rate of pay for the account period.
25th June to 24th September 1808
Private Donald MacGillivray was entitled to the full
rate of pay for the complete period, at a rate of 1 shilling a day. It is noted that the militia had 864 privates at the beginning
of the account and 812 at the end.
25th September to 24th December 1808
Private Donald MacGillivray was entitled to the full
rate of pay for the account period.
In 1815, Donald was based as a militiaman with his wife in Portsmouth for
a time, where his son David, who would eventually become Calum's and Jamie's great great great great grandfather,
was born. Shortly after this, it is assumed that Donald and his family returned to Inverness, his stint in the militia now
over. Back in Inverness, Donald once again took up work as a carpenter, and he was most likely a member of the Wrights Guild
in the town.
Elizabeth Isabella Spence, when travelling in Inverness in 1816, recorded her impressions of the men's
dress style in the town at that time:
The elderly men use the Scotch bonnet universally, and are always habited
in a suit of light blue cloth, which materials are wove at home. They enwrap themselves in the drapery of the plaid; it looks
very graceful, and gives something of the Roman character to their air, which is always stately and erect.
On Thursday 28 APR 1825 Donald pops up in an advertisement within the Inverness
Courier, concerning the sale of the property within which he was a tenant:
There is to be sold, by private bargain,
THAT DWELLING HOUSE, with ground attached consisting of 32 feet in length
and 29 1/2 feet in breadth; pleasantly situated on the west bank of the River Ness, and occupied by DONALD MACGILLIVRAY, House
Carpenter and others. This subject holds of the Magistrates of Inverness, for payment of a very small feu duty.
For further particulars apply to GEORGE CAMERON, Solicitor, who is in possession
of the Title-Deeds, and authorised to conclude a bargain.
Inverness, 27th April, 1825
In August 1832, the cholera epidemic
hit Inverness, killing 217 people by the time it had passed in December. Government advice printed in the Inverness
Journal on November 11th 1831, the previous year, shows the concern that it had about the forthcoming epidemic, and no
doubt Donald and Isabella followed it to the letter:
The inhabitants of the burgh and suburbs should pay the strictest and most
scrupulous attention to cleanliness, not only in their houses but on their own persons; and that they should forthwith take
the precaution of washing the inner walls of their houses as well as the furniture with a white-wash, composed of quick lime
and at all times to allow a free admission of air - and further use the utmost diligence in the immediate removal of all manure
and pigstyes from and about their premises and recommending to all butchers in town and neighbourhood, to remove INSTANTLY
the offals of the animals slaughtered in their shambles.
The town itself was not the cleanest place in which an epidemic could
occur. Dr. John Nicol, the medical officer for Inverness at the time of the cholera plague, recorded the following description
of the place in 1841:
There are very few houses in town which can boast of either water-closet
or privy; and only two or three public privies in the better part of the place exist for the great bulk of the inhabitants.
Hence there is not a street, lane, or approach to it that is not disgustingly defiled at all times, so much so as to render
the whole place an absolute nuisance. The midden is the chief object of the humble; and though enough of water for
purposes of cleanliness may be had by little trouble, still the ablutions are seldom - MUCK in doors and out of doors must
be their portion.
Donald was present as a witness at the christenings of his son
David's children, Ann (July 1839) and David (July 1844). Similarly, he was also listed
as present at the christenings of his son James' children, Mary (6/2/1827), Isabella
(10/2/1829), James (7/6/1831), Anne (12/11/1833), Donald (28/3/1835),
William (26/5/1836), Margaret (9/8/1838) and Christina (11/12/1844).
On August 10th 1840, Donald remarried to a Margaret Fraser,
which means Isabella must have died at some stage prior to this point. The OPR for the wedding states the following (OPR:098/0140):
August 10th
Donald MacGillivray, house carpenter, King Street, and Margaret Fraser,
Knockbain, Kirkhill. By the Revd. Dr. Rose.
In the 1841 census, Donald is mistakenly listed as 60 years old (the 1841 census
rounded down ages to the nearest multiple of 5 for statistical purposes). He is again described as a carpenter, and as having
been born in the county of Inverness. Recorded with him at his home in King Street, Inverness, was his new wife, 35 year
old Margaret (SP/NRS 1841 census RD 098 ED10 p.2).
Three years later, on 17 JAN 1844, Donald is again mentioned in a newspaper
advert from the Inverness Courier, confirming his residence on King Street:
To be sold, by public roup, within the chambers of Andrew Belford, Solicitor
in Inverness, on Friday, the 2d day of february next, at One o'clock afternoon,
1. THE TWO DWELLING HOUSES Nos. 39 and 40, King Street, Merkinch, presently
occupied by Wm. Macfarquhar, Alex. Chisholm, and others, with the Garden Ground behind.
2. The DWELLING-HOUSE, No. 35, King Street, presently occupied by Donald
Macgillivray, wright, and others.
The above Properties belong to the Sequestrated Estate of Messrs Kenneth
Macrae & Son, merchants, Inverness, and will be sold in one or two Lots, to suit intending purchasers.
The Articles of Roup, and
Title Deeds, are in the hands of Mr. Belford, who will communciate any further particulars that may be required.
In 1851, the couple are recorded at 4 Camerone Close, Inverness. Donald
is listed as a cabinetmaker, aged 78, whilst the ever reliable censuses now tell us that Margaret appears to have aged somewhat
in ten years, now being listed as 60 (SP/NRS 1851 census RD098 ED13 p.18 Inverness)!
Donald died at 11.45pm on January 30th 1860, at his home address of 45
Muirtown Street, at the age of 87. The cause was a general debility which he had suffered for three months, without the attentions of
a medical attendant. Donald was buried in the church yard at Inverness parish church, as certified by John Martin, the sexton,
and the death was registered by Donald's son James on February 3rd in Inverness (SP/NRS D 1860 098/51 Inverness).
The next mention so far obtained on Donald is from the marriage register
entry in 1869 of his son David, in which Donald is again listed as a carpenter. From David's various census
entries, it is apparent that he was born in Portsmouth, England, in approximately 1815. It is obvious therefore that
Donald was there also in his capacity as a soldier.
James McGillivray
b: 27/10/1797 d: 3/4/1883
James was born and baptised in October 1797 in the parish of Kiltearn, Ross and
Cromarty, not far from Inverness (SP/NRS OPR B 70/0 001):
Octr 27 (1797)
Donald McGillivray Servant to Mr Barclay of Balcony had a son baptized
named James
James married Ann Alexander at some stage in or before 1824, and went
on to have at least eight children with her.
Recruitment poster for the Inverness Militia |
Between 1829 and 1834, James was listed in the OPR records of his first three children as a corporal
and drummer in the Inverness Militia. James seems to have left the militia and taken up work as a shoemaker on Baron
Taylor's Lane in Inverness, where the family stayed until at least August 1838.
By 1841, we find James, his wife Ann, and his children Donald, William, Mary, Isabella, Ann and Margaret,
all recorded as living at Academy Street in Inverness in the 1841 census, where James continued to work as a shoemaker (GROS:1841/98/3/19).
At some unknown point, however, James took up a position as the Bugle-Major of the Inverness Highland Light Infantry.
On January 25th 1853, Ann died. In the Inverness Courier of 15 FEB 1853, the following
death notice was found:
At Baron Taylor's Lane, Inverness, on the 28th ult aged 52,
ANN ALEXANDER, wife of James Macgillivray, Musician.
