
The Hay Family
This branch of the Hay family originates from Perthshire
in Scotland, in the 18th Century.
The following Hay members are Calum's ancestors:
Lachlan Hay (17?? - 17??)
married Sara Straitton Jean Hay (1771 - ????) married John Young Elizabeth Hay (1774 - ????) Christian Hay
(1776 - 8/9/1835) married William Paton
For more on the Hay
clan, visit the following link:

Lauchlane Hay
b 17?? - aft. Aug 1746
It is likely that the parents of our confirmed ancestor Lachlan Hay were Lauchlane
Hay and Janet Speedy, whose marriage banns were first proclaimed on May 23rd 1736 in Tibbermore,
Perthshire (Source: OPR M 395/00 0030 0299 Tibbermore).
May 23rd
Eod. die
Lauchlane Hay and Janet Speedy both in this parish were proclaimed pro
Rd yr marriage pannds
They were married on 8 JUL 1736 (Source: OPR M 395/00 0010 0117 Tibbermore):
8th July 1736
Lauchlane Hay and Janet Speedy were married
The couple are known to have moved to Woodhead of Aberdalgie for a period, but it is known that they
were previously resident in Forteviot, just over the parish line, at Kirktown of Mailer, which is just a few hundred metres
from Woodhead.
Although a baptismal record for their son Lachlan has as yet to be found, it is believed that he was
born in approximately 1735, based on the corresponding age of his wife who we know was born in that
year approximately.
Posited Children of LAUCHLANE HAY and JANET SPEEDY:
Lachlan Hay
b: abt 1736
See below.
Margaret Hay
b: abt 24/4/1737
Margaret was christened in the parish of Forteviot on 24 APR 1737, with only her father named in the
OPR entry, as Lachlan Hay (Source: OPR B 354/00 0010 0030 Forteviot):
April 24th Sab: Day
Also Lachlan Hay in Kirktown of Mailer his child baptized named Margaret
James Hay
b: abt 4/3/1739
James was christened in Aberdalgie parish on 4 MAR 1739 (Source: OPR B 323/00 0010 0236 Aberdalgie).
March 4th
Eod. Lauchlan Hay and Janet Speedie spouses in Woodhead of Aberdalgie had
a child baptd called James witn the Congn
Janet Hay
b: abt 14/8/1741
Janet was christened in the parish of Aberdalgie on 14 AUG 1741 (Source: OPR B 323/00 0010 0238 Aberdalgie):
Augt 14th Lauchlan Hay and Janet Speedy spouses in bog of Sauchy a hild
baptd called Janet wit: sevrale
Ann Hay
b: abt 6/7/1744
Ann was christened in Aberdalgie parish on 6 JUL 1744 (Source: OPR B 1744 323/00 0010 0242 Aberdalgie):
July 6th
Eod. Lauchlan Hay and Janet Speedy spouses in bog
of Sauchy a child baptd called Ann
Joseph Hay
b: abt 17/8/1746
Joseph was christened in Aberdalgie parish on 17 AUG 1746 (Source: OPR B 323/00 0010 0239 Aberdalgie):
Augt 17th
Lauhlan Hay and Janet Speedy spouses in Bog of Sauchey a child baptd called
Joseph wtn ye congn

Lachlan Hay 17?? - before 1794
Lachlan Hay was Calum's and Jamie's six times great grandfather.
Lachlan Hay's birth year is not yet known, but it is believed that he is
another child of Lauchlan Hay and Janet Speedy of Tibbermore.
Banns for his forthcoming marriage to Sarah Straitton were recorded in the old parochial register in Tibbermore on 16th December 1770, and the actual wedding was recorded in the
records on 3/1/1771. The proclamations were recorded in the old parochial registers as follows (GROS: OPR 395/1):
16 Decmr Lachlan Hay and Sarah Straitton both in this parish, also Alexander
Brinks in the parish of Scone and Mary Gow in this were proclaimed pro primo.
23rd John Fiste and Janet Salmons both in this parish were proclaimed
pro primo also Lachlan Hay and Sarah Straiton also Alexander Binks and Mary Gow were proclaimed pro secondo. The
above parties were procliamed in this parish 1770.
