History of the Perthshire Patons

Graham (1)
Graham (2)
Graham (3)
Graham (4)
Henderson (1)
Henderson (2)
Paton - part 1
Paton - Part 2
Paton - part 3
Paton - part 4
Paton - part 5
Taylor (1)
Taylor (2)

The Lamb Family

The surname Lamb derives from an Old Norse personal name, Lam.
The members of the Lamb family identified in our ancestry so far hail from the Perthshire parishes of Auchtergaven and Kinclaven in the 18th Century.
Andrew Lamb (17?? - 1???) m: Eizabeth Shepherd
Anne Lamb  (b: approx 1755 - ????)  m: James Brough

NB: Family history charts can be accessed at http://www.tribalpages.com/tribes/chrispaton

John Lamb
16?? - aft 1722
John Lamb was Calum's. Jamie's and Pippa's eight times great grandfather.
The case for John being Andrew Lamb's father is based on two factors. The first is the Scottish naming pattern, with Andrew naming his eldest son John. The second is confirmation that a John Lamb did indeed reside at Coltrannie (Culteranny) in the Perthshire parish of Auchtergaven in the early 18th century, as stated in several rentals within the Forfeited Estates papers for Innernytie (NRS: E635/1).
The following are the rental references to John and an Andrew Lamb - presumably a brother, with whom he shared his farm, or possibly his son Andrew. If the latter then Andrew must have married quite late in life in 1744.
From 18 April 1721, rents on the estate of the late John Stewart of Innerneyttie
John and Andrew Lamb there depone they pay yearly each of them thirteen pounds Scots for a part of James Grigor's possession and declare they cannot wryte
Rental of the estates of John Stewart, late of Innernytie, In the parochins of Monydie, Ochtergavin and Kinclaven in the County of Perth for the year 1722
Ouchtergavin (Auchtergaven)
John and Andrew Lamb there (Coltrainie) £2 3s 4d
Known child of John LAMB:
Andrew Lamb
b: 17?? d: 17??
Calum's Jamie's and Pippa's seven times great grandfather - see below.

Andrew Lamb
Bef. 1730 - aft. Jun 1757
Andrew was Calum's, Jamie's and Pippa's seven times great grandfather.
Little is known of Andrew, save that he resided in the parish of Auchtergaven, and married Elizabeth Shepherd in 1744. The marriage was recorded both by way of contract money for the banns called in advance, and in the marriage register itself.
In the kirk session minutes for Auchtergaven (NRS: CH2/22/1/51 Auchtergaven):
Nov 4th (1744)
As banns from Jo: Reoch & Christ McKenzie both in this par from Alxr Murray & Isa Mcfarlane from Jo: Cathron & Jean Spout from Jo: Cook & Mary McLiesh & from And: Lamb & Eliz: Shepherd all in this parish thrie pounds Scots
The OPR entry then notes the marriage itself (OPR M 330/00 0010/0013 Auchtergaven):
Marriages 1744
29th Nov
And: Lamb and Elizabeth Shepherd were married
The couple had at least six children in Culterenny (Cuiltrennie, Coltrennie, Coltrannie), within the parish of Auchtergaven.
Children of Andrew LAMB and Elizabeth SHEPHERD:
Jannet LAMB
b: abt 17/11/1745
Jannet was baptised on November 17th 1745, her father noted as Andrew Lamb of Colterainie, within the parish of Auchtergaven (Source: OPR B 1757 330/00 0010 0014 Auchtergaven).
Elizabeth LAMB
b: abt 1/5/1748
b: abt 10/6/1750
Ann was Calum's, Jamie's and Pippa's six times great grandmother - see below
b: abt 8/10/1752
John was baptised on October 8th 1752, his father noted as Andrew Lamb of Culterenny, within the parish of Auchtergaven (Source: OPR B 1757 330/00 0010 0039 Auchtergaven).
Bathia LAMB
b: abt 2/3/1755
Andrew LAMB
b: abt 19/6/1757
Andrew was baptised on June 19th 1757, his father noted as Andrew Lamb of Culterenny, within the parish of Auchtergaven (Source: OPR B 1757 330/00 0010 0045 Auchtergaven).
Andrew married Stewart Murray, with whom he had six children in Auchtergaven parish.
Isobel Lamb
b. 24/5/1787
Elizabeth Lamb
b. 30/11/1788
Samuel Lamb
b. 25/7/1791
Ann Lamb
b. 17/11/1793
John Lamb
b. 28/8/1796
James Lamb
b. 17/3/1799