Ann's sons John and Finlay erected a stone in
her memory at the Old High Church burial ground, which has been transcribed as stating:
To the memory of Ann ALEXANDER, wife of James MACGILLIVRAY,
musician, Inverness. Who died 25th January 1853, aged 29 years.
Ann's listed age is obviously incorrectly recorded here
in the transcription.
Tragedy again struck James at the start of 1857, when his son Donald died of consumption
in Inverness. James informed the regsitrar of the death on January 6th, and from the death entry, we have the confirmation
of the kind of musician he was, with him noted was the Bugle Major of the Inverness Militia.
A military inspection of the Highland Light Infantry was noted in the Inevrness Courier of 23 SEP
1858 as having occurred the previous Friday at Barrack Square on Telford Road, with the inspecting officer being Lord Lovat,
the Lord Lieutenant of Inverness-shire. There were various drills involving the regiment, with the following reference
to the band:
The bugles, under the direction of the band-master, Mr Macgillivray,
were exercised in the barrack and field calls, and afterwards the band played several popular airs in admirable style.
James' military position is again confirmed in an Inverness Courier newspaper article
dated 26 JAN 1860, entitled 'A Fact for Naturalists'. The article concerned an incident involving his son James
(see below).
On 14 NOV 1861 the Inverness Courier notes that "Mr Macgillvray's band was in attendance"
at a dinner to commemorate "the restoration of the title of the old Earls of Cromartie", and that it "played appropriate airs
after the toasts".
In May 1869, James took up a new employment position, as recorded in the
Inverness Courier of 6 MAY 1869:
NESS ISLANDS.-Mr James Macgillivray, bugle-major, has been
appointed keeper of the Ness Islands at a salary of £10 a year.
James retired from the Highland Light Infantry in July 1869.
The Inverness Courier of 15 JUL 1869 noted the following:
PRESENTATION.-On Saturday a deputation of the Inverness Highland
Light Infantry Militia Band waited on Bugle-Major James Macgillivray, and presented him with a handsome gold chain and appendages.
Corporal Laing headed the deputation, and requested Mr Macgillivray to regard the articles as a small and inadequate but very
grateful acknowledgment of his labours during his services in the regiment. Mr Macgillivray, in replying, thanked the members
present for their expressions of goodwill towards him, and also for their generous gifts. The articles were supplied by Mr
Macpherson, jeweller. The locket bore the following inscription:- "Presented, by the members of the Inverness H.L.I. Militia
Band, to Bugle-Major James Macgillivray, as a token of esteem on his retiring from the regiment. 10th July 1869."
On 4 DEC 1873, James remarried to 48 year old Jane
McLean, daughter of Alexander McLean, clerk, and Janet Fraser. The marriage was
performed at Jane's residence, Beauly (Kilmorack), according to the forms of the Free Church. James was noted as a
73 year old late Bugle-Major from Inverness, and a widower, whilst his parents, both deceased, were noted as Donald
McGillivray, house carpenter, and Isabella Munro. The witnesses were John MacLennan
and John S. McGillivray. The wedding was registered on 5 DEC 1873 (SP/NRS M 1873 Inverness 100/7).
By the 1881 census, James was described as living in Island
Bank Island House, Inverness, with his job listed as Keeper of Ness Islands. His wife Jane was also listed
at this address (SP/NRS 1881 Census RD098 ED22 p.2 Inverness).
James died at 3am on April 3rd 1883 at Ness Islands Lodge,
Inverness. His death entry records that his father was a master house carpenter. The cause of his death was general debility
of old age, and he had had no medical attendant with him in his final days. Maritally, he was described as widower of Ann
Alexander, and married to Jane McLean. The death was registered in Inverness by a son-in-law
of James by the name of MacDonald (first name illegible), a water worker in Inverness, on April 9th (SP/NRS
D 1883 98/146 Inverness).
Jane died on 14 MAR 1898 at 1 Haugh Road, Inverness, the cause being pneumonia, as suffered for 7
days. She was noted as the 72 year old widow of James McGillivray, Bugle-Major, Inverness-shire Militia. The informant
was Calum's Jamie's and Pippa's three times great grandfather, John Brownlie McFarlane, a 'friend of the
deceased', of 2 Hill Place, Inverness (SP/NRS D 1898 098/100 Inverness).
Donald MacGillivray
b: 3/1825 d: 2/1/1857
Donald was born in Inverness in March 1825, most likely at
some point in the middle of the month. He was christened on the 28th, as the old parochial register records (GROS:OPR 98/11):
James MacGillivray drummer in the Inverness militia and his
spouse Ann Alexander had a child baptized by the Revd Thos. Fraser named Donald. Wits - Donald MacGillivray & WM
Donald died at 9.00am on January 2nd 1857, at the age
of 31. He had been working in Wester Haugh as a compositor, i.e. a worker setting type on a press. The cause of death
was consumption, of which he had suffered some two years, without the aid of a medical attendant. Donald's father
is listed as a bugle major with the Inverness Militia, and it was he who informed the Inverness registrar on the 6th
(GROS: 1857/98/6).
Mary MacGillivray
c: 6/2/1827
Mary was born in Inverness most likely at the end of January 1827. He was christened on February
6th, as recorded in the old parochial rgister (GROS:OPR 98/11):
James McGillivray, corporal Inverness Militia, and his spouse
Ann Alexander had a child baptized by the Revd Thomas Fraser named Mary. Witnesses William Anderson & Donald McGillivray.
Isabella MacGillivray
c: 10/2/1829
Isabella was born in early February 1829 and christened on the 10th, as recorded in the Inverness
old parochial register (GROS:OPR 98/11):
James McGillivray, Corporal Inv Militia & his spouse
Ann Alexander had a child baptized by the Revd. Thos. Fraser named Isabella. Witnesses Charles Bird & Dond McGillivray.
James MacGillivray
c: 7/6/1831
James was most likely born at the beginning of June in Baron's Lane, Inverness, and
christened on the 7th, as recorded by the old parochial register (GROS:OPR 98/11):
James MacGillivray, shoemaker, Baron Taylor's Lane &
his spouse, Ann Alexander, had a child baptized by the Revd. Thos. Fraser named James. Witnesses Wm Mackintosh & Donald
At some stage prior to 1860, James travelled to Australia. A story concerning him
was published in the Inverness Courier on 26 JAN 1860.
Mr James Macgillivray, son of Bugle-Major Macgillivray of
the Permanent Staff of the Inverness, &c., Highland Light Infantry, in a letter dated Victoria, Melbourne, 13th November
1859, enlosed, for the sake of curiosity, a mosquito alive. The letter reached Inverness in due course, and was opened by
a daughter of Mr McG.'s, who had not read much of the letter when she felt a sharp sting on her wrist. She looked to the part
affected, and espied a bright and gold coloured insect stuck on her arm. Feeling the sting rather keen she hastily brushed
it off, and thought no more of the matter until she had read the letter through and knew of the insect being inclosed. A search
of two hours followed for the insect, but was fruitless. But the fact that the mosquito came home alive, notwithstanding the
different post-offices gone through, and amid the pressure, &c., of so many letters together, can be proved, and a ffords
a subject to the naturalist.
