James Kane
abt 1820 - 29/10/1878
James was Calum's, Jamie's and Pippa's five times great grandfather.
James married Martha Graham on 26 JAN 1838 at Tyholland Church of Ireland, County Monaghan, Ireland. Martha was noted as residing at Tiravera
townland, and James from Corvally, both in the parish of Tyholland. The witnesses were Thomas Corr and William
Graham, whilst the minister was the Rev William Mills, curate. The wedding was perfomed by license and
'with consent of the parents', implying both were under the age of 21.
The couple had a daughter called Anne at Tiravera townland on 6 NOV 1838, baptised
five days later in 11 NOV 1838, by the Anglican minister, Rev. William Mills (Source: RootsIreland). The couple moved
to Belfast, where they continued to extend their family.
In 1858-59 there is a James Kane, labourer, at 71 Boundary
Street, Belfast, whilst in 1860, there were two different gentlemen called James Kane living at 50 and
71 Boundary Street respectively.
On 29 MAY 1863, the Belfast Morning News recorded a story about a James
Kane from Boundary Street who fell foul of the law:
James Kane, Boundary Street, was charged with misconduct in the service
of Mr. Bernard Hughes, Donegall Place, his employer, and also with having embezzled the sum of £6 12s 6d, the property of
his master. The prisoner was a bread server, and was in the habit of being credited with bread every morning to the amount
of between £15 and £20, and he fell short in his returns to the amount of £6 12s 6d. For the defence it was contended that
Kane lost the money, that he had been for a long period in the service of Mr Hughes, that he bore a good character, that the
offence was not one of embezzlement, but of misconduct, and that the prisoner was willing to pay the amount that was deficient
in weekly installments. The Bench reduced the charge to one of misconduct in service, and fined the prisoner in £3 and costs,
with the alternative of two months' imprisonment. Mr. D. O' Rorke prosecuted, and Mr. Sheals defended.
It is quite possible that this was our James. In the 1863-64 Belfast and Ulster
Street Directory James was listed as a watchman residing at 142 Boundary Street. He
is so listed again in 1865, and again at 5 Cargill Street in 1870. The fact that this was our James is confirmed in various documents such as his daughter Christina's wedding register entry in Belfast 1873, and his own death
certificate, which later noted him as being a watchman.
By 1877 the head of the household in the Belfast Street directory is Martha Kane.
This was Martha Graham, his wife, with whom he had at least five daughters in the Saint Anne's parish
in the Shankill.
A story about a night watchman called James Kane was published in the Belfast Telegraph on Wednesday 24 APR
[Before Sir John Preston, J.P. Mayor; and E. Orme, Esq., RM]
Wm. Kane was brought up in custody of Sub-Constable Heuston, charged with
having maliciously broken a pane of glass, value one shilling, in a lamp at the gate of the Union Workhouse. Mr C. H. Ward
prosecuted on behlaf of the Belfast Board of Guardians. James Kane, night-watchman at the workhouse, deposed that about half-past
one o'clock this norning he gave the prisoner into custody for breaking a pane in the gate lamp. In reply to the Mayor, witness
said the prisoner told him he broke the lamp in order to get into the office. He had discharged himself from the workhouse
on Monday morning last. As it appeared that the priosner had been an inmate of the imbecile ward in the workhouse, the Court
directed him to be discharged from custody.
James died on 29 OCT 1878 at 50 Wesley Street, the cause of death being cirrosis of the liver, as
suffered for six months. He was recorded as James Cain, and was stated as being resident at 50 Wesley Place,
and as being married. His age was noted as being 47, but if he was from County Monaghan, it is likely that he was at least
a decade older (having married as a minor in 1838). The informant was an Alexander Barther of 13 Wesley Place, who was present
at his death. The death was registered on the 31st (Source: D/1878/50/1007/34/412 Belfast Urban 4).
In James' burial record, it is stated that he was 49, not 47, and his name was recorded as James
Kane. His date of death and address were the same, his religion noted as Episcopalian, and his occupation more specifically
noted as a night watchman (Source: Belfast City Council burials; 7481-2927).
In 1880 James' wife Martha was noted as Martha Kane at 5 Cargill Street, in
1887 as Mrs Kain, and in 1890 as Mrs Kane. Martha eventually
died herself on 3 NOV 1890 at 5 Cargill Street, aged 63, and was buried just after 3pm
in City Cemetery on the 6th. The cause of death was debility, her religion was noted in the burial record as Presbyterian,
and she was a widow. The grave owner was listed as her son-in-law Arthur Taylor, and her grave was in
section A Class 5 plot 270 (Source: Belfast City Council burials database). The age in this record ties in much more
closely with the candidates identified in County Monaghan in 1838.
