James Morrow
abt 1753 - abt 3/1/1837
James Morrow was Calum's, Jamie's and Pippa's five times great grandfather.
A gentleman by the name of James Morrow was recorded at Tullanaglug townland, Magheraculmoney, in
1605, and there may be an unbroken line between him and this James Morrow, although a Morrow family has not been located in
the area in the surviving 1639 Fermanagh census. If the 1605 ancestor of James was linked to our family (as seems highly
possible), then he would have been in possession of the land prior to the Plantation of Fermanagh in the early 1600s. This
would seem to therefore suggest that he may have been a native Irish Morrow, the name being derived as a variant from two
possible origins in Fermanagh at this point - MacMorrow or MacMuireadhaigh, or possible from Murphy, a branch of the
Maguires. If so, the family may have converted from Roman Catholicism to Anglicanism following the Plantations.
This James Morrow is almost certainly the father of George Morrow, with them living together on the
same townland. It is not known who his wife was, but in the churchyard of St. Mary's Church of Ireland,
Ardess the following inscription is to be found:
Erected by James Morrow in memory of his wife Mary Morrow who departed this
life November 25th 1813 aged 59 years.
It is not known if this record relates to our James.
James died at the age of 84 in the townland of Leaghan, Magheraculmoney,
and was buried there by the Rev. William Stack on 3 JAN 1837 (Source: PRONI MIC/1/67 Magheraculmoney Church of Ireland).
George Morrow
b: abt 1786 d: abt 15/11/1832
George was Calum's, Jamie's and Pippa's four times great grandfather
- see below.

George Morrow abt 1786 - abt 15/11/1832
George Morrow was Calum's, Jamie's
and Pippa's four times great grandfather.
From the burial records for Magheraculmoney, George
was noted as having passed away in 1832 at the age of 46, placing his birth year in approximately 1786.
From the wedding and death certificates of George's
son, also called George, it is known that George senior spent his life working as a farmer, and that he was married to Elizabeth
It is possible that this George was the witness of that name at a wedding at St. Mary's Magheraculmoney, of
a Susannah Morrow to George Grace on 5 OCT 1826. Another witness was listed, Robert Chigore. Susannah was
from Magheraculmoney, whilst George Grace was from the parish of Dromore. It is possible that Susannah was a sister to George (Source:
PRONI MIC/1/67 Magheraculmoney).
In the 1828 Tithe Records for the parish of Magheraculmoney, a George Morrow is listed
as a resident in the township of Tulnaglug (Tullanaglug), beside Ardess Church.
George passed away in November 1832, and was buried by the Rev. William Atthill on 15 NOV 1832. The
record notes that he resided at Leehan (Leaghan) and was aged 46 (Source: PRONI MIC/1/67 Magheraculmoney). The same register
notes that an Elizabeth Morrow of Leehan had predeceased him on 29 JUL 1830 - although her age was not listed,
it would seem likely that this was his wife.
Norma Gail Reiman (nee Morrow) and Margaret Barnes have provided some
initial research on the Morrows of the near Ardess area, for which I am grateful.
Children of George MORROW and Elizabeth IRVINE:
Anne Morrow
b: abt 4/4/1819
Anne was baptised in the parish of Magheraculmoney
on 4 APR 1819, at St. Mary's Church in Ardess glebe. Her parents were noted as George and Eliza
Morrow, resident at Leighin (Leaghan) (Source: PRONI MIC/1/67
and 68, St Mary's Church, Ardess, Magheraculmoney).
It is presumed that Anne died in infancy, as a sister with the same name was
born a decade later.
John Morrow
b: abt 14/2/1822
John was baptised in the parish of Magheraculmoney
on 14 FEB 1822, at St. Mary's Church in Ardess glebe. His parents were noted as George and Elizabeth
Morrow, resident at Leighin (Leaghan) (Source: PRONI MIC/1/67
and 68, St Mary's Church, Ardess, Magheraculmoney).
George Morrow
b: abt 10/2/1825
George was Calum's, Jamie's
and Pippa's three times great grandfather - see below.
Thomas Morrow
b: abt 1/6/1827
Thomas was baptised in the parish of Magheraculmoney
on 4 APR 1819, at St. Mary's Church in Ardess glebe, by Rev. Richard L. Clifford. His parents were noted as George
and Eliza Morrow, resident at Tulnaglug (Tullanaglug) (Source:
PRONI MIC/1/67 and 68, St Mary's Church, Ardess, Magheraculmoney).