Ann MacGillivray (DNA match)
b: 12/11/1833
Ann was born on November 12th 1833 at Baron Taylor's Lane, Inverness, and christened
on December 7th 1833 by the Reverend Thomas Fraser, the witnesses being William McBean and Donald
McGillivray, presumably her grandfather (GROS:OPR 98/12).
Ann married 25 year old ship carpenter Andrew Robertson on 10 JUN 1862 at Inverness
by the Revd Alexander MacGregor after banns according to the forms of the Church of Scotland. Andrew's parents were noted
as deceased ship carpenter Andrew Robertson and Mary Paterson, with Ann's parents listed
as James MacGillivray, Bugle Major in the Inverness Militia, and Ann Alexander. The witnesses
were William Robertson and John L(achlan) MacGillivray. The marriage was registered in Inverness on 11 JUN 1862 (SP/NRS M
1862 098/00 42 Inverness).
In March 2019 a DNA match was established via Ancestry to a 5 x great granddaughter of
the couple, Sandra Johnston, to whom thanks is given.
William Henry MacGillivray
b: 15/5/1836 d: 4/1/1879
William was born in Baron Taylor's Lane on May 15th 1836, and christened on the 26th by Reverend
Rose, the witnesses being William McIntosh and Donald McGillivray (GROS:OPR 98/12).
William trained as a tailor and married Eliza MacKenzie on September
13th 1867 in Inverness, in a ceremony according to the forms of the Church of Scotland. The record notes William aged 28,
a tailor and son of James MacGillivray, Bugle Major with the Inverness Militia, and Ann Alexander,
dceased. Eliza was a 22 year old domestic servant and the daughter of Alexander McKenzie, a ploughman, and
Mary Smith. William Fraser and John McDonald were the witnesses, and the celebrant was Rev. Alexander MacGregor
(SP/NRS M 1867 098/00 69 Inverness).
The couple had two children, but at 5.30am on July 29th 1874, Eliza tragically died
in her house at 9 Church Street, Inverness, at the young age of 29. The cause was a six month spate of phthisis (tuberculosis)
and pulmonary apoplexy, as certified by Dr William MacDonald. William informed the Inverness registrar on August 1st (GROS:1874/98/246).
William himself died only a few years later, on January 4th 1879, at 1879, at Porthero
Infirmary, Inverness, with is usual residence listed as 30 Castle Street in Inverness. The cause was emphysema, which he had
suffered for a year and five months, and pneumonia, which had hit him in the previous month, as certified by Dr D.S.McDonald.
William's father informed the registrar on the 6th (GROS:1879/098/4).
Christina McGillivray
b: 21/10/1870
Christina was born at 0.50am on October 21st 1870, at the family home of 9 Church Street
in Inverness. Her father informed the Inverness registrar on the 7th (GROS: 1870/098/479).
Eliza MacGillivray
b: 9/8/1873
Eliza was born at 10.30pm on August 9th 1873, at 9 Church Street. Her father informed
the Inverness registrar on the 23rd (GROS: 1873/098/330).
Eliza (pictured right, courtesy Austin Richards 2018)married
a 22 year old farm servant called George MacPherson on June 1st 1894 at Clunes, Kiltarlity, in
a ceremony after banns according to the Free Church of Scotland. George was the son of crofter John MacPherson
and Janet MacPherson (listed as her maiden name). At the time of the wedding Eliza was a domestic servant
resident in Easter Clunes, and was described as the daughter of William MacGillivray, a journeyman tailor and Eliza MacKenzie. The
witnesses were Duncan and Jessie MacPherson, whilst the minister was Colin Sinclair, of the Free Church (GROS:1894/101/00/003).
Eliza died on April 27th 1907 at her home of Botham Bridge
in the parish of Urquhart. The cause was phthisis pulmonala, i.e. tuberculosis, from which she had suffered for some ten months.
The informant to the registrar was Donald MacPherson, Eliza's brother-in-law. By the time of her death, her husband Geoge
had become a butcher's master (GROS:1907/107/01/0007).
Margaret MacGillivray
b: 1/8/1838 c: 9/8/1838
Margaret was born on August 1st 1838 in Baron Taylor's
Lane, Inverness, and christened on the 9th by Reverend Rose, witnessed by Duncan MacGillivray and Donald
MacGillivray (GROS:OPR 98/12).
John Lauchlan MacGillivray
b: 3/8/1841 d: 19/9/1885
John was born in Academy Street, Inverness, on August
3rd 1841, and christened on the 17th by Reverend Dr. Rose, and witnessed by his uncle, David McGillivray,
and William McBean. John may have been named in honour of the chief of Clan MacGillivray, also
called John Lachlan MacGillivray, who was to be the last chief of the clan. Curiously enough, the chief
had a procurator working for him called William MacBean (SP/NRS OPR B 98/12, Inverness).
Like his father before him, John became a military
bandmaster, the Bugle Major of the Highland Light Infantry Militia. He was appointed a bugler to the regiment on 26 MAY 1856,
and served for over 20 years, until being discharged to pension on 31 JUL 1876. Along the way way he was promoted to the rank
of Sergeant in 1869, the rank at which he was eventually discharged. Upon his discharge he was noted as being about 34 1/2
years of age, about 5 feet and 6 inches high, with brown eyes and a hazel complexion, and a musician by trade. His pension
was set at 7d from 6 SEP 1876, with his Chelsea No. given as 44527 (Source: TNA WO97/2034/001-004).
On 10 JAN 1865 John had married an Aberdonian woman, Margaret
Cameron, who was five years younger than him. The wedding took place in Inverness (SP/NRS M 1865/098/0007, Inverness).
The couple are to be found in the 1881 census living
in Abbey, Renfrew. At this point, 39 year old John was listed as working as a musician, and was living with his wife
and three sons, who were all scholars at this point. On census night, his brother in law Donald Cameron,
an iron shipbuilder's labourer, was also present, but it is not known if he was living with them or just visiting (Cen1881:573/88/29).
John died at 4.15pm on September 19th 1885, living
at 5 Reay Street in Inverness. His father James was listed as both a shoemaker and a Bugle Major on the death
certificate entry. The cause of death was chronic pulmonary phthisis, better known as tuberculosis, as certified by Dr James
Murray. John's son James registered his father's death in Inverness on the 21st (SP/NRS D 1885/98/253).
The following obituary for John was recorded in the
Inverness Courier on 22 SEP 1885:
Many Invernessians, both at home and abroad, will learn with
regret of the death of Mr John Macgillivray, for many years bandmaster in Inverness, and one of our leading local musicians.
Mr Macgillivray had been in failing health for some months past, but his death was quite unexpected, and the news came upon
many who knew him with painful suddenness. He was out on Thursday, and on Saturday afternoon he was no more. Mr Macgillivray
received his training under his father in the band of the Inverness Militia, and after some time spent in London, in the hands
of one of the Scots Fusilier Guards, he returned to Inverness, and was soon promoted to the rank of band-sergeant. On the
retirement of his father from the leadership of the band some fifteen years ago, Mr Macgillivray was appointed to the vacancy.
This position he retained for a number of years. He was also bandmaster of the Inverness Rifle and Artillery Volunteer bands.