Anno 1771 3 Jan Lachlan Hay and Sarah Straitton were married.
There was a further mention of the wedding in the Kirk Session minutes
for Tibbermore (OPR:395/5):
Decr 1770
Received 15th Alexr Binks and Mary Gowans m: 1/4. Received ditto from Lachlan
Hay and Sara Stratton 1/4.
Lachlan's christian name was spelt variously as Lachan, Lachlan, Lauchlan
and Lauchlane in the Tibbermore and Perth old parish registers. The birth entries between 1771 and 1776 for
his three daughters in Tibbermore describe him as being resident at Huntingtour (i.e. Huntingtower), and from the details
of daughter Jean's wedding in 1796, we find him noted as being a "farmer in the Town and Parish of Tibbermore", and by
that stage deceased, a fact which was again confirmed in his daughter Christian's
wedding two years later in 1798. The mortcloth records for Tibbermore have been checked up to 1796 and no entry could
be found for Lachlan's death, and so it is assumed that he had moved to Carr's Croft with his family at some stage in the
late 18th Century. Unfortunately the burial registers for Perth do not start until 1794, but as he is not listed there either
it is assumed that he died in Perth prior to 1794.
Jean Hay
b: 1771 c: 3/11/1771
Jean was born on her father's farm at Huntingtower, Tibbermore, Perthshire, Scotland, either
at the end of October or early November 1771. From the parish records (OPR 395/1 Fr.229):
3rd Novr 1771
Lachan Hay in huntingtour and his spouse Sarah Straitton had child baptised
called Jean.
At some stage towards the end of the 18th Century Jean moved with her family to the Craigie district
of nearby Perth. The area being a weaver's district, it is no surprise that she ended up marrying a local weaver from Pomarium
called John Young. The OPR register for the area recorded the wedding (OPR:387/21):
Perth the Seventeenth day of May One Thousand seven hundred and Ninety
Six years Contracted John Young, Weaver in Pomaium in this Parish and Jean Hay residenter in Perth daughter to the Deceased
Lauchlane Hay Farmer in the Town and Parish of Tibbermuir Parties both in this Parish Deacon John Penny. The Persons before
named were regularly Proclaimed and Married the Twenty fourth day of May said year by the Reverend Mr. James Moody Minister
of the Gospel in Perth.
The couple settled initially at Pomarium before moving to Carr's Croft before 1799. It
is not known if Jean was formerly resident at carr's Croft and returning there with her new husband to rejoin the family,
or whether this was the initial move to Carr's Croft. If the later, it may have been through Jean that her sister Christian,
Calum's and Jamie's great great great great great grandmother, met her future husband William Paton,
who was also resident in the small row of cottages.
A death record for either John or Jean could not be found after 1855, and so it is assumed
that they both died before then. A check of the Perth burial registers held at the A. K. Bell Library should be able to confirm
when and how both died.
Peter Stewart Young
b: 8/3/1797
Peter was born on March 8th 1797 as noted in the Perth birth register (OPR:387/12):
Pomarium Wednesday the Eight of March One Thousand seven hundred
and Ninety seven was born Peter Stewart Young lawfull son to John Young Weaver in Pomarium and Jean Hay his spouse and Baptized
the Twelfth day of March said year by Mr. David Sangster Minister of the Dissenting Congregation in Perth.
Peter grew up to become a cotton weaver and a salmon fisherman, and married Janet
Crichton on November 24th 1832 (OPR:387/31):
Perth the Twenty Fourth of November One Thousand eight hundred
and Thirty two years was Contracted Peter Young Weaver in the West Church Parish of Perth and Janet Crichton in the Parish
of Kinnoull daughter to Thomas Crichton Weaver there ______Elder John Livingstone______the persons before named were regularly
proclaimed and married.
It is believed that the couple only had one
daughter, Mary, born in 1834.
Peter eventully died at Carr's Croft on November
15th 1857, aged 60. The cause was disease of the heart and lung as certified by Dr. David Scott, surgeon, who is noted
as having last seen Peter on November 12th. Peter was buried at Wellshill Cemetery in Perth, as noted by John Farquharson.