Henry Morrow
b: abt 10/3/1829
Henry was baptised in the parish of Magheraculmoney
on 10 MAR 1829, at St. Mary's Church in Ardess glebe. His parents were noted as George and Bessy
Morrow, resident at Leehan (Leaghan) (Source: PRONI MIC/1/67
and 68, St Mary's Church, Ardess, Magheraculmoney).
Anne Morrow
b: abt 1830 d: 7 OCT 1888
Anne was born in Co. Fermanagh in about 1830. She married Robert
As Anne Whamsley, she is noted as having eventually died in Scotland
on 7 OCT 1888 at the Combination Poorhouse in Dumbarton, aged 58, the cause being chronic bronchitis and general debility.
Her husband Robert Whamsley was stated to be a gardener, and her parents were listed as George Morrow, a
farm labourer, and Bessie Mitchell, both deceased. The informant to the registrar was James McLean,
governor of the poorhouse at Dumbarton, on 12 OCT 1888 (SP/NRS D 1888 496/00 236 Dumbarton).

George Morrow
Abt. 10/2/1825 - 23/6/1893
George was Calum's, Jamie's and Pippa's
three times great grandfather.
George was baptised in the parish of Magheraculmoney
on 10 FEB 1825, at St. Mary's Church in Ardess glebe. The minister was Rev. William Atthill, and his parents were noted as
George and Eliza Morrow, resident at Leighin (Leaghan) (Source: PRONI MIC/1/67 and 68, St Mary's Church, Ardess, Magheraculmoney).
George married Jane Mitchell in Ardess Parish Church, in the parish of Magheraculmoney, County Fermanagh, on 20th May 1846, the
marriage having taken place at Ardess Church of Ireland, and registered in Enniskillen. At the time of the wedding, George
was listed as being of full age and as being a labourer living in Tattykeel, with his fiancee resident in Ardess. The
witnesses to the marriage were two relatives of Jane's, Edward Mitchell and Luke Mitchell,
with the officiating minister being the Reverend Frederick McCullagh (ENNISKILLEN/Bk1/p.13).
From the birth certificate for his daughter Elizabeth in May 1867,
we learn that George and Jane later lived in Formill, in the parish of Drumkeeran, in the district of Ederney, Irvinestown,
County Fermanagh. George's occupation was listed as simply one word - "herd" - most likely meaning that he looked after
cattle. It is also evident that at that point, George could not write - his signature is down as a simple "X" in the births
registry book. In the death record for his wife Jane's mother Ann Mitchell nee Wilson, registered on 29 MAR 1872, Jane's address
was given as Formal (Source: GENI D/1872/114/1013/5/1320 Enniskillen).
At some point after 1875, George and his family
moved over to Scotland to look for work, and settled in Bridgeton, Glasgow, where George eventually found work as a potter's
From 1886, George and his family lived at 136 Bernard
Street in Bridgeton, Glasgow, as noted in the electoral register. This was a tenement which no longer exists, but from 1883
to 1886 there is a William Morrow listed at the same address, who was a carter - was he another relative, or was this a mistaken
transcription for George? In 1891, George's family is still listed here in the census.
Eagle Potter, Bridgeton, Glasgow, 1869 |
George himself is listed in the 1891 census as being
a potter's labourer. Glasgow had a large pottery trade at this time - in 1868, there were 14 potteries in the city employing
over 5000 full time staff. As well as making fine china, these potteries also produced large quantities of sanitary ware which
was exported to America and the British colonies, as well as other materials such as stoneware, fire bricks and building bricks.
The closest pottery to George's home was on Boden Street, which connects onto Bernard Street, which was called the Eagle Pottery.
It was founded in 1869, and may well have been the pottery that George worked at.
George died on June 23rd 1893 at
9.30am in his home. The cause was dropsey/apoplexy, and he was buried three days later in the Eastern Necropolis in Glasgow
(lair 2452, compt 4), beside Celtic Footbal Club. He had already prepaid for his grave, at a cost of 1. His grave has no headstone.