A few years ago he left Inverness for Paisley, but subsequently he returned to Inverness, and for the last two years held
his former position of bandmaster in the Highland Rifle Volunteers. Mr Macgillivray was a musician of much ability. As a performer
he had few equals in Inverness in tasteful execution and skilful method, while to the many young men who passed through his
hands he was ever ready to devote his time and talents in promoting their efficiency. Mr Macgillivray, who was only forty
five years of age, leaves a widow and four of a family. The funeral, which takes place from his residence in Reay Street on
Wednesday at two o'clock, will be a military one. It is understood that the bands of the 2nd Battalion Queen's Own Cameron
Highlanders, and the Inverness Artillery Volunteers will attend, while the band of the Highland Rifle Volunteers will take
part as mourners. A battalion order has been issued requesting the members of the Highland Rifle Volunteers to parade in Bell's
Park on Wednesday at half-past one, for the purpose of taking part in the solemn ceremony.
Following his death, an inventory was compiled of
John's possessions. This notes that John had a trade, working as a mason, and that his household items were worth £4
10s, but that he also had an assurance policy with the Victoria Assurance Society in London, worth £94 15s. The estate was
conveyed to his widow Margaret in Inverness on 22 OCT 1885 (SP/NRS SC 29/44/21 Inverness Sheriff Court).
A year after he died, John's widow Margaret made
an application for poor relief to the Parochial Board, at 12 Noon on 6 SEP 1886. She was noted as Margaret Cameron or McGillivray
of 5 Reay Street, Inverness, a 40 year old native Protestant from Inverness, and a widowed housewife. She was noted as
having two children, 11 year old John, born in Inverness, and at school, and 4 year old Maggie, born in Paisley. The following
was noted under 'other information':
In no Society.
Not relieved before. Pays £10 for 3 rooms. Married in 1865 by Rev Mr McGregor, Inverness. Children - James, 19, apprentice
painter, with Mr Reid, Coachbuilder, 6/- a week; Daniel 17, Apprentice Tailor, with Mr Grant, High Street 6/6 a week, born
(both) in Inverness, and reside with Applicant. Husband - John L. McGillivray, Bandmaster, died about a year ago and interred
in the High Church burying ground. Born in Inverness.
The application was referred to the board, and she
was admitted to the Poor Roll on 2/- a week (Highland Archive, Inverness Poor Law applications, BI/4/1/53).
James McGillivray
b: 17/9/1868
James was born at 11.30am on September 17th 1867,
at 12 Brown Street, Inverness. His father, listed as a mason by profession, informed the Inverness registrar on October
4th (GROS:1867/98/00/404).
James registered his father's death in 1885.
Daniel McGillivray
b: 7/7/1869
Daniel was born at 3.00am on July 7th 1869, at 9
Innes Street in Inverness. His father, listed as a Bugle Major Militia Staffs, informed the Inverness registrar on the 19th
Clarice Annie McGillivray
b: 8/4/1872 d: 5/9/1873
Clarice died on 5 SEP 1873 at 5 Celt Street, aged
16 months. Her father John L. McGillivray, who acted as informant on the following day, was noted as a bandmaster
with the Militia, and her mother as Margaret Cameron. The cause of death was hydrocephelus, as suffered for
a week (SP/NRS D 1873 098/312 Inverness).
Clarice's death was noted in the Inverness Advertiser
of Tues 16 SEP 1873.
John Lachlan McGillivray
b: 14/9/1874
John was born at 6.30am on September 14th 1874, at
3 Drummond Street in Inverness, Scotland. His father registered the birth on October 5th in Inverness (GROS:1874/98/431).
Christina MacGillivray
c: 11/12/1844 d: 12/2/1934
Christina was born in Academy Street, Inverness,
on November 30th 1844 and christened by Reverend Dr. Rose on December 12th, as witnessed by David McGillivray
and Donald McGillivray (GROS: OPR 98/12).
On October 18th 1872, Christina married 32 year old
Ewen McDonald, son of Ewen and Jessie McDonald, and who was a superintendent of Inverness Water Works. The
witnesses were Thomas Mackintosh and Hugh Fraser.
In the 1881 census, she and her family were living
at Ashie Cottage in Culduthel, Inverness. From this document we learn that her husband Ewen was manager of the water works
at Loch Ashie, which had opened only a few years previously in 1877, after being designed by John Scott as Inverness' first
chlorinated public water supply. Also in the house were Christina's three daughters, Catherine, Flora and baby Jane,
only 10 months old. Ewen's 23 year old brother, Donald MacDonald, a telegraph clerk, was also in the
house on census night, but it is not known if he was living in their house at the time (Cen: 1881/098/21/19).
Tragedy struck in 1884, when on December 8th wee
Flora died of diphtheria, from which she had suffered for seven or eight days, as certified by Dr James McNee. Ewen had
the unhappy task of informing the registrar on the 19th, and in the record we learn that Ewen was the water manager for the
burgh (GROS:1884/98/426).
In the 1891 census, we learn that Christina's home
in Culduthel had seven rooms with one or more windows. Ewen was still working as a water manager in Inverness, and her children
Catherine, Jane and Mary were all still scholars and living at home (Cen: 1891/098/24/0).
Christina died, a widow, at 6.50am on February 12th
1934, at 52 Culdanish Road, Inverness. The cause was senile decay and cerebral apoplexy of 7 days, as certified by Dr G. Kerr .
The informant to the Inverness registrar was a John Fraser, resident at School Lane in the town, on the 13th (GROS: 1934/098/A0/520).
Catherine MacDonald
b: 14/3/1874
In the 1881 and 1891 censuses, Catherine was listed
at Ashie Cottage as a scholar (Cen:1881/098/21/19 and Cen:1891/098/24/0).
Flora Annie MacDonald
b: 1876 d: 8/12/1884
In 1881 Flora was listed in the census as a scholar
living with her family at Ashie Cottage in Culduthel, Inverness, Scotland (Cen:1881/098/21/19).
But tragedy was to hit Flora at an early age. At
5.30am on December 8th 1884, she died of diphtheria, from which she had suffered for seven or eight days, as certified
by local surgeon, Dr James McNee. Her father informed the registrar on the 19th (GROS:1884/98/426).
Jane MacDonald
b: 1880
In the 1881 census, Jane was a 10 month old baby
at Ashie Cottage (Cen: 1881/098/21/19). In 1891, she was a scholar in the same location (Cen:1891/098/24/0).
Mary MacDonald
b: 1883
In the 1891 census, Mary was an 8 year old scholar
at Ashie Cottage (Cen:1891/098/24/0).
Finlay MacGillivray
b: 18??
The existence of Finaly is as yet unconfirmed.
Donald McGillivray
b: 22/8/1808
The old parochial register for Edinburgh records
Donald's birth as follows (OPR: 685/1/41/19):
Donald MacGillivray,
75th Militia, and Isabella Munro his spouse Old Church parish a son born 22 current, named Donald.
David McGillivray
b: 1815 approx d: 7/10/1887
David McGillivray
was Calum's and Jamie's great great great great grandfather - see below.

David McGillivray 1815(approx) - 7/10/1887
David McGillivray was Calum's and Jamie's great great great great grandfather.
David MacGillivray's signature |
The fact that David is the son of Donald MacGillivray
and Isabel Munroe is confirmed in his wedding register entry to Isabel McIntosh, 2/12/1869 (SP/NRS M
1869 098/00 104 Inverness). David was born in England in about 1815 in Portsmouth, England, where his father was based as
a member of the Inverness Militia.
