Eliza Taylor
b: bet
1825 & 1828 d: 12/2/1904
Eliza was Calum's and Jamie's four times great grandmotther.
Not a great deal is known about Eliza at present. She married
Thomas Graham, a reeling master in the mills of Belfast, on 5 APR 1840 at Tyholland Church of Ireland in County Monaghan.
At the time of the wedding Thomas was resident at Feduff townland (Foyduff) in Tynan Parish, County Armagh, whilst Eliza was
from the townland of Tuckmilltate in the parish of Tyholland, Co. Monagahan. The officiating rector and vicar was Rev. John
R. Tarleton. The witnesses were William Sharp and John Higgins (RootsIreland).
It is not yet known who Eliza's parents were. On 9 MAR 1841, a John Taylor,
gardener, and his wife Mary, had a daughter born at Tuckmilltate townland, in Tyholland parish, called
Isabella Taylor. It is possible that John may have been a relative of Eliza, possibly a brother. John
and Mary had several other children in the parish - Thomas (19 JAN 1832), Essy (2 MAR 1834),
Mary Jane (8 JAN 1838), with Essy and Mary Jane born at Tyholland Glebe.
Eliza went on to have at least eight children with Thomas Graham
in Belfast. From the details of Eliza's children, and
from various trade directories, we can trace some of her movements by identifying where Thomas was located. In an 1850
Belfast street directory, Thomas was listed as a carding master. He was then noted at 86 Henry Street as a 'spinning master
in mill' in 1863-4, again in the birth certificate of his son William in 1864, and at the same address
once more as a 'mill overlooker' in 1868 (Source: PRONI www.nidirect.gov.uk/proni). In the 1870 Belfast Street Directory Thomas was noted as a reeling master at 92 Henry Street.
From the birth certificate of Eliza's daughter Wilhelmina
in February 1871 it is noted that the family was resident at 38 Ship Street in the Shankill District of Belfast, Ireland,
and that they were Church of Ireland by religion. In November the family was residing at 206 York Street, as noted in the
death certificate of her son Albert. In the 1877 street directory for Belfast Thomas was again noted at 206 York Street, and
again in 1880.
At some stage shortly after this Eliza accompanied Thomas to England, ending up in Barrow in Furness
in Lancashire. From the 1881 census for Barrow, Thomas was listed as a 60 year old clerk from Ireland, married to 50
year Eliza, also from Ireland. There were three children present with them at their house at 82 Marsh Street, being Calum's
and Jamie's 19 year old three times great grandfather Edwin Graham, a shipwright, his 16 year old
brother William Graham, also a shipwright, and their 10 year old sister Wilhelmina Graham (1881
census Eng and Wales: RG11/4291/55/p.11).
It is known that whilst resident in Belfast Eliza and her family regularly worshipped in St. Pauls Church of Ireland
on the York Road, Belfast. As well as living at 206 York Street, the family also possibly resided at some point
at Brougham Street.
Thomas appears to have died prior to 1901, though his death record has as yet to be located. In the 1901 census, Eliza
is noted as residing at Garden Street in Belfast's Dock Ward. She was a 75 year old widow, Church of Ireland by religion,
able to read and write, and from Belfast. Also present was a 12 year old granddaughter, Mina Graham, who was attending school,
also Anglican and from Belfast, and able to read and write.
It appears that Eliza was recorded in the 1901 census
at Garden Street in Belfast's Dock Ward. In this she was noted as a widow, and incorrectly as having been born in Belfast.
Eliza finally passed away on 12 FEB 1904, at 57 Ship Street, Belfast, the cause being chronic bronchitis. She was
noted as 76 years old and the widow of a reeling master. Her son Edwin, from 35 Upper Canning Street, was
present at the death, and acted as informant to the registrar later the same day (Source: GRONI D/1904/47/1007/31/397).
The following notice was placed in the Belfast Telegraph on the same day:
GRAHAM - February 12th, at 57 Ship Street, Elizabeth, relict of the late
Thomas Graham, Reeling Master.
"Peace at last"
Edwin also oversaw his mother's burial two days later at Belfast City Cemetery, at a cost of 7 shillings and sixpence
(Source: Belfast City Council burials database; Ulster Historical Foundation death entry).
Thomas Graham
b: bef 1848
William Graham
b: abt Nov 1848
John Graham
b: abt Feb 1851
Anne Maria Graham
b: Sep 1852
Albert Graham
b: 1856 d: 30/11/1871
Edwin Graham
b: 28/3/1862 d: 31/1/1943
Calum's and Jamie's three times great grandfather - see Graham page.
William Graham
b: 18/11/1864 d: aft 1881
Wilhelmina Graham
b: 22/2/1871 d: aft 1881

Connecting to Calum and Jamie
Eliza Taylor married Thomas Graham before 1848
Son, Edwin Graham, married Florence Halliday in 1881
Son, Ernest Graham, married Charlotte Harper Montgomery in 1919
Son Ernest Graham, married Martha Jane Elizabeth Watton Bill Smyth in 1943
Daughter, Charlotte Harper Graham married Colin
Paton in 1969
Son, Christopher Mark Paton, married Claire Patricia Giles in 2000
Sons, Calum Graham Paton
and Jamie Christopher Paton