Anne Kane - unconfirmed
b: 6/11/1838
Anne was born to James Kane and Martha Kane on 6 NOV 1838 at Tiravera
(Tyravera) townland, Tyholland parish, Co. Monaghan, and baptised five days later by the Anglican minister, Rev. William
Anne being the daughter of our James and Martha will only be confirmed when we can confirm that the
couple in Monaghan are indeed the same as our couple from Belfast.
Christina Kane
b: abt 1846 d: 22/1/1892
Christina was Calum's, Jamie's and Pippa's four times great grandmother -
see below.
Catherine Kane
b: 26/7/1850 d. 7/9/1899
Catherine was born on July 26th 1850 in the parish of St. Anne's district of Shankill. Her parents
were noted as James Kane and Martha Graham (Source: RootsIreland).
On 28 MAR 1874 Catherine married George Rogers at St. Enoch's Presbyterian Church
in Belfast. George was of full age, was resident in Belfast and worked as a reeler, with his father noted as George Rogers,
shoemaker. Catherine was also noted as of full age, resident in Belfast and daughter of James Kane, labourer. The ceremony
was performed by license by the Rev. H. Hanna, and the witnesses were Catherine's sister Matilda Kane
and her future brother-in-law James McTighe (Source: RootsIreland).
Catherine passed away 7 SEP 1899, the cause of death being cancer, and was buried two days later at
City Cemetery, in grave E1 741, alongside her son John William Rogers (died 8 JUL 1895, aged 19, 4 Cavour
Street), and her husband's parents George (died 11 APR 1892 at Workhouse, 4 Waring Street, aged 65) and Susan
(died 1 MAR 1893, aged 60, resident 4 Cavour Street). A Samuel Rogers was also interred there - he died at Union Hospital
Soldierstown, 7 MAR 1891, aged 24 (Source: Belfast City Council burials).
In the 1901 census her widowered husband George was noted as a 50 year old palliase maker from Co.
Antrim, and a Presbyterian who could read and write. His son Thomas was also present, an 11 year old scholar. The pair were
resident at 7 Cavour Street, Belfast, a second class house with four rooms (Source: National Archives of Ireland, 1901
Susanna Rodgers
b. 25/12/1874
Susanna was born on 25/12/1874 at 5 Cargill Street, Belfast, with her father noted as George
Rodgers, labourer, and her mother as Catherine Cain. The informant to the registrar on 8 JAN 1875
was Ann McCeland, a neighbour from 13 Cargill Street (Source: GRONI/GENI U/1875/51/1007/16/97 Belfast Urban No.5).
John William Rogers
b. 29/12/1875 d. 8/7/1895
John was born on 29 DEC 1875 at 5 Argyle Street in Belfast.His father was George Rogers, a porter,
and his mother Catherine Kane. The informant to the registrar on 12 JAN 1876 was Ann McLelland (RootsIreland: Belfast
Urban 5).
John tragically died on 8 JUL 1895, the cause being an abcess in his throat. He was buried
two days later in Belfast City Cemetery, plot E1 741. His residence at the time of death was 4 Cavour Street, and he was noted
as being a mattress maker. His father was the registered proprietor of the grave (Source: Belfast City Council burials).
George Rogers
b. 14/8/1877
George was born on 14 AUG 1877 at 5 Lower Cargill Street in Belfast. His father was George Rogers,
a porter, and his mother Catherine Kane. The informant to the registrar on 24 AUG 1877 was Ann McLelland (RootsIreland:
Belfast Urban 5).
James Kane Rogers
b: 28/4/1879
James was born on Boundary Street on 28 APR 1879. His father George was noted as a porter. The informant
on 30 MAY was Sarah Donnelly, of 7 Cargill Street, who was present at the birth.
(Registration: Belfast No. 5, p.364 entry 398)
James married Anne Dickson on 31 JAN 1900 at Trinity Church of Ireland in Belfast.
He was a mattress maker, like his father, and was of full age; Anne was a minor, daughter of James Dickosn, labourer.
Both were resident in Belfast. The witnesses were Robert harper and Ellen Dugan.
Thomas Rogers
b. 26/12/1889
Thomas was born on 26 DEC 1889 at 4 Cavour Street in Belfast. His father was George Rogers, an upholsterer,
and his mother Catherine Kane. The informant to the registrar on 24 AUG 1877 was Christina Taylor (RootsIreland:
Belfast Urban 2).