We know from a later poor law application in 1881 that although David was born in Portsmouth, he moved
with his family to Inverness shortly after, as the later record notes that he "Resides in Inverness since infancy" (Source:
Highland Archive, BI/4/1/50 - 138/1881.
A description of Inverness from 1816 by excursionist Elizabeth Isabella Spence paints the picture
of the town at that time:
Inverness is the capital of the Highlands, and considered the only town,
north of Aberdeen, of importance. It is large and populous but the idea I had formed of noble streets, and elegant houses,
greatly disappointed me, on a near approach. Like several of the Scotch towns, which owe their beauty to situation, the charm
is lost on entering, from the old and irregular appearance of many of the houses, to which a handsome one often unites; and
the quantity of fish hung over the doors of the ordinary dwellings, for the purpose of drying, is very disgusting in warm
weather. The squalid dirty aspect of the children, take from all the engaging attraction of infancy. Civilisation in the lower
class seems to be almost a century behind, as far as regards necessary comfort; this is the more extraordinary, as there is
such a striking superiority of refinement, in language, and courtesy of manner, in the inhabitants of Inverness, which extends
to the humblest individual. English here is universally spoken, and in a state of purity and correctness, which renders it
perfectly beautiful. It gives a softness to the manners, extremely graceful, which, united with the Highland urbanity of character,
at once win upon a stranger. The Gaelic used, I am told, by all the ordinary people, is very comprehensive and powerful. Its
seems, to my ear, to have great affinity to the Welch (sic).
The next mention we have of David is from an apprenticeship indenture record dated 1 SEP 1828. In this David
is noted as having started a seven year apprenticeship on 11 MAY 1828, working for John Mackenzie, tailor in Inverness.
David was noted as the lawful son of Donald MacGillivray, carpenter residing on the Green of Muirtown. The
indenture was witnessed by Donald, James MacGillivray shoemaker of Inverness (quite possibly his grandfather,
who was a shoemaker of that name), and Roderick Young, cartwright, residing on the Green of Muirtown.
(Source: Highland Archive, BI/1/15/1, p.41, merchants guild section near rear of volume).
David appears to have married Janet (Jessie)
Fraser at some point prior to 1835, towards the end of his apprenticeship, or immediately upon its completion.
There is no record for their marriage in the Inverness OPRs, however, or any other OPR in Scotland.
The next mention we have of David is from a card that was published on the front pages of the Inverness Courier
on Wednesday, December 16th 1835, and the Inverness Journal of Friday, December 18th 1835, which appears to show
David establishing himself in business in Church Street :
DAVID McGILLIVRAY, Tailor, respectfully intimates to the Nobility
and Gentry of Inverness and the surrounding country, that he has commenced Business in the above line, in that House No. 4,
Church Street, lately occupied by Mr Allan, Tailor, and from his own practice in the south, as well as that of his Foreman,
who had excessive practice in this line for years in some of the first Establishments in the south, and from attention to
business, he feels confident that every satisfaction will be given to those who may be pleased to favour him with their patronage.
D. McG. intends to keep superior workmen, and has opened
correspondence with one of the first London Houses for receiving quarterly patterns and the newest fashions.
All orders from the country will be executed with accuracy and
No. 4, Church Street, Inverness
Dec. 15, 1835.
At about the same time David and
Jessie apppear to have had their first child, with the 1841 census showing that the couple had a six year old daughter Isabella,
placing her birth in 1834 or 1835.
The couple's second known daughter Christina
was born in September 1837 in the Merkinch area of the town, on the east side of the river, suggesting that either David and
Jessie had moved there, or that Jessie had given birth at a friend's or relative's house. In June 1939, their third daughter
Ann was born in Glebe Street, who would eventually grow up to become Calum's and Jamie's great great great grandmother.
In the 1841 census, a 25 year old David is listed as
a tailor, born in England, and living in the east side of Church Street. Also present was his 25 year old wife Jess,
six year old daughter Isabella, and two year old daughter Ann. There is no mention of Christina,
who may well have died in infancy (SP/NRS 1841 Census RD 98 ED 3 p.13 Inverness).
A few months after the census, in July 1841, David's first son Alexander was born,
at their house in Church Street. It is believed that Alexander may sadly have also died in infancy, as he makes no further
appearance in subsequent census entries. In June 1844, a second son was born, David, also in Church Street.
In the 1851 Inverness census we learn that by this point,
David and his family had crossed over to the west side of the River Ness, and were living at 67 King Street, Inverness.
David is again listed as 'born in England' and as a 36 year old tailor in the Merkinch district of Inverness. Also with
him were his 34 year old wife Jessie (from Inverness), 13 year old daughter Isabella, 12 year old daughter
Ann, and six year old son Donald, although this is belived to be a mistaken recording of
the name of his six year old son David. All children were born in Inverness (SP/NRS 1851 Census 1851 RD 98
ED 20 p.51 Inverness).
In the 1855 Valuation Roll for Inverness, David was found based on the High Street, in
a property owned by Dr. John Mackenzie of Sileanach. He was noted as a tailor, and the annual rent was valued at £12 (Source:
SP/NRS Valuation Roll VR004200001-/8 Inverness Burgh, Folio 8)
The years 1859 and 1860 were a mixture of highs and devastating lows for
David. On June 3rd 1859 things had started well when his daughter Isabella married William Dingwall, an iron
moulder from Inverness. Isabella was five months pregnant at the time, and on September 29th she gave birth to their first
son, John Dingwall. But after this initial period of joy, things rapidly went downhill. Isabella developed
the peritonitis infection as a result of giving birth, and on December 5th she tragially died at the age of 23, at 18 Friars
Street, Inverness, which was David's home.
Already griefstricken, things went from bad to worse for David. His wife, Jessie,
who was particularly attached to Isabella, found the burden of her daughter's death too much to handle, and took her own life.
Jessie's death certificate (SP/NRS D 1860 098/00 201 Inverness) tells us that she drowned in the Caledonian Canal, "and
at or near that part thereof situated 300 yards or thereby to the south of the Bridge of Tom Makurich (Tomnahuirich) in the
Parish and County of Inverness". Her body was examined immediately after her death by Duncan MacKay MD in Inverness,
and based on his information, the procurator fiscal appears to have pronounced the death as an accident. He also lists her
age as "about 46".
The Inverness Courier of March 10th 1860 recounts the tragedy of what
MELANCHOLY AFFAIR - A melancholy circumstance
took place on Tuesday evening. Some months ago, Mrs Macgillivray, wife of Mr D. Macgillivray, tailor, Friars Street, lost
a daughter to whom she was much attached, and has brooded on the subject ever since to such an extent that latterly her friends
considered it prudent to have an attendant, who should accompany her when going out. On Tuesday Mrs Macgillivray went to see
her daughter's child, and after sitting some time, she embraced it tenderly, and proposed to her attendant, a stout young
woman, to take a walk. They strolled by the river side as far as the Bught Mills, where they crossed the fields to the banks
of the Canal. They were only a few minutes here, when the unfortunate woman, without a word of warning, plunged into the Canal.
Her companion rushed in after, but the bank was so steep that she could not follow far; she screamed for help, and Mr Hossack,
lock-keeper, at the Tomnahurich Bridge, ran up with a boat-hook. This was not long enough, however, and a sailor, no longer
young, plunged into the water, and succeeded in bringing the body on shore. By this time it was too late. Dr Mackay was promptly
on the spot, but life was extinct.