George's widow Jane moved into her son-in-law Robert Currie's house at 35 Dunn Street in Dalmarnock, where she is
listed in the 1901 census (GROS: 1901/644/1/17 p.21). Her daughters Ellen and Lizzie were there also. A few years later the
household had moved to 187 1/2 Dalmarnock Road, where at the age of 88 Jane died of pulmonary congestion and senility, on
20 March 1916, half way through the First World War. The informant to the registrar was Elizabeth.
b: 27/3/1847 d: bef 1867
Elizabeth was born on 27 MAR 1847 at Ardverney, parish of Magheracumoney, Co. Fermanagh,
and was baptised by M. Burke in the same parish at St. Mary's Church of Ireland in Ardess on 11 APR 1847. (Source: PRONI MIC/1/67
and 68, St Mary's Church, Ardess, Magheraculmoney).
It is presumed that Elizabeth may have died in infancy, as Calum's and Jamie's great great grandmother
was born to the couple in 1867 and given the same name.
Jane Morrow
b: 2/11/1848 d: 1???
Anne was born on 2 NOV 1848 at Ardverney, parish of Magheracumoney, Co. Fermanagh, and was
baptised by Michael Gordon in the same parish at St. Mary's Church of Ireland in Ardess on 3 DEC 1848. (Source: PRONI
MIC/1/67 and 68, St Mary's Church, Ardess, Magheraculmoney).
It seems likely that Anne Jane was the Jane Morrow who married James Rankin on
7 MAR 1867 at Tubrid Church, Kesh, Fermanagh. James, a labourer, was the son of Charles Rankin, of
full age and of Templecarn townland, whilst Jane was noted as the 18 year old daughter of George Morrow,
and resident in Formil (where we know our George was resident in 1868).
Henry Morrow
b. 1/11/1850 d. 20/11/1914
Henry's existence was only discovered in July 2009 after
contact from Jan Stevens in Australia, to whom we are indebted.
Henry was born on 1 NOV 1850 at Ardverney, parish of Magheracumoney, Co. Fermanagh, and was baptised
in the same parish at St. Mary's Church of Ireland in Ardess on 19 JAN 1851 (Source: PRONI MIC/1/67 and 68, St Mary's
Church, Ardess, Magheraculmoney).
It is not known when Henry arrived in Australia. The Queensland State Archive immigration indexes
note a 23 year old Henry Morrow as a passenger on the Gauntlet, arriving on January 1st 1875 (IMM/115 p.854, M/films
Z1958 and M1698). The age does not quite marry up with his age on his bapistmal or wedding records, so this remains unconfirmed.
Henry married Susan Brown Stevenson on January 28th 1887 in the Primitive Methodist
Church in Yaamba, Queensland, in a ceremony according to the rites of the Primitive Methodists. Henry was noted as a 28 year
old stockman, the son of George Morrow and Jane Mitchell, with his father George noted as
a clerk. Susan was 23 (born 15/9/1863, IGI), from Dundee, and the daughter of John Stevenson, a bootmaker,
and Elizabeth 'Bessie' Ireland. The witnesses to the ceremony were John Thomas Crompton
and Catherine Daily Crompton. Susan had arrived in Queensland on August 25th 1883, having sailed from Scotland
on the Nebo with her parents and 11 year old sister Bessie (born Dundee 17/3/1873), and 15 year old sister Wilhelmine
(Williamina, born 15/11/1867) [Queensland State Archives Immigration Indexes 1848-1912]. At the time of their marriage,
both Henry and Susan were resident in Yaamba (Source: Queensland marriage certificate 1887/001578).
Jan Stevens has been helped in her research by Henry's great granddaughter Judy McMillan, who has advised Jan that her elderly mother asserts
that Henry was born in Fermanagh and was an Orangeman. This conflicts with Henry's marriage and certificates, in which
he is noted as being from Glasgow - however, Fermanagh is indeed correct.
The following notice has been sourced from the Brisbane Courier of Thursday, September 3rd 1891 (page
5), which seems to concern our Henry Morrow:
In Chambers
yesterday, before his Honour Mr. Justice Real, the following were adjudicated insolvent :-Edward Robinson Starkey, of Carrara,
farmer, in forma pauperis, first meeting of creditors on the 17th instant ; Joseph
Woodcroft, of Lutwyche, labourer, in forma pauperis, first meeting of creditors
on the 17th instant; Henry Morrow, of Yaamba, store-keeper, first meeting of creditors on the 17th instant.