The informant to the Perth registrar on the 20th was Peter's son-in-law John Sutherland, resident in New
Town, Perth (GROS:1857/387/1/600).
Mary Young
b: 13/5/1834 d: 17/11/1907
Mary was born in Perth, Perthshire, Scotland, on May 13th 1834:
Carscroft West Church Parish Perth the Thirteenth day of May One
thousand eight hundred and Thirty four was Born
Mary Young lawful Daughter to Peter Young Weaver in the said Parish
and Janet Crichton his Spouse and Baptized the Eighteenth day of May said year by the Reverend Alexr Pringle, Minr of the
United Association Congregation in Perth.
On January 15th 1855, at Perth, Mary married 32 year old marshallman John
Sutherland, son of farmer Robert Sutherland, and born in the parish of Ely. Both Mary and John were
resident at the time of the wedding at Carr's Croft. The witnesses were Agnes Stewart and Alexander Imrie, whilst the minister
was the Reverend David Young, of Perth's United Presbyterian Church. The marriage was registered in Perth on the 18th (GROS:1855/387/1/12).
The couple are currently only known to have had one daughter, Janet, born
in 1868.
In the 1881 census, Mary was listed under her maiden name of Young at 58 South Street in Perth,
and was described as a widow and a factory worker. Her 12 year old daughter Janet was also recorded as living with her, and
was described as a scholar (GROS:1881/387/18/14).
Mary eventually died at 5pm on November 17th 1907, at 64 South Street, with her usual residence
being 11 North Park, Perth. The cause was senile decay and a cerebral thrombosis, as certified by John H. Lyell. Her daughter,
now listed as Janet Thomson, informed the registrar on the 18th (GROS:1907/387/536 Perth).
Janet Sutherland
b: 2/9/1868
Janet was born at 9am on September 2nd 1868 at Carr's Croft, Perth. Her father was listed
as a coal merchant, and her mother informed the Perth registrar on the 21st (GROS:1868/387/00/638 Perth).
In the 1881 census, Janet was listed as a 12 year old scholar living with her mother at 58
South Street (GROS:1881/387/18/14 Perth).
On December 31st 1890, Janet married 28 year old carder John Thomson, son
of deceased parents John Thomson (tailor), and Ann Milln. Janet was described as a
22 year old dyer's assistant, residing at 224 High Street, Perth, whilst John was living at 11 North Port, Perth. The witnesses
to the wedding were Peter Low and Catherine Young, and the minister was the Reverend James
MacNaughton of the Church of Scotland. The marriage was subsequently registerd in Perth on January 1st 1891 (GROS:1891/387/00/20
In November 1907 Janet informed the registrar of her mother's death in Perth (GROS:1907/387/536).
James Young
b: 9/2/1799
James was born in Perth on February 9th 1799 as noted from the parish register (OPR:387/12):
Carscroft Saturday the Ninth day of February One Thousand
seven hundred and Ninety nine was born James Young lawful son to John Young Weaver in Carscroft and Jean Hay his
spouse and Baptized the Tenth day of February said year by Mr. David Sangster Minister of the Dissenting Congregation
in Perth.
James grew up to become a weaver and married Margaret Stewart
in 1831, the Perth West Church parish register recording the event (OPR: 387/31 Fr. 8031):
Perth the 28 day of March 1831 contracted
James Young Weaver in the West Church Parish of Perth and Margaret
Stewart in said Parish Daughter to John Stewart Lawyer in the said Parish____ Elders Robert Grimmand____ The Persons before
named were regularly proclaimed and married on the Fifteenth day of June said year by the Reverend David Young Minister of
the United Associate Congregation.
Like many in his family, James worked both as a weaver and in the fish trade, most likely
with salmon. He eventually died at 6.45pm on December 25th 1863 at 11 North Street Perth, where he was listed as a 64 year
old fishmonger and widower of Margaret Stewart. His father was recorded as John Young, a hand loom weaver, whilst his mother
was noted as Jane Hay, as opposed to Jean. The cause of death was gastric fever, as suffered for two months. James' son William
Young, resident at Inchran Pier, informed the Perth registrar on the 26th (GROS: 1863/387/644/Perth).