And in the Saturday Inverness Advertiser two days later on May 12th 1860:
SUICIDE.- OnTuesday evening, the wife of Mr D. Macgillivray, tailor, whilst
walking on the banks of the canal, with a female attendant, suddenly threw herself into the water near Tomnahurich Bridge.
Her companions screamed for help, and Mr Hossack, the toll-keeper, was immediately on the spot with a boat-hook. This
proved to be too short, and the body was ultimately brought out by a sailor, who dived into the water. Life was then found
to be extinct. For some time past the deceased had been in a melancholy and desponding mood of mind, caused by the death of
a daughter to whom she was much attached.
According to her death entry, Jessie was subsequently buried in the High
Church burial ground in Inverness, without the service of an undertaker. The death was registered by the registrar, James
Davidson, on May 21st 1860. (SP/NRS D 1860 098/00 201 Inverness)
Not only distraught at his daughter Isabella's death, Jessie's suicide
must have further traumatised David in his home on Friars Street.
On August 9th 1860, things brightened again when David's 20 year old daughter Ann
married 21 year old tailor John Brownlee MacFarlane, originally from Glasgow in Lanarkshire. It is not known how John and Ann met, but John was most likely an
apprentice to David. Although Ann's address is not listed on her wedding entry, Slater's Directory for 1860 indicates that
David was resident as a tailor at 91 Castle Street, and that he was one of 34 tailors based in Inverness at that time.
Friars Street, Inverness, painted 1890 - 1906 by Pierre Delavault (courtesy Inverness Courier) |
From the 1861 Census, we learn that David was a widower living in the same property as
his daughter Ann and his new son-in-law John MacFarlane at 17 Friars Street, and that
he was listed as the head of the family business. His birthplace is confirmed in the census as being Portsmouth. In the column
asking whether he is blind, deaf or dumb, there appears to be a tick. Possibly he was short sighted, after working
with so much material? The only others with the same column ticked in the census entry are the two other tailors in the family
business - John McFarlane, David's son in law, and Peter Fraser, possibly a relative of
David's wife. Peter Fraser was married. Also present in the house were his 30 year old wife Ann, and their children -
2 year old John, and 10 month old Alexander - as well as two lodgers, 19 year old Hugh Fraser,
a blacksmith from Aberdeen, and 21 year old tailor John Fraser, from Inverness (SP/NRS 1861 RD 98 ED 9 p.19 Inverness).
Incidentally, Peter Fraser's father was a master tailor from Inverness called
Alexander Fraser, and his mother was a Mary McDonald, as revealed from Peter's death register
entry in 1895 (he died on August 23rd 1895 - SP/NRS D 1895 98/00 371 Inverness). At the christening of David's
daughter Christina in 1837, one of the witnesses present was Alexander Fraser. It seems
possible that this was Peter's father.
On June 15th 1861, it is believed that David became a grandfather for the first
time, with the birth of Annie MacFarlane at 17 Friars Street. A second grandchild, David, was born two years later on September
10th 1863 at 12 Rose Street (see MacFarlane page). David was probably suffering from severe sleep deprivation by the end of the year, with two screaming we'uns about
the house!
On May 14th a proclamation was recorded at Inverness and Bona parish church
for David's forthcoming second marriage. The entry reads as follows (Source: Inverness and Bona kirk session records;
NRS CH2/720/33/125):
14th May 1864
David MacGillivray, Tailor, Church Street, Inverness, and Ann Cameron, same place, both in this parish.
The marriage took place on June 2nd 1864, with the civil record noting that David
was aged 48. His bride was 38 year old Inverness housekeeper Ann Cameron, daughter of day labourer Alexander
Cameron and Hannah Robertson. The wedding was performed according to the forms of the Church of
Scotland by the Reverend MacGregor, in the presence of witnesses Andrew McKenzie and James Stewart. The
wedding was registered in Inverness on the following day. On the wedding entry in the register, David is listed as the son
of Donald McGillivray, joiner, and Isobel Munro, both deceased. From the record, it
is clear that David could read and write, as he signed the register himself, although Ann was forced to write an X down, as
she could not write (SP/NRS M 1864 098/00 0055 Inverness).
In 1866, David acted as informant to the Inverness registrar when his daughter
Ann gave birth in the city to his second granddaughter, Jessie, who would become Calum's and Jamie's great
great grandmother. From this we learn that David was now living at number 2 Rose Street, Inverness.
Ann Cameron's gravestone in the cemetery of the Old High Church, Inverness |
But having married in 1864, David was again to endure the worst kind of grief. At
the beginning of 1869, David was forced to watch as his second wife developed "schirrus of pylorus". The condition worsened,
until on June 30th Ann died of the condition, at 8.30am in their home at 2 Rose Street. The death was certified by Dr J. J.
Ross. On the same day, a grief stricken David registered her death in Inverness (SP/NRS D 1869 098/00 264 Inverness). Ann
was subsequently buried in the Old High Church graveyard, where David raised a small curved memorial stone to her which read:
Erected by David McGILLIVRAY in memory of his
wife Ann CAMERON who died June 1869 aged 54 years.
Soon after, in approximately 1870, David's daughter Ann moved to Nairn with her
husband John MacFarlane. David remained in Inverness, as can be seen in the 1871 census, where he was recorded at 9 Waterloo
Place in the city, as a 55 year old tailor, born in Portsmouth, England. This would suggest a birth year of approximately
1815 for David (SP/NRS 1871 Census RD 098 ED 7 p.8 Inverness).
More importantly, from this census, we learn that David had again remarried to
a new wife - Isabella, listed in 1871 as 43 years old. This was in fact Isabella McIntosh,
a widow from Inverness, the daughter of local vintner Donald McIntosh and his wife Isabella Muirson.
The banns for the couple's wedding were recorded in the Inverness parish church register as follows (Source: Inverness and
Bona kirk session records; NRS CH2/720/33/187):
14th November 1869
David MacGillivray and Isabella Mackintosh, both in Inverness.
The two married on December 2nd 1869, just six months after the death of David's
previous wife, in a ceremony according to the forms of the Church of Scotland. The witnesses to the wedding were David's son-in-law
John MacFarlane and someone called Adani Hogg (SP/NRS M 1869 720/00 104 Inverness).
In the 1849 Inverness Statistical Account compiled by the Reverends Alexander Rose,
Alexander Clark and Robert MacPherson, the institution of marriage was described in a way that might explain why David was
so quick to remarry after Ann's death..
Among the labouring classes marriage
is almost a matter of pecuniary convenience; for a man in narrow circumstances finds it more economical to marry than to keep
a servant, and, if a widower with daughters, it is seldom the case that they chose to live long with him, as they are better
fed and clothed by going into service, or marrying for themselves, so that second and even third marriages are common.
In the 1873/74 Inverness Post Office trade directory, David is noted as residing at
5 North Church Lane in the city. Between 1876 and 1877, the valuation rolls for Inverness show that David lived at 7
North Church Lane, paying an annual rent to his landlord, carpenter George Fraser, of £4. Between 1878 and 1883, David was
then listed as residing at 41 Friars Place, paying a reduced annual rent of £3 to his landlady Mrs Margaret Sabbison, a seamstress.
