William Bennet
abt 1708 - aft. 1765
William Bennet is Calum's, Jamie's and Pippa's eight times great
William married Jean Straton on August 8th 1728, in Kinclaven, Perthshire, Scotland
(Source: OPR 365/00 0010 0248 Kinclaven).
August 8th 1728
William Bennet and Jean Straton being regularly proclaimed were also married
In 1765 William Bennett is listed as one of the residents of Airntully cited to appear within a roll
of defenders in a forthcoming case entitled Dundas v Miller (Source: NRS GD121/1/37/207/21 Grandtully Muniments;
Roll of Defenders names in Suds of Forthcoming Dundas v Miller).
William and Jean are known to have had at least two daughters.
Jean Bennet
b: 4/5/1729 d: 1???
Jean was Calum's, Jamie's and Pippa's seven times great grandfather - see below.
Emelia Bennet
b: 3/9/1732
Emelia was born in Kinclaven, Perthshire, on September 3rd 1732.
On 8 DEC 1752, Emelia was hauled up before the Associate Session jkirk session, as one of many residents
from Airntully accused of the heinous crime of promiscuous dancing! (Source: NRS CH3/502/1/93 Kinclaven Associate Session
kirk session minutes):
At Arntully 8th Decr 1752. After prayer by ye Modr Sederunt
John Sprunt John Morice John Kea Elders & John Richie Deacon
The Officer having reported that according to appointment
he had cited to this meeting the following persons viz: Andrew Henderson, in ye Miln of Airntully, Lillias Grigor, John Nathan
& George Ramsays, James Stewart, Joseph Morice, John, Agnes & Elizabeth Mallochs, Mary Crookshank, John Grigor, John
Gellatly & Emilia Bennet all in Arntully. They being called, they all compeared Except James Stewart, and they being Interrigate
by ye Modr One by One if they had been guilty of the indecent behaviour of promiscuous dancing, They all answered in the affirmation.
Then After the Indelacicy & Sinfullness of such a Practise was laid before them ye Mod[erato]r together wt ye Aggravation
of their Sin having got publick Warnings agt the same They were severally Interrogate […] they acknowledged their said
conduct to be sinful & thro’ Grace resolved agt the same for the future, & also against the Countenancing I
so far as Witness it in others. They all after much deal acknowledged & Resolved agreeably to ye Interrogation, Except
John Ramsay, who after all dealing wt him would neither Acknowledge nor Resolve as aforesaid.
They were all Removed. Then ye session proceeded to consider
what Censure to Inflict upon them, and after Deliberation upon ye Matter They agreed in regard of some circumstances in ye
case of ye Persons who had fallen into ye forsaid Indecent behaviour, to List in an admonition of them wt certifica[tio]n
That if they shall afterwards be guilty of such a practise, the Session will inflict a higher Censure upon them. And wt respect
to John Ramsay the Session delayed ye Considerat[io]n of his case till next Meeting & that both he & James Stewart
be cited to attend.
They being called in, and after ye Modr had intimated to
John Ramsay what ye session had agreed upon wt respect to him all ye rest were admonished by ye Modr in ye Name of ye Lord
Jesus Christ the only King & head of his church, wt certifica[tio]n That is all or any of them should be found guilty
of such a sinfull practise again, ye session would inflict a higher censure upon them. And they were exhorted by ye Modr to
watchfulness & Rependance upon the Lord. Closed wt prayer.
Perhaps coincidentally, just a day later an Emelia Bennet had marriage banns recorded
on December 9th 1752 at both Errol and Perth with regard to her wedding to James Deans. This may be the same
Emelia, although the Perth based record notes Emelia as being 'of the parish of Perth' (Source: SP/NRS M OPR 387/00 0180 0425

Jean Bennet
4/5/1729 - aft 4 JUN 1780
Jean was Calum's, Jamie's and Pippa's seven times great grandmother.
Jean was born on May 4th 1729 in the parish of Kinclaven, Perthshire, Scotland, almost certainly in
Jean married Andrew Henderson at some stage prior to 1755, and the couple set up home in Kinclaven, Perthshire, Scotland. Their marriage
record cannot be found in the Church of Scotland register, but this seems likely to be because the ceremony was performed
at the Associate Session church in Kinclaven.
Jean is recorded on several occasions within the Associate Session minutes as having received tokens
and taken communion there, including on 17 JUN 1765, JUL 1766, 17 JUN 1770, and 4 JUN 1780, the latter specifically
noting her as residing in elder Patrick Gellatly's quarter of Airntully (Source: NRS CH3 502/1/185-209 Kinclaven Associate
Session kirk session minutes).
(NB: There is also a listed marriage between an Andrew Henderson and a Jean Bennet
in Dalgety, Fife, in 1764, but this is not the same couple).
Peter Henderson
b: 2/11/1755
William Henderson
b: 24/6/1758
James Henderson
b: 24/5/1761
John Henderson
b: 21/8/1763
James Henderson
b: 14/4/1766
Jean Henderson
b: 18/6/1769

Connecting to the present
Son, Peter (Patrick) Henderson, married Jannet
Bruce in the late 18th Century.
Son, Andrew Henderson, married Janet McEwan
in 1809.
Janet Henderson married James Rogers in 1836
Daughter, Janet Rodger, married William Hay Paton in 1859
Son, David Hepburn Paton, married Jessie McFarlane
in 1889
Son, Charles Paton, married Jane Currie in 1934
Son, Colin Paton, married Charlotte Harper Graham
in 1969
Son, Christopher Mark Paton, married Claire Patricia Giles in 2000
Sons, Calum Graham Paton and Jamie
Christopher Paton...