John Young
b: 25/5/1832 d: 9/4/1865
John was born at Carr's Croft in Perth, Perthshire, Scotland on April 25th
West Church Parish Perth the Twenty fifth day of
April Eighteen Hundred & Thirty two was born
John Young lawful son of James Young Fisher in said
Parish and Margaret Stewart his Spouse and Baptized the sixth of May said year by the Rev. Dr. Pringle one of the Ministers
of the United Associate Congregation Perth.
John married Margaret Smith, daughter of William Smith, and worked
as a railway engine stoker. He died at 11.00pm on April 9th 1865 at the infirmary in Perth shortly after being involved
in a rail accident which saw his legs crushed seven hours prior to his death. The death was certified by John L. Crombie,
and the informat to the registrar was John's father-in-law, recorded as being resident at Orchard Nook, Perth. In the death
entry, John's father James Young was noted as being a Tackman of Salmon Fishing, and deceased (GROS:1865/387/233/Perth).
The Scotsman newspaper from April 12th 1865 tells us what happened (p.3, col 3):
On the arrival of the mail train
from Aberdeen on Sunday afternoon, an accident occurred near to Perth General Station, which resulted in the death of an engine
driver, named John Young. It appears that Young, who had come to Perth with the train, was in readiness to couple the engine
and tender to the back part of the train, and, as the engine approached, the poor man lost his balance and fell on one
of the rails, and the wheels of both engine and tender passed over his legs, mangling them fearfully. The injured man was
promptly taken to the Infirmary, but he had, by the time he had reached that institution, fallen so low from the loss of blood
that amputation could not be attempted, and he lingered on for about seven hours, when he expired. Young, who was a man of
very steady habits, and held in high respect by his fellow workmen, has left a widow and five...
[NB: Unfortunately the tail end of the digitised article was missing, so I'm not yet sure
if he had five children or siblings or something completely different...]
William Young
b: 8/4/1834
William was born at Carr's Croft in Perth on April 8th 1834:
Cars Croft West Church Parish Perth the Eighth day of April One
thousand eight hundred and Thirty four was born
William Young lawful Son to James Young Weaver in the said Parish
and Margaret Stewart his Spouse and Baptized the Twentieth day of April said year by the Reverend Dr. Alexander Pringle Minr
of the United Associate Congregation in Perth
William was later recorded as the informant for his father's death in 1863, and was recorded
at this point as living at Inchran Pier (GROS:1863/387/644/Perth).
Janet Young
b: 28/5/1836
Janet was born on May 28th 1836 at Carr's Croft in Perth, Perthshire:
Cars Croft West Church Parish Perth the Eight day of May One
thousand eight hundred and Thirty six was born
Janet Young lawful daughter to James Young Weaver in
the said Parish and Margaret Stewart his Spouse and Baptized the Twenty fifth day of June said year by the Reverend David
Young Minr of the United Associate Congregation in Perth.
It is believed that she died in infancy.
Helen Young
b: 13/2/1838
Helen was born at Carr's Croft on February 13th 1838 in Perth:
Cars Croft West Church Parish Perth the Thirteenth day of February
One thousand eight hundred and Thirty eight years was born
Helen Young lawful daughter to James Young Weaver in
the said Parish and Margaret Stewart his Spouse and Baptized the Eighteenth day of March said year by the Reverend Dr. Alexander
Pringle Minr of the United Associate Congregation in Perth
James Mitchell Young
b: 19/1/1840
James was born on January 19th 1840 at Carr's Croft in Perth, Perthshire:
Carscroft West Church Parish Perth the Nineteenth day of January
One thousand eight hundred and fourty years was born
James Mitchell Young lawful Son to James Young Weaver in the
said Parish and Margaret Stewart his Spouse and Baptized the Twenty sixth day of January said year by the Reverend Dr.
David Young Minr of the United Associate Congregation in Perth
Janet Young
b: 2/12/1841
Janet was born at Carr's Croft in Perth, Perthshire, on December 2nd 1841:
Carscroft West Church Parish Perth the second
day of December One Thousand Eight Hundred & Fourty One years was born
Janet Young Lawful Daughter to James
Young Weaver in the said Parish & Margaret Stewart his Spouse and Baptized the Fifth day of December said year by
the Rev. Dr. David Young Minister of the North United Associate Synod in Perth.