In the 1901 census Thomas was noted as residing with his widowered father at 7 Cavour Street.
He was an 11 year old Presbyterian scholar who could read and write (Source: National Archives of Ireland, 1901 census).
Matilda Kane
b: abt 1856 d: 17/9/1907
Matilda was born in approximately 1856 in Belfast, County Antrim. She married James McTighe
in the city in 1875 (GRONI 1875 Vol 1, p.402), and had at least seven children.
On 3 NOV 1890, Matilda, noted as Matilda McTighe, of 33 Tennent Street in Belfast,
acted as informant to the Belfast registrar for the death of her mother (Source: GENI D/1890/51/1007/21/410 Belfast Urban
In the 1901 census Matilda was noted at 13 St. Mary's in the parish of Shankill in Belfast. She was 44,
able to read and write, and a member of the Congregational Church. Her husband James was aged 47 and a hacklemaker at the
local factory, and was from Belfast. Also present were 22 year old daughter Elizabeth McTighe, a linen rover,
and 3 year old son Robert James McTighe, as well as 19 year old niece Sarah Gibson, a linen
spreader (Source: 1901 census).
Matilda passed away on 17 SEP 1907 at 68 Bellevue Street in Belfast. She was incorrectly noted as
being 47 years old, the wife of James McTighe, hackle setter, and the cause of death was bronchopneumonia, as suffered for
9 days. The informant on the following day was her son-in-law, David Gilmore, resident at 41 Woodvale Street
(Source: D/1907/56/1007/13/140 Belfast Urban No.10).
Matilda was buried in Belfast City Cemetery on 19 SEP 1907, in lair N2 206.
Her burial record again lists her age as just 47 (Source: Belfast City Council Cemetery records).
Children of Matilda KANE and James McTIGHE:
Minnie McTighe (McTye)
b: May 1875 d: 27/10/1876
Minnie was born in May 1875, but died on 27 OCT 1876 at Cargill Street, aged 17 months. The cause
of death was bronchitis, her religion was noted as Presbyterian. She was buried the following day at City Cemetery
in section/plot A270. Interestingly the grave's owner was Martha Kane, which may suggest that her husband James was dead
by then (Source: Belfast City Council).
Elizabeth McTighe
b: abt 1879
Elizabeth was recorded in the 1901 census alongside her parents at St. Mary's in Belfast. She was
a 22 year old linen rover, was unmarried, born in Belfast, able to read and write, and a member of the Congregational Church.
(Source: National Archives of Ireland)
Martha McTighe
b: abt June 1882 d: 22/1/1883
Martha died on January 22nd 1883, aged 7 months, at 5 Cargill Street. She was buried two days later
at Belfast City Cemetery in A 270. (Source: Belfast City Council)
Margaret McTighe
b: Mar 1893 d: 24/8/1893
Margaret died aged just 5 months at 33 Tennet Street in Belfast, and was buried in City Cemetery two
days later, at plot N2 206 (Belfast City Council Cemetery records). Believed to be a twin of Catherine.
Catharine McTighe
b: Mar 1893 d: 1/9/1893
Margaret died aged just 5 months at 33 Tennent Street in Belfast, and was buried in City Cemetery
two days later, at plot N2 206 (Belfast City Council Cemetery records). Believed to be a twin of Margaret,
who died just a week prior to her.
James McTighe
b: Jan 1896
James died aged just 15 months on June 20th 1897, and was buried in City Cemetery two days later,
at plot N2 206 (Belfast City Council Cemetery records).
Robert James McTighe
b: 1897 d: 7/7/1923
Robert was recorded in the 1901 census alongside his parents at St. Mary's in Belfast. He was 3
years old, born in Belfast, unable to read and a member of the Congregational Church. (Source: National Archives of Ireland).
As yet Robert has been untraceable in the 1911 equivalent.
Robert married between 17 APR 1919 at St. John's Laganbank Church of Ireland, Knockbreda, Belfast
to Agnes Maxwell.