In the 1881 census, both David and Isabella were listed at 41 Friars Street, where
he continued working as a tailor (SP/NRS 1881 Census RD 098 ED 10 p.13 Inverness). From this record we again learn that
David's birthplace was Portsmouth, and that he was 65 years old. This would place his birth year at approximately 1815.
Just a few months later, at 10am
on 13 OCT 1881, David's wife made an application for poor relief on his behalf. David was noted as a 65 year old tailor,
born in Portsmouth, and Protestant by way of religion. He resided at 41 Friars Street, and was noted as being wholly disabled,
suffering from erysipelas in the hand. The record added that 'Dr. McKay certifies the applicant is quite unable to work on
account of erysipelas'. The record added that he was married to 49 years old Isabella McIntosh, had not been given poor relief
before, and was a member of a burial society, paying 2d a week. He was further noted as having a daughter Ann,
aged 40, married John McFarlane, a tailor in Nairn, with 8 children. The application also confirms that David
had stayed in Inverness since infancy. The record further notes that David was allowed casual relief of 2s/6d a week
for a month, with his case referred to the Committee (Source: Highland Archive, BI/4/1/50 Poor Relief Applications).
Four days after applying, on 17 OCT 1881, David's case was heard by the Parochial
Board. The entry in the General Register of the Poor notes him again to be 65, resident at 41 Friars Street, born in Scotland,
Protestant, and a tailor. His disability was again noted, and his means and resources beyond Parochial Relief noted simply
as 'none'. His wife was recorded as Isabella McIntosh, aged 49, and he had a married daughter, Ann, resident in Nairn with
her eight children.
The entry notes that David continued to claim poor relief on and off until his death.
Weekly payments of 2s/6d were made to him, until 14 MAY 1882, when the record notes that his payment was to be continued
for another month, but that he was to report on the earnings of his wife. A subsequent entry on 26 JUN 1882 notes that 'chargeability
ceased on 2nd instant', seemingly implying that his wife had an income. On 18 SEP 1882 David was medically certified as being
unable to work, and was again granted 2s a week. On 8 JAN 1883 David was granted a pair of boots, and by 14 MAY the account
notes that the payment received for the year to date was £5 11s 4d. The next entry is a year later, on 14 MAY 1884, indicating
a further year's total of £5 11s 8d had been made (Source: Highland Archive, General Register of the Poor 1878-1884,
BI/4/1/35, entry 386).
The Inverness valuation rolls for 1884 show that David had moved, this time to 17 Glebe
Street, and apparently away from his wife Isabella, where he was now paying a £4 annual rent to his new landlady, Mrs McLean.
It was whilst living at Glebe Street that David began to suffer from epileptic
fits. The valuation rolls continue to show at Glebe Street in 1885.
On 30 MAR 1885 David's allowance was increased to 2s 3d a week, with an entry from 14 MAY again noting an annual amount
of £5 11s 6d had been paid to him at that point. The next entry shows that David fell foul of the Parochial Board's strict
rules. On 4 JAN 1886 he was sanctioned 4s a week for 'his residence in charge of his wife' from 8 DEC 1885, despite being
still officially resident at Glebe Street. On 1 FEB 1886 he was allowed 2 night shirts and some additional items of clothing.
The entry from 14 MAY 1886 notes that he had been paid £3 12s 11d over the year, as recorded on the Ordinary Roll, but an
additional £6 7s 11d as recorded on the Fatuous Roll. His allowance was increased to 5s a week on 27 MAY.
At some point in the summer of 1886, David moved to another address in the city, 8 Albert
Place, possibly to be with his wife, where he was noted in the valuation roll as paying a much reduced rent of £2 annually
to the representatives of the estate of the late Alexander Matheson. On 13 SEP 1886 he was sanctioned again for his residence
at 8 Albert Place.
On 28 FEB 1887 he was given a blanket by the Parochial Board. An entry from 14 MAY shows
his allowance from the Fatuous Roll for the previous year was £14 13 4d (with a ditto remark following stating £2 18s, though
it is not clear if this was an additional payment received by him). On 15
AUG David was allowed 2 shirts, stockings and a pair of flannel drawers.
It was at Albert Place where David was
to ultimately pass away at 10pm on 26th October 1887, with his death certified by Dr G. W. E. Kerr, and registered
by Isabella on the 28th (SP/NRS D 1887 098/0 380 Inverness).
David's death was noted in an intimation of the Elgin Courant, and Morayshire Advertiser,
dated 1 NOV 1887:
MACGILLIVRAY. - At 8, Albert Place, Inverness, on the 26th ultimo, David
MacGillivray, tailor.
The parochial register states his death to have been 20 OCT 1887, although it was not
reported to the Board until 7 NOV. A final entry on 14 MAY 1888 notes that prior to his death, David's payments from the previous
year end had been £7 12s 7d as per the Fatuous Roll, of which he received £7 6s 8d.
The valuation rolls show that Isabella
continued to live in the house on Albert Place until her death. At 10am on 15 FEB 1888 Isabella applied for poor relief. In
her appliation she was noted as a 59 years old native of Inverness, a Protestant, a housewife, and a widow. She was medically
examined by a Dr. Murray and found to be able bodied. She had no dependants. In th additional information column, it is noted
that she was not a member of any society, and that her husband David had been previously relieved by the Parochial Board.She
paid £2 annnually in rent for her room, and had been married 18 years previously by the Revd Mr Stewart of the Established
Church in Inevrness to David McGillivray, a fatuous pauper who died 26 OCT 1887, and who was interred in the Church Yard at
Inverness. The application was considered by the Parochial Board, and rejected, for the reason that she was able-bodied,
and therefore able to find work (Source: Highland Archives, Poor Law applications, BI/4/1/54, 30/88).
Like her predecessor Jessie Fraser, Isabella was to eventually suffer an unfortunate
demise. On Boxing Day 1898 she fell down the stairs inside her house, which brought on a heart attack, from which she died
(SP/NRS D 1898 098/00 529 Inverness). Her death was registered by David's granddaughter Ann MacFarlane on
28th December. There was an investigation into her death by the procurator fiscal, but he ultimately agreed with the original
conclusion in the deaths register. The Register of Corrected Entries, Vol IV, page 148, recorded the cause of death, as stated
by Dr Murray, as "natural causes probably shock affecting a senile heart".
Isabella MacGillivray
b: abt 1835
In the 1841 census, Isabella is listed as six years
old and from Invernesshire.
In the 1851 census, Isabella is a scholar. On June 3rd
1859, Isabella married 23 year old moulder William Dingwall, son of a saddler, John Dingwall,
and Elizabeth McDonald. At the time of the wedding, William was living at Church Street in
Inverness, whilst Isabella, a dressmaker, was living in Friars Street. The witnesses to the wedding were John B. Falconer
and Alexander Fraser, and the wedding took place after banns, and according to the forms of the established Church of Scotland,
as carried out by Reverend MacGregor, "one of the ministers of Inverness". The marriage was registered on the following day
at Inverness registrar (SP/NRS M 1859 098/0 43 Inverness).
At the time of the wedding, Isabella was five months
pregnant, and after initially staying with her father at 18 Friar's Street, the newlyweds set up home at 18 Stephen's Brae.