Jane Young
b: 8/1844
Jane was born at North Port, Perth, on July 31st 1844:
North Port St. Pauls Parish Perth the Thirty First day of July
One Thousand Eight Hundred & Fourty four years was Born
Jane Young Lawful Daughter to James Young Fisher in the
said Parish & Margaret Stewart his Spouse and Baptized the Eighteenth day of August said year by the Rev. Dr.
David Young Minister of the North United Associate Congregation in Perth.
Margaret Young
b: 1846
Margaret was born in Perth, Perthshire, on October or November 1846 and christened
on November 15th (LDS AFN:2428-Z1T).
Catherine Young
b: 13/9/1801
Catherine was born on September 13th 1801 in Perth as noted in the parish register (OPR:387/13):
Cars Croft in this Parish Sabbath the Thirteenth day
of September Eighteen hundred and one was born Catherine Young lawfull daughter to John Young Weaver in Cars Croft
and Jean Hay his spouse and Baptized the Twentieth day of September said year by Mr. David Sangster Minister of
the Dissenting Congregation in Perth.
Catherine went on to marry Andrew Henderson in
April 1834, the parish register for Perth recording the event (OPR:387/31):
Perth the 28th day of April 1834 contracted
Andrew Henderson cooper in the Middle Parish of Perth and Catherine
Young in the West Church Parish of Perth daughter to the late John Young Weaver there____ Elder John Kennedy____ The Persons
before named were regularly proclaimed and married on the 28th day of April said year by the Reverend J. C. Kennedy Minister
of the West Church Parish of Perth.
It is further believed that Andrew died not long after their wedding, for on September 7th
1836 Catherine is again listed as having married, this time to James Thomson MacRobie, with whom she went
on to have a daughter and possibly a son.
Jane Hay MacRobie
b: 24/11/1837
Jane was born in Perth, Perthshire, on November 24th 1837:
South Street, Middle Church Parish theTwenty fourth day of November One thousand eight hundred and Thirty
seven was born
Jane Hay MacRobie lawful Daughter to James Thomson MacRobie Innkeeper in the said parish and Catherine Young
his spouse and Baptized the Third day of December said year by the Reverend James Esdaile Minr of the East Church
Parish of Perth.
Jane is later believed to have married Robert Howie
on September 10th 1858 in Perth.
John Young MacRobie -
b: 1842
John was believed to have been baptised on September 28th 1842 in
Newburgh, Fife.
John Young
b: 28/4/1804
John was born on April 28th 1804 in Perth as noted in the parish register (OPR:387/14):
Carscroft in this Parish Saturday the Twenty eight day
of April Eighteen hundred and four was born John Young lawfull son to John Young Weaver in Carscroft and
Jean Hay his spouse and Baptized the Twenty ninth day of April said year by the Reverend Mr. David Sangster Minister
of the Dissenting Congregation in Perth.
John is known to have married Elizabeth 'Betsy' Keiller on December 7th 1838
(IGI), and to have had at least one son.
John died a widower at 7.17pm on January 20th 1870 at Watergate, Perth, the cause being 'seneatus
general break up of the constitution', as certified by George W. Absolon [NB: This Dr. Absolon had a far more grisly
task to perform four years earlier, having perfomed an autopsy on Calum's and Jamie's great great great great grandmother
Janet Rogers, nee Henderson, after her brutal murder at Mount Stewart Farm]. The informant to the Perth registrar was John's sister, Margaret Young, resident at 65 Glover Street.
Again, John's mother was noted as Jane Hay, rather than Jean (GROS:1870/387/58/Perth).
William Keiller Young
b: 9/2/1843
William was born at Carr's Croft in Perth, Perthshire, on February 9th 1843, and christened
in the town three days later:
Carscroft West Church Parish the Ninth day of February One
Thousand Eight Hundred and Fourty three years was born
William Keiller Young lawfull son to John Young Fisher
in the Said Parish and Elizabeth Keiller his Spouse and Baptized the Twelfth day of February Said Year by the
Reverend Mr. John Newlands Minister of the South United Associated Congregation in Perth.