Robert died on July 7th 1923 at the Royal Victoria Hospital, his usual residence noted as 44 Elm Street,
Belfast. He was buried two days later at Belfast City Cemetery's Glenalina Extension, in plot L 199. (Source: Belfast City
Elizabeth Keane
b: abt 1859 d: 15/4/1876
Elizabeth's exact birth date is not yet known but she died May 15th 1876 aged 17 years old. Her burial
record from Belfast City Cemetery notes that she was Presbyterian and without occupation - her address at the time of death
was 5 Cargill Street, and the cause was consumption. Her mother Martha Keane was noted as the owner
of the lair (Section A, lair 270), with the burial taking place on the 17th between 2 and 6pm, at a cost of 10s (Belfast City
Mary Jane Kane
b: abt 1860 d: 27/2/1891
Mary Jane's exact year of birth is not known. She married William Gibson on
15 NOV 1875 in Belfast, at Saint Anne's Church of Ireland (Emerald Ancestors), and had at least two daughters.
On 7 FEB 1891 she was taken into the Belfast Workhouse, seriously ill. The only clue as to her condition
in the poor law record is a note that she had a 'weak mind'. She was noted as being aged 33, Presbyterian, and a mill worker.
Her address was given as 5 Cargill Street in Belfast, and she was noted as married. The record suggests that she either died,
or left the workhouse, just two days later on 9 FEB 1891, although this appears to be a mistranscription of 29 FEB 1891 (Source:
PRONI BG/7/G/14 entry 1389 p.35).
Mary died on 27 FEB 1891 at Belfast Workhouse. Her death record notes that she was from 5 Cargill
Street, and was the wife of William Gibson, a seaman. The cause of death was given as dementia, 20 days, certified. The informant
was noted as C. Rogers, sister, in attendance, 4 Cavour Street. (Source: GRONI D/1891/50/1007/67/332 Belfast
Urban 4)
In the Belfast burial records Mary is noted as being aged 30 and a millworker. The proprietor of lair
A270, in which she was buried at Belfast City Cemetery, was Arthur Taylor, the husband of her sister Christina
Kane. The funeral was just a day later on Sunday 28th 1891. Mary Jane was a Presbyterian, and her cause of death
was stated here as being cancer of the lungs (Source: Belfast City Council ).
Children of Mary Jane KANE and William GIBSON:
b: 27/5/1877
Family Search records the birth of an Anna Gibson on 27 MAY 1877 in Antrim, her parents
being a William Gibson and Mary Jane Gibson Kane.
b: 30/11/1881
Sarah was born on 30 NOV 1881 in Belfast, Co. Antrim, Ireland (Source: GRONI U/1881/51/1007/25/229
Sarah is found in the 1901 census with her aunt Matilda (see above), at 13 St. Mary's in the parish
of Shankill in Belfast. She was noted as a 19 year old linen spreader, and a member of the Congregational Church.

Christina Kane
Abt 1846 - 22/1/1892
Christina was Calum's, Jamie's and Pippa's four times great grandmother.
At the age of 27, Christina married 25 year old widower Arthur Taylor, son of Arthur
Taylor, the ceremony taking place on August 2nd 1873, in a service performed by the the Reverend J. Spence at St.
Anne's Church of Ireland, in the parish of Shankill. Both Christina and Arthur were described as residing in Belfast,
with Arthur listed as a labourer. The witnesses to the wedding were a C. Kane (possibly her sister Catherine)
and a J. Rogers.
After their wedding, it would appear that Christina and Arthur had at least two daughters, Matilda
and Isabella, and two sons, Arthur and David.
Christina eventually passed away on 22 JAN 1892 at 118 Boundary Street. She was noted as being married
but aged 37. The cause of death was bronchitis, suffered for one and a half months. Her husband Arthur was the informant
to the registrar on the 26th - he was noted as a mechanic also resident at 118 Boundary Street (Source: GRONI D/1892/51/1007/29/29
Belfast Urban 5).
Matilda Jane Taylor
b: 28/5/1874
Calum's, Jamie's and Pippa's three times great grandmother - see Taylor page.
Isabella Taylor
b: 9/4/1876 d: after 1912
Arthur Taylor
b: 9/4/1879 d: 27/6/1914
David Taylor
b: 2/7/1882

Connecting to Calum and Jamie
Christina Kane married Arthur Taylor in 1873.
Daughter, Matilda Jane Taylor, maried John Montgomery in 1892.
Daughter, Charlotte Harper Montgomery, married Ernest
Graham pre-1922.
Son, Ernest Graham, married Martha Jane Elisabeth
Watton Smyth in 1943.
Daughter, Charlotte Harper Graham, married Colin
Paton in 1969.
Son, Christopher Mark Paton, married Claire Patricia
Giles in 2000.
Sons, Calum Graham Paton and Jamie Christopher Paton.