Isabella gave birth to their only son John Dingwall on 29/9/1859 (SP/NRS B 1859 098/00 7 Inverness). But
tragically, as a direct consequence of the birth, Isabella developed peretonitis, and died a few weeks later on 5/12/1859
(SP/NRS D 1859 098/00 313) Inverness.
The shock of Isabella's sudden death led to further
tragedy when her own mother Jessie threw herself into the Caledonian Canal a few months later in May 1860, unable to cope
with the loss. Isabella is buried in Inverness High Church cemetery at plot #5.16. The inscription reads:
Erected by William DINGWALL, moulder, to the memory of his beloved wife
Isabella McGILLIVRAY, who died 5th Decr. 1859 aged 24 years.
Christina MacGillivray
b: 25/9/1837 c: 9/10/1837
Christina was born in Merkinch, Inverness, on 25 SEP
1837 and was baptised by the Rev. Robert MacPherson on 9 OCT 1837. In this record her mother was noted as Jane Fraser,
and her father as David MacGillivray, tailor. The witnesses to her baptism were James MacGillivray
and Alexander Fraser (Source: SP/NRS OPR B 098/120 250 Inverness).
It would appear that she died in infancy, as she does
not appear in the 1841 or 1851 censuses.
Ann MacGillivray b:
Ann was Calum's and Jamie's great great great grandmother
- see below.
Alexander McGillivray b:
7/7/1841 c: 26/7/1841
Alex was born at Church Street, Inverness, on July 7th 1841, and
christened by the Rev. D.R ose on the 26th, as witnessed by James MacGillivray and John Fraser
(SP/NRS OPR B 098/00 12 Inverness).
David MacGillivray
b: 30/6/1844 c: 29/7/1844
David was born in Church Street on 30 JUN 1844, Inverness,
and was baptised on 29 JUL 1844 by the Rev. D. Rose, as witnessed by James McGillivray and Donald
McGillivray (SP/NRS OPR B 098/00 130 p.87 Inverness).
David either moved away from Scotland, or died prior
to 1855, as a Scottish death certificate cannot be located for him.
Donald MacGillivray b: 1845
Mentioned in the 1851
census - but is most likely a mistranscribed David, who is not listed in the census.

Ann MacGillivray 15/7/1839 - 18/3/1932
Ann was Calum's, Jamie's and Pippa's
three times great grandmother.
Ann was born in Glebe Street, Inverness, on June 28th 1839, and was christened on July
15th by the Rev. Robert MacPherson. The witnesses to her baptism were James MacGillivray and Donald
MacGillivray (GROS:OPR 98/12)
In her teens, Ann worked as a servant. On August 9th 1860, Ann married tailor John Brownlee MacFarlane in Inverness, in a ceremony according to the forms of the Church of Scotland. The witnesses to the
wedding were Lauchlan Ferguson and John Grant, with the presiding minister being the Reverend MacGregor. The marriage was
registered in Inverness on the following day.
From the 1861 census we learn that Ann and John lived at 17 Friars
Street, Inverness.
In approximately 1870, Ann and John relocated
to Nairn to set up business for themselves as a tailoring firm. Tragedy hit the couple though in the late 1870s as work began
to fall away, and by 1878, John had declared himself bankrupt, a situation that would hit the family hard for several years,
as he struggled to repay his debts.
During the 1881 census, the family lived at 6
Church Street, Nairn. Apart from the family, they had a lodger staying at the house - William Daniel Mitchell,
a law apprentice, aged 18, and originally from Avoch.
By the time of the 1891 census, the family were back living
in Inverness, now living at 2 Hill Place.
In the 1911 census, recorded on April 2nd, Ann was noted as 71, married for some 50 years with eight
children, seven of them still alive, and as having been born in Inverness. She was resident at 8 View Place, Inverness, along
with her husband and several of her children (SP/NRS 1911 098/0A 010/00 004).
The next record to mention Ann is a poor relief application made on behalf of a William Campbell on
20 NOV 1913, a recently arrived boarder at Ann's home of 8 View Place. In the application, the following is noted:
Not relieved before. He states he was brought up with his maternal aunt Mrs
Hardie at Croy. He was lodging with Mrs MacFarlane 8 View Place for last 8 weeks. He is suffering from Delirium Tremens
and Mrs MacFarlane states she has no person to look after him and wishes him removed from her House. She was not in bed for
2 nights as he was going through the house with a lighted candle looking for imaginary persons. I am informed that his wife
left him on account of his drinking habit.
Campbell was duly removed to the local asylum on the same day (Highland Archive, BI/4/1/83,
Poor relief applciations, Inverness).
In the 1921 census, recorded on June 19th, Ann
was found with her family again in Inverness, at 91 Church Street. Husband John was noted as head of the house, aged 87 and
a retired tailor, born in Glasgow. Ann was aged 80. With them were 56 year old daughter Annie, 40 year old
daughter Minnie (a millener working at 107 Castle Street), 37 year old married daughter Georgina K. Cooney,
10 year old grandson George M. Cooney (scholar), and three boarders, Kenneth McKenzie (a
28 year old tailor from Creich, Sutherland), 29 year old watchmaker Robert Kerr (from Lanark), and 35 year
old tailor Alexander Ross (also from Creich, Sutherland). (SP/NRS 1921 RD 098/A ED 20 p.15 Inverness).
2 Culduthel Road, Inverness, where Ann lived towards the end of her life |
Ann's husband John died in 1922 in Inverness, leaving her a widow. She survived another ten years,
but died at 8.45pm on March 18th 1932. Her death entry in the register states that she was 91 years old - she was actually
93. At the time of her death she was living at 2 Culduthel Road in Inverness. The cause of her death was a cerebral haemorrhage,
as certified by Dr Ranald D. Campbell. Her son, Charles MacFarlane, resident at 29 Ross Avenue in Inverness,
registered his mother's death on the 21st in the city (SP/NRS D 1932 098/A0 144 Inverness).
Ann's death was recorded in the Inverness Courier and General Advertiser on Tuesday, march
22nd 1932 (p.1):
Died at 2 Culduthel Road, Inverness, on Friday 18th inst., Ann MacGillivray,
widow of John Brownlee MacFarlane. Funeral private.
Three days later, the MacFarlane family paid thanks in the Inverness Courier
of Friday March 25th to those who gave them support:
MACFARLANE - Miss MacFarlane and Mrs Cooney return thanks for letters of
sympathy received in their recent Bereavement; also for the many beautiful flowers sent. 2 Culduthel Road, Inverness.
b: 15/6/1861
b: 10/9/1863
b: 5/6/1866 d: 1948
Calum's and Jamie's great great grandmother.
b: 5/8/1868
b: 3/8/1870
b: 29/4/1873
b: 18/9/1875
b: 9/11/1879

Connecting to Calum and Jamie
James MacGillivray married Ann Cameron in 1772.
Donald MacGillivray married Isabel Munroe in
Son, David MacGillivray married Janet (Jessy) Fraser, just prior to 1837.
Daughter, Ann MacGillivray
married John Brownlee McFarlane in 1860.
Daughter, Jessie McFarlane, married David Hepburn Paton in 1889.
Charles Paton, married Jane Currie in 1934.
Son, Colin Paton, married Charlotte Harper Graham in 1969.
Christopher Mark Paton, married Claire Patricia Giles in 2000.
Sons, Calum Graham Paton and Jamie Christopher Paton.