William was noted in the 1871 census as being resident as a lodger at 9 Livingstone Place,
Newington, Edinburgh. He was described as a 28 year old unmarried clerk in the Horning Office (?) at General Register House
in Edinburgh (GROS:1871/685/05/94/5/p.17 Edinburgh City/Midlothian).
William tragically died the following year, on September 5th 1872, at Portobello Railway Station.
The cause was disease of the heart, as certified by Dr. Rattray of Portobello, and the Procurator Fiscal J. Connell informed
the registrar on the 16th. William's parents were not listed, though his middle name of Keillor and his age at 29 confirm
him as the correct William Young (GROS:1872/684/01/89 Duddingston & Portobello).
Margaret Young
b: 26/8/1806
Margaret was born in Perth on August 26th 1806 in perth as noted in the parish register (OPR:387/14):
Carscroft in this Parish Tuesday the Twenty sixth day
of August Eighteen hundred and Six was Born Margaret Young lawfull daughter to John Young Weaver in Carscroft
and Jean Hay his spouse and Baptized the Fourteenth day of September said year by the Reverend Mr. Richard Black
Minister of the Associated Congregation in Perth.
It would appear that if Margaret married, she may have done so late in life, as she was noted
under her maiden name as the informant to her brother John's death at the Perth registrar's on January 22nd 1870, where
she was recorded as residing at 65 Glover Street (GROS:1870/387/58/Perth).
Robert Young
b: 1/3/1812
Robert was born on March 1st 1812 in Perth as noted in the parish register (OPR:387/15):
Carscroft West Church Parish of Perth the First day of March One Thousand and eight hundred and twelve years
was Born Robert Young lawful son of John Young Weaver in Carscroft and Jean Hay his spouse and Baptized the
Twenty fourth day of March said year by Reverend Mr. James Andrew Seceder Minister.
Robert grew up to work as a salmon fisherman, most likely in the trade
alongside his two uncles, William and John Paton, also resident at Carr's Croft. In
1835 he married to Helen Robb, the details being recorded in the Perth West Church parish register (OPR:
Perth the 23rd day of January 1835 contracted
Robert Young fisher in the West Church Parish of Perth & Helen Robb in the Parish of Kinnoull daur
to James Robb Gardner there____Elder Alexander Brown____ the persons before named were regularly proclaimed on the Thirteenth
day of February said year by the Reverend David Young minister of the United Associate Congregation Perth.
Robert was recorded in the 1841 census at Quarry Mill, Scone,
as a 28 year old gamer, alongside his 24 year old wife Helen and four year old son James. In the 1851 census,
Robert was noted as a salmon fisherman (entry at 387/00/4 still to be further checked).
It has not yet been established what became of Robert after this event.
James Young
b: 2/5/1837
James was born on May 2nd 1837 in Perth, Perthshire, Scotland, and christened five days later
in the town (IGI).
James was later recorded in the 1841 census at Quarry Mill, Scone, as being four years of
age (GROS:1841/394/A/1/Scone).
Christian Young
b: 1/1/1839
Christian, named after her aunt Christian Hay,
was born on January 1st 1839 in Scone, Perthshire, Scotland, and christened four days later on the 5th at the Associate Congregation
church in Perth (IGI).
Christian was not recorded with her mother and father in the 1841 census, and may therefore
have tragically died in infancy.
Jean Hay Young
b: 12/6/1843
Jean, named after her mother, was born June 12th 1843 in Scone, Perthshire, and christened
six days later in Perth (IGI).
Elizabeth Hay b: 1774
c: 20/3/1774
Elizabeth was christened in Tibbermore, Perthshire, on March 20th 1774. From
the parish register (OPR 395/1 Fr.235):
March 20th
Lachlan Hay in Huntingtour and his wife Sarah Straiton had child baptised
clled Elizabeth.
Nothing is confirmed as yet about Elizabeth's life beyond this point.