Ann Lamb
1755 approx - aft. Jun 1786
Ann was Calum's, Jamie's and Pippa's six times great grandmother.
Ann was born in the Perthshire parish of Auchtergaven (Bankfoot) in 1750 (Source: OPR B 1757 330/00 0010 0025 Auchtergaven):
10th June (1750)  And: Lamb, Colterainie
Child Ann
She married weaver James Brough in the parish of Kinclaven, with the banns called on December 21st 1777 (OPR 365/00 0010 0267):
Brugh & Lamb
The Marriage Banns of John Chalmers and Jean Grimman both in this Parish and of James Brough in this Parish and Ann Lamb in Parish of Auchtergaven and of Robert Chapman in this Parish and Isobil Thom in parish of Rattray were all regularly published December the 21st 1777.
However, the newlyweds were quickly to fall foul of local church discipline - and via two different churches within the parish. On 3 MAY 1778, the kirk session minutes from the Associate Session recorded the following entries (Source: NRS CH3/502/1/203; Kinclaven Associate Session kirk session minutes):
It being reported that James Burgh & Anne Lamb his spouse had been guilty of antenuptial fornication & James having been desired to attend this Meeting was called & compeard; and being interrogate he acknowledged his having been guilty of antenuptial fornication wt Anne Lamb his spouse. The Modr endeavoured to lay the evil of his sin before him wt the aggrevations of it, it was agreed that he be just now rebuked before the session for the same, & appear before the congregation this Day for the first time to make profession of his Repentance, he was accordingly rebuked by the Modr in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ the alone King & Head of his Church, and appointed to appear before the congregation this day.
May 3d 1777 James Burgh in Airntully appeared this day before the Congregation, & was rebuked for the Sin & Scandal of Antenuptial Fornication
May 10th – James Burgh appeared for the second time before the Congregation, & made profession of his Repentance.
May 17th James Burgh appeared before the Congregation & was absolved from the Scandal of antenuptial fornication.
With James disciplined, the church moved to do similarly with Anne on 31 MAY 1778 - only to discover that the couple had in fact also attended the kirk session of the Established church the week before (Source: NRS CH3/502/1/203; Associate Session kirk session minutes):
Anne Lamb spouse to James Burgh compeared, acknowledged her having been guilty of the Sin & Scandal of antenuptial fornication wt sd James her Husband. After some conference & dealing wt her, the session understanding that both James & Anne had been attending last Lord’s Day in the parish church, had appeared before the session belonging to the Established Church & had made publick profession of their repentance before said Congregan, in obedience to sd session & that they were both absolved them. The session considering that their so doing was contrary to their profession as being members of this congregation and under the inspection of this session, who are in a state of secession from the established Church. They agreed to Delay the forsaid until afterwards.
No further coverage of the incident is found in the Associate Session minutes; the established church minutes have yet to be consulted, they being held in private hands in Perthshire.
The couple went on to have four children in the parish.
It is not known yet when Ann died.
James Brough
b: 7/5/1778
James was born on May 7th 1778 in Kinclaven and christened on May 23rd.  It is believed that James married Agnes Marshal in the parish of Kinclaven on March 28th 1809, although the record has not as yet been confirmed.
Andrew Brough
b: 2/6/1780
Andrew was born in Kinclaven on June 2nd 1780, and christened in the parish on June 5th.
Ann Brough
b: 31/3/1782
Ann was Calum's, Jamie's and Pippa's five times great grandmother - see Brough page.
Mary Brough
b: 27/6/1786  d: 20/10/1871
Mary was born in Kinclaven on June 27th 1786,and christened in the parish on July 15th.
Mary never married, and eneed her days living at her nephew James Rogers' house in Airntully, Kinclaven, where she died at the age of 85 at 11.00am on October 20th 1871. The cause was old age and frailty, and her nephew James informed the Kinclaven registrar on the 21st (GROS: 1871/365/00/010).
Mary was later noted as having been 'removed by death' from the Kinclaven congregation in the kirk session minutes (in private hands) of 11 MAR 1872.

Connecting to the present

Ann Lamb married William Brough in 1777

Daughter, Anne Brough, married William Rodger in 1803

Son, James Rodger, married Janet Henderson in 1836

Daughter, Janet Rodger, married William Hay Paton
in 1859

Son, David Hepburn Paton, married Jessie McFarlane in 1889

Son, Charles Paton, married Jane Currie in 1934

Son, Colin Paton, married Charlotte Harper Graham in 1969

Son, Christopher Mark Paton, married Claire Patricia Giles in 2000

Sons, Calum Graham Paton and Jamie Christopher Paton

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