An Insolvency file for this bankruptcy exists at the Queensland
State Archives, reference number ID1060244, whilst an audiot insolvency file also exists at ID1053123, with the audit having
commenced on September 10th 1891 and ended on March 28th 1934. From the Queensland State Archives website:
This series consists of files of insolvent estates which
were the responsibility of the Public Curator's Office and previous agencies. After adjudication of insolvency by the Supreme
Court, a Trustee was appointed to administer an estate, and the files created consist of documents required by the Court and
related correspondence and papers which include the insolvent's personal and business details. Files can include a statement
of affairs of the insolvent, estate accounts, a list of creditors. a distribution of dividend plan etc.
Henry eventually passed away in on November 20th 1914 (Queensland
Government historical indexes, ref 1914/C3767). His death certificate again confirms his parents as George,
a labourer, and Jane, and Henry is noted as a fireman resident at Koongal, Queensland. The cause of
death was 'cancer of tongue operated on some time ago, recurrence, exhaustion', as certified by Dr. S. Stuart, who last saw
the deceased on November 3rd. Henry was buried in Rockhampton Cemetery on the 21st. The informant was his wife Susan.
The age on the death certificate states 62, which would place Henry's birth at approximately 1852, as opposed to 1859, as
per his marriage certificate, and he is again noted as from Glasgow. The certificate also states that he had seven children,
with one deceased at the time of his death.
Elizabeth Eva Morrow
b. 12/10/1888
Elizabeth was born in Yaamba Springs, Queensland, Australia, on October 12th 1888 (Queensland historical
birth index ref. 1888/C11733). She married Arthur Fisher on July 4th 1908.
Henry St. Claire Morrow
b. 7/6/1890
Henry was born on June 7th 1890 in Queensland (Queensland Historical birth index ref. 1890/C12754)
Henry married Noni Doherty on May 18th 1934. He eventually died in June 1945.
Wilhilmina Morrow
b. 23/2/1892
Willimina was born on February 23rd 1892 in Queensland (Queensland Historical birth index ref. 1892/C12256
- mother listed as Stephenson).
She later married Frank Allan on December 18th 1918 (Queensland Historical marriage
index ref. 1918/C3205).
John Stephenson Morrow
b. 29/1/1894
John was born in Queensland on January 29th 1894 (Queensland Historical birth index ref. 1894/C11533).
John married Frances Elizabeth Whitcombe on June 11th 1938.
Mary Jane Morrow
b. 12/3/1895
Mary Jane was born on March 12th 1895 in Queensland (Queensland Historical birth index ref. 1895/C10411).
She married David Allan on June 17th 1917. (Queensland
Historical marriage index ref. 1917/C2346)
William Henry Morrow
b. 6/1/1899
William was born on January 6th 1899 (Queensland Historical birth index ref. 1899/C11240). He tragically
died just a few weeks later on January 31st 1899 (Queensland Historical death index ref. 1899/C4934 - mother noted as Stephenson).
Ivy Ethel Morrow
b. 31/3/1900
Ivy was born in Queensland on March 31st 1900 (Queensland Historical birth index ref. 1900/C12179).
She later married John Firmin (Vernon) Orbell on November 19th 1920. (Queensland
Historical marriage index ref. 1920/C3667)
Susan Morrow
b: abt 1854 d: 23/3/1933
Susan was born in about 1854 in Co. Fermanagh, Ireland.
Susan's existence was found thanks to AncestryDNA, with DNA matches to descendants of both George
Morrow's and Jane Mitchell's siblings confirming that she had both Morrow and Mitchell DNA, and was thus their daughter.
Susan emigrated to Queensland, Australia, marrying George McLoughlin or McLachlan
there on 14 MAY 1877. With George she had seven children.
Susan eventually died in Queensland on 23 MAR 1933.
Children of Susan MORROW and George McLACHLAN:
John Henry McLachlan
b: 1878
John was born in Gayndah, Queensland, Australia, in 1878.
William McLachlan
b: 17/10/1880
William was born in Queensland, Australia.
George Walter McLachlan
b: 188? d: 1881
George died in Queensland, Australia, in 1881.
James Witford McLachlan
b: 3/1/1883
James was born in Queensland, Australia.
George Poncini McLachlan
b: 1/2/1887
George was born in Gayndah, Queensland, Australia, in 1887.
Charlotte Elizabeth McLachlan
b: 3/10/1891
Charlotte was born in Queensland, Australia in 18791.
William Walter McLachlan
b: 18/2/1897
William was born in Queensland, Australia, in 1897.