Christian Hay b: 1776
c: 11/5/1776
Calum's and Jamie's great great great great great grandmother - see below.

Christian Hay 1776 - 8/9/1835
Christian Hay was Calum's and Jamie's great
great great great great grandmother.
Christian was born at her father's farm in Huntingtower,
Tibbermore, Perthshire in 1776, with her christening taking place there on 11th May 1776. From the parish register (OPR
395/1 Fr.239):
11th May
Lachan Hay in Huntingtour and his spouse Sarah Straiton had a child baptised
called Christian.
At some stage in the 1780s or 1790s, the family
moved to the Craigie district of Perth, initially it seesm to Pomarium and then to Carr's Croft. It may be that this
is how she met her future husband William Paton, the wedding taking place on 7th February 1798 in Perth. Again from the register:
Perth the Third of February One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety eight contracted William Paton, Soldier in
the second battalion of Breadalbanes Fencibles and Christian Hay, Daughter to the Deceased Lauchlan Hay, Resident in Perth,
Parties both in this Parish Elder Thomas Robertson
The Persons before named were regularly proclaimed and married
the seventh day of February said year by Mr Duncan MacFarlan Minister of the Gaelic Chapel in Perth.
When the couple married,
William had already been a soldier in the second battalion of Breadalbane's Fencibles for nearly a year, and was at that time
quartered in St Andrew's in Fife - he must therefore have been on leave for a period in order to facilitate the wedding. No
sooner had the marriage happened than William had to return to St Andrew's.
Christian next saw William between May 25th and
June 24th 1798, when William returned briefly on leave again to Perth. Things obviously went well for them, as when William
returned nine months later, it was to find that Christian had given birth to their first baby daughter, Ann.
William had by now left the regiment, and returned
to work as a hand loom weaver in their cottage at Carr's Croft in Craigie, Perthshire. As part of the family's daily work,
Christian would undoubtedly have worked as a pirn winder, winding the yarn onto a pirn, or bobbin, with which William would
then do the actual weaving.
Over the next few years, the family continued
to expand with the addition of at least six more children, who would all have helped in the family weaving trade.
With the children soon growing up, a wave of marriages (and grandchildren!) soon ensued. On
June 25th 1825 Christian's daughter Ann married Alexander MacKay, a local shoemaker in Perth.
Then in 1831, Christian's son William got married in Edinburgh to Joan Woodroffe,
a native of the Port of Menteith. William had gone to Edinburgh on an apprenticeship, training to be a plasterer. After the
wedding, the couple moved back to Perth and to the family home at Carr's Croft, where they set about raising a family.
Christian finally died on September 8th 1835, the cause being listed in the burial register (A.K.
Bell Library) as 'decline', which is another way of describing tuberculosis in that period. In the register her name was mistakenly
writtenas "Cersten, wife of William Paton". She was buried on the 11th in the town's main cemetery at that time, Greyfriars,
where both hers sons David and John together raised a stone in her memory, which simply stated:
Placed by John and David Patton masons in Carrs Croft
in memory of mother Christian Hay died 8th September 1835, aged 58 years
The stone is no longer to be seen in the cemetery - it has either been lifted or has overgrown.
Ann Paton
b: 14/2/1799 c: 24/2/1799
John Paton b:
18/5/1801 c: 24/5/1801
Paton b: 23/5/1803 c: 22/5/1803
William Paton b:
10/3/1806 m: 22/2/1835
David Patton b: 6/6/1808
c: 12/6/1808
Helen Paton b: 2/1/1813
c: 3/1/1813
Mary Manson Paton b:
5/7/1816 c: 7/1/1816
For more on Christian Hay's children, visit the Paton pages.

Connecting to Calum and Jamie
Christian Hay married William Paton in 1798
Son, William Paton, married Joan Woodroffe in 1831
Son, William Hay Paton, married Janet Rodger in 1859
David Hepburn Paton, married Jessie McFarlane in 1889
Son, Charles Paton, married Jane Currie in 1934
Colin Paton, married Charlotte Harper Graham in 1969
Son, Christopher Mark Paton, married Claire Patricia Giles in
Sons, Calum Graham Paton and Jamie Christopher Paton
