Ann Brownlee
18?? - 18??
was Calum's and Jamie's great great great great grandmother.
Virtually nothing is known about Ann. She married
John MacFarlane at some stage prior to 1839, and died at some stage between then and August
1860, when her son John got married in Inverness.
is unknown whether Ann resided in Glasgow and/or Inverness. Indeed, we may even need to take a pinch of salt in believing
that she was called Ann Brownlee - John's marriage record is the only one which notes his mother's name, as his death record
names no parents.
John MacFarlane
b: abt 1839 d: ????

Connecting to Calum and Jamie
Ann Brownlee married John Brownlee McFarlane
pre 1839
Son, John McFarlane, married Ann McGillivray on 9/8/1860
Daughter, Jessie McFarlane, married David
Hepburn Paton on 15/8/1889
Son, Charles Paton, married Jane Currie on 28/9/1934
Son, Colin Paton, married
Charlotte Harper Paton on 30/8/1969
Son, Christopher Mark Paton, married Claire Patricia Giles on 24/6/2000
Calum Graham Paton and Jamie Christopher Paton