(Fanny) Morrow
b: 10/8/1857 d: 27/1/1935
According to her headstone, Fanny was born on 10 AUG 1857. The fact that
she was a daughter of George and Jane is confirmed from several DNA matches.
Prior to the DNA evidence being found, the case that Fanny or Frances was a daughter to George and
Jane was initially circumstantial. After George and Jane moved to Glasgow, they were recorded in several censuses as having
a daughter with them in Bridgeton called Ellen, born in approximately 1875. However, this would mean that
Jane must have been close to fifty years of age to have given birth to Ellen at this point, which seemed unlikely. There was
only one birth entry for an Ellen Morrow born in Fermanagh in Ireland between 1874 and 1876, and that was
for an illegitimately born daughter to a girl called Fanny Morrow, born on July 19th 1875 at Clonelly
in County Fermanagh, with the birth registered by Jane Morrow, present at the birth - Jane Morrow is of course
the married name of George's wife Jane Mitchell. The baptismal record a month later noted that Ellen's father
was Charles Gilmor.
A DNA match in February 2018 with Chris Morris ('Jon Morris' on Ancestry.co.uk, sharing 115cM
of autosomal DNA, 3rd cousin) suggested that Fanny Morrow emigrated to the United States in about 1875, likely just after
giving up Ellen to her parents. A further DNA match with user 'missinglink2590' on Ancestry connects Chris to Jane Mitchell's
sister Susan Mitchell (1833-1874), confirming beyond doubt that Fanny was indeed a daughter to George and Jane.
Fanny/Frances married John William Morris in 1877 in Pulaski County, Indiana, USA, and
raised a family of at least five children.
Fanny/Frances passed away on 27 JAN 1935 at Independence, Montgomery, Kansas, USA. Her headstone notes
her name as Fannie Morris, and her date of birth as 10 AUG 1857.
NB: Several online trees note Fanny's place of birth as Dublin, Ireland. There is no documentary evidence
to support this. Her parents, and her siblings, were all from Co. Fermanagh, almost certainly her county of birth also.
Ellen Morrow b: 19/7/1875
d: 14/2/1947
There is only one birth entry for an Ellen Morrow born in Fermanagh
in Ireland between 1874 and 1876, and that is an illegitimately born daughter to a girl called Fanny Morrow,
born on July 19th 1875 at Clonelly in County Fermanagh, with the birth registered by Jane Morrow, present
at the birth - Jane Morrow is of course the married name of George's wife Jane Mitchell. This Ellen was baptised
at Tubride Church, Kesh, on 25 JUL 1875, with the baptismal record noting her father to be Charles Gilmore.
The minister was Matthew Graham Whyte (Source: PRONI MIC//1/37/1-2).
Ellen appears to have been raised as George's and Jane's daughter,
when she was in fact their granddaughter, raised as if she was his daughter. It may be that this was the reason
for the family's move to Scotland, the stigma of illegitimacy being so heavy at that stage in Irish society.
From the 1891 census it is known that Ellen became a weaver.
She is also found in the 1901 census living with her sister Elizabeth at 35 Dunn Street, Dalmarnock, Glasgow.
In the 1911 census, recorded on April 2nd, Ellen was noted as living at 187 1/2 Dalmarnock Road
with her brother-in-law Robert Currie and his wife Lizzie (and family), as well as her mother
Jane. She was further decsribed as being 36 years old, unmarried, Irish, and working as a charwoman
for the School Board. (SP 1911 644/01 008/00 021).
Ellen died on February 14th 1947 at 187 1/2 Dalmarnock Road,
Bridgeton, Glasgow, the home of her sister Elizabeth (GROS - 1947: 644/2/70). From her death certificate it is known
that Ellen became a school cleaner in later life, eventually retiring, and that she never married. She died of a cerebral
thrombosis at the age of 71, and her death was registered in Glasgow by her niece Victoria Gray the following
Ellen was buried at Riddrie Park Cemetery in Glasgow, in lair E1700, on 17 FEB 1947, after passing away
aged 71, with the funeral organised by Taylor Brothers. The lair was that of her sister's family, the Currie
Margaret Morris
b.1877 d.1919
Lula Ellen Morris
Henry Morris
b.1883 d.1940
Harry Morris
b.1886 d.1899
Mae Morris
b.1890 d.1-971
John C. Morris
b.1898 d.1975
Morrow b: 1865 d: 6/6/1951
James Morrow's signature, 1924 |
James was born in Ireland in about 1865. He moved with his parents to Glasgow, Scotland, at some stage after 1875, and later became a carter and labourer
in the city.
James married Louise Horn, better known as 'Jeanie', on
31st December 1895 at a Free Church of Scotland service on Marquis Street. Jeanie was the daughter of Alexander Horn,
a weaving factory tender and Jessie Miller (both were deceased at the time of the wedding). The witnesses
were relatives of Louise, Elizabeth Horne and James Horne. The minister of the church was
Gilbert Laurie, and the wedding was officially registered on 2/1/1896 (GROS: 1896/644/1/24).
The couple are known to have had at least two sons, George and
James, born at 136 Bernard Street, Bridgeton, Glasgow.
After his father's death in 1893, James continued to live at the tenement in Bernard
Street - in the 1901 census (GROS: 1901/644/1/62 p.14) he is listed there with Louise, and is described as a contractor's
carter from Ireland, aged 37. In the 1913-1914 Glasgow valuation roll, he is still listed there as a tenant, paying an annual
rent of £8 to his landlords, the Trustees of Duncan Fraser, per W. Metcalf and Sons, 140 London Street, Glasgow. At this stage,
James is still listed as a labourer. However, by the time of the 1918 electoral register, he is no longer listed there,
nor are any of the rest of the family.
The years 1919 to 1925 were extremely painful for James,
as he virtually lost his family overnight. The couple had at this point moved to 222 Preston Street, and in 1919, his
son James died (see below). As if this was not traumatic enough, Jeanie then died at 3.35pm on June 22nd 1924, at the age
of 57 (GROS - 1924: 644/6/249). The cause of Jeanie's death was retinitis albuminiura (say what?!), as certified by Dr
William McFarlane. A distraight James registered the death in Glasgow on the following day, and on Friday June 27th 1924 the
following acknowledgment of thanks appeared on page 6 of the Glasgow Evening Times:
Mr James Morrow and George desire to thank all
friends and neighbours for their kind expressions of sympathy and floral tributes received in their recent sad bereavement
- 222 Preston Street
But life became even more cruel when in the
following year, James son George also died, of broncho-pneumonia, the same death as suffered by his
other son six years earlier.
James himself lived for another 27 years, and
carried on working as a carter, retirng when he was 65. But he finally paid the piper on June 6th 1951, at 133 Balornock Road,
Glasgow (Stobhill Hospital), the cause being an enlarged prostate, cystitis and myocardial degeneration, as certified
by Dr Elizabeth Anderson (GROS - 1951: 644/5/569). The death certificate mentions that the burial register had an address
for him as 222 Dunn Street. The death was registered at Glasgow by a friend called Andrew Graham. The Glasgow Evening
Times recorded the following on Friday, June 8th 1951, on page 11:
MORROW - At a hospital, Glasgow,
on 6th June 1951, James Morrow, 222 Dunn Street, Glasgow, in his 91st year - Friends omitted and desirous of attending funeral
please meet cortege at Janefield Cemetery gate tomorrow (Saturday) at 11.15am.
George Morrow b: 1/8/1901
d: 31/10/1925
George was born at 4.30am on August 1st 1901, at 136 Bernard Street. His father
registered the birth in Glasgow on the 19th (GROS: 644/1/1323).
George trained to be an iron turner, and by the time of his death had become
a journeyman in the trade. He died on October 31st 1925 at 7.55pm, in Ruchill Hospital, Glasgow, although his home address
at that time was 222 Preston Street. The cause was broncho pneumonia cardiac failure, as certified by Dr. J. M. Stirling.
His father registered the death on November 2nd (GROS: 644/7/727).
James Horn Morrow b:
1904 d: 24/2/1919
James was born at 9.55pm on January 13th 1904, at 136 Bernard
Street, Bridgeton, Glasgow, Scotland. His father was listed as a coal merchant's carter, and he informed the Glasgow registrar
on February 2nd (GROS:1904/644/1/195).
James trained to be an engineer, and by the time
of his death was still an apprentice. He died on February 24th 1919 at 5.50pm, in Belvidere Hospital, Glasgow, although his
home address at that time was 222 Preston Street in Bridgeton. The cause was influenza and broncho pneumonia, as certified
by Dr. John Brown. His father registered the death two days later (GROS:1919/644/1/237).
Thomas Morrow
b: abt 1866 d: 21/1/1886
It is not known where Thomas was born, but it was likely in County Fermanagh, Ireland, in about 1866.
Thomas died at 5.30pm on 21 JAN 1886 at Belvidere Hospital, the cause being smallpox, as suffered for
14 days. His job was noted as alabourer, and his usual residence at 136 Bernard Street, Glasgow, Scotland. Thomas's parents
were noted as George Morrow, an iron works labourer, and Jane Mitchell. The informant was his father, on 22 JAN 1886
(SP/NRS D 1886 644/1 81 Bridgeton).
Elizabeth Morrow
b: 27/5/1867 m: 27/10/1899 d: 13/6/1949
Elizabeth was Calum's, Jamie's
and Pippa's two times great grandmother - see below.

Elizabeth Morrow 27/5/1867 - 13/6/1949
Elizabeth was Calum's, Jamie's
and Pippa's two times great grandmother.
Elizabeth's signature, under her married name, in 1940 |
Elizabeth, more colloquially known as Lizzie, was
born in her home at Formil, in the district of Ederney, Irvinestown, County Fermanagh, Ireland, on May 27th 1867. Her
father registered the birth two days later on the 29th (GRONI B 1867/Ederney/Irvinestown/bk2/158). At some stage after this,
she migrated to Scotland with her family, settling in Bridgeton, Glasgow.
In the 1891 census, Lizzie was listed as
a cotton weaver in the Glasgow census, living with her family at 136 Bernard Street in Bridgeton.
Lizzie married Robert Currie on 27th October 1899 at the Emmanuel Church in Camlachie, Glasgow, a Free
Church of England service (GROS:1899/644/2/259). The witnesses were a William Patton and a Jane Neil.
The newlyweds set up home at 35 Dunn Street in
Dalmarnock, Glasgow, where in 1901 Lizzie was listed in the census as working as a col ed weaver.
In the 1911 census, recorded on April 2nd, Lizzie and her family were noted as living at
187 1/2 Dalmarnock Road, along with her mother and sister Ellen. She was aged 42, married 11 years,
had three children, all of whom were still alive, and was Irish (SP 1911 644/01 008/00 021).
By the 1918 electoral register Lizzie was
again listed at 187 1/2 Dalmarnock Road, with her husband Robert working as a porter.
In 1919 and 1925, Lizzie
must have been deeply affected by the loss of her brother's two sons, James and George,
and his wife Jeanie (see earlier). And in 1929, she then had to put up with the heartache of watching one
of her own children die before their time, as her son Robert died of nephritic cardiac syncope in her home
(see Currie page).
The electoral register tells us that Lizzie continued to stay in Dalmarnock
Road after her husband's death in 1940, and is last listed as a voter there in 1945. She did in fact continue to stay
at this address until her death.
Lizzie died at her Dalmarnock Road tenement at
11.20am on June 13th 1949, the cause being cerebral thrombosis and a coma from which she never recovered, as certified by
Dr. L. L. Fotheringhorn. The informant to the registrar on the following day was Lizzie's daughter, Victoria Gray
(nee Currie). Lizzie did not leave a will (GROS:1949/644/2/240).
Calum's and Jamie's grandfather Colin
Paton has only one memory of Elizabeth, who was his own grandmother. Living at their home at 42 Whitewell Crescent,
Belfast, he remembers a meal where they all sat down together to eat. Someone farted, and nobody would own up. Elizabeth
told Colin's mother Jean (her daughter) that if she really wanted to find out who it was that had done the deed, she would
need to go around and sniff everyone's bottom! She then laughed about it, and the offending gas merchant got a lucky escape!
Robert Currie
b: 19/12/1902 d: 10/2/1929
Jane (Jean) Currie b: 26/9/1904 d: 2/2/1978
Calum's, Jamie's and Pippa's great grandmother - see
Currie page.
Elizabeth Morrow Margaret Victoria (Vicky) Currie
b: 17/10/1909 d: 5/7/1975

Connecting to Calum and Jamie
Elizabeth Morrow married Robert Currie in 1899
Daughter, Jane Currie, married Charles Paton in 1934
Son, Colin Paton, married Charlotte Harper Graham in
Son, Christopher Mark Paton, married Claire Patricia Giles in 2000
Sons, Calum Graham Paton and Jamie
Christopher Paton