John Beggs
b: abt 1806 d: 17/2/1879
John was Calum's, Jamie's and Pippa's five times great grandmother.
Little is known of John just now, except that he was a labourer and that he lived initially within the
parish of Templepatrick, Co. Antrim, Ireland, and later in Kilbride parish. He was married to Jane McGruigan
or McGrogan, and raised a family in the townland of Holestone.
In Griffith's Valuation for the parish of Kilbride, published in 1862, John is noted as a tenant of
Robert Bryson jr. Bryson held 31 acres and 3 roods of farmland from John Owens. John clearly resided in a small property on
Bryson's land (noted on the Ordnance Survey map for Holeston as 5b), rated at £1 annually. (Source: AskAboutIreland.ie).
John died on 17 FEB 1879 at Burnside, Kilbride. In his death certificate he was noted as married,
age 73 and a labourer. The cause of death was bronchitis, from which he suffered for 17 weeks, though this was uncertified.
His daughter Rose Beggs, also resident at Burnside, was the informant on 24 FEB 1879 (Source: GRONI D/1879/5/1001/5/13).
John's wife Jane survived until 28 MAR 1890, when she passed away at Douglasland, Kilbride, aged 71.
The cause of death was bronchitis, as suffered for 21 days. Her son-in-law Hugh Semple was the informant
to the registrar in Doagh later the same day (Source: IrishGenealogy.ie: 1890 D Group Reg ID 6995923 Antrim).
Children of John BEGGS and Jane McGRUIGAN:
Agnes Beggs
b: abt 1845 d: 6/3/1918
Calum's, Jamie's and Pippa's four times great grandmother - see below.
Martha Beggs
b: abt 1847
Martha was born in about 1847 in Kilbride parish. She was later
noted as a witness to her sister Agnes' wedding in 1867.
On 6 MAY 1877, Martha gave birth to an illegitimate daughter, Rosa Beggs, at Doagh
Grange, Doagh. Her mother Jane Beggs was present at the birth, and informed the Doagh registrar on 24 MAY
(Source: IrishGenealogy.ie, Group Reg ID 10991591, Antrim). Her father was a mechanic by the name of Alexander
In the 1901 census Martha was found resident at the house of her daughter Rose and
her husband John Fisher in Doagh. She was described as being 53 years old, Presbyterian, unmarried, able
to read and write, born in County Antrim, and a 'servant Mother help' as an occupation (Source: NAI 1901 census).
In 1911 Martha had moved with the family to 19 Ballysillan, Shankill, Belfast. She was noted as aged
65, mother-in-law to John Fisher, Presbyterian, able to read and write, and born in Co. Antrim, although in this record
her marital status is listed as widowed - although this was after something else written in that box had been erased (Source:
NAI 1911 census).
Martha died on 3 SEP 1924 at Glenside Cottage, Ballysillan, the record noting her to be a 72 year
old 'labourer's widow'. The certified cause was senile decay, and the informant to the Belfast registrar was her
son-in-law John Fisher on the following day (Source: Geni/GRONI 1924 D/ 1924/54/1007/13/480 Belfast Urban
Child of Martha BEGGS:
Rose Beggs
b: 6/5/1877 d: aft 1911
Rosa was born illegitimately on 6 MAY 1877 at Doagh Grange, Doagh. Her grandmother Jane Beggs
was present at the birth, and informed the Doagh registrar on 24 MAY (Source: IrishGenealogy.ie, Group Reg ID 10991591,
Antrim). Although her birth record does not note her father, her marriage record notes him as a mechanic called Alexander
Rose married John Fisher on 22 OCT 1897 at Kilbride Presbyterian Church by license. She was noted
as Rosey Beggs alias Rosey Hutchinson, a minor, and worker in a spinning mill, resident
in Doagh. Her father was Alexander Hutchinson. Her spouse was a hackler, resident in Doagh, and son of Samuel Fisher,
a hackler. The witnesses were Alexander Reid and Minnie Fisher (Source: IrishGenealogy.ie,
Group Reg ID 2318929, Antrim).
John Beggs
b: 15/2/1851 d: 12/7/1915
John was born on 15 FEB 1851 at Holestone, Kilbride, and baptised in Kilbride Presbyterian Church
on 6 JUL 1851. His father was listed as John Beggs, and his mother erroneously as Mary Grogan (Source:
John married Agnes Henderson, daughter of William Henderson,
labourer, on 13 MAY 1873 at Kilbride Presbyterian Church. John was noted as the son of John Beggs, labourer, and a flaxdresser,
resident at Ballywalter, parish of Templepatrick, where Agnes also resided. Both were of full age. The witnesses were Francis
Watt and Catherine Henderson.
In the 1901 Scottish census, John is listed in Scotland with his wife and children as residing at
29 Ruchill Street, Maryhill, Glasgow. John was a 40 year old mining contractor, his wife Agnes Henderson Beggs
was noted as 44 and from Ireland. Son William was aged 15 and an apprentice iron moulder born in East Calder,
Lanarkshire. Daughter Katherine was an 11 year old scholar, born in Ireland, and 5 year old son John
was also a scholar, born in Maryhill. Also present were two lodgers - William Wilson, aged 45 and a mining labourer,
and 33 year old David Beek, lead works labourer. Both were Irish and unmarried. John's brother Robert lived
in the same tenement building with his family - the apartment had two rooms with one or more windows (Source: SP/NRS 1891
RD 622/1 ED 1 p.18 Barony).
John died on 12 JUL 1915 at Eastern District Hospital, with his usual address noted as Garscube Road,
Glasgow. He was a coalpit labourer, married to Agnes Henderson, and noted as 62 years old, and the son of John Beggs, labourer
(deceased) and Jane McGroggan (deceased). The cause of death was arterio-sclerosis, gastritis, and heart failure. John's
widow Agnes, noted as resident at 146 Rolland Street, Glasgow, was the informant on the
15th (SP/NRS D 1915 644/4 1077 Glasgow).
Robert Bingham Beggs
b: 6/3/1853
Robert was born on 6 MAR 1853 at Holestone, Doagh, and baptised in Kilbride Presbyterian Church on
1 MAY 1853. His father was noted as John Beggs and his mother as Jane McGroogan (Source:
Robert was noted as a witness to Rose Beggs' wedding to Hugh Semple in 1881.
Robert married Marie Anne Harbison, daughter of Thomas Harbison,
farmer, on 4 JUN 1883 at Kilbride Presbyterian Church, with both noted as being of full age and resident in the townland
of Ballyvoy. Robert was further noted as a labourer, and son of John Beggs, labourer. The witnesses were
Thomas Beggs and Christina Mayne, whilst the minister was the Rev Robert Allison (Source:
IrishGenealogy, M, Group Reg ID 2236867 SR District Antrim).
Robert was found in the 1891 Scottish census in Maryhill, Glasgow, resident in a tenemenet at 29 Ruchill
Street. He was a 38 year old Irish labourer, with his wife Mary Ann noted as 37, both of them Irish. They had three children
present - Jane, aged 6 and a scholar, John aged 4, and Robert aged 1. Jane
and John were born in Ireland, Robert in Maryhill. Also present was a boarder, 20 year old general labourer William Gibson,
from Ireland, unmarried (Source: SP/NRS 1891 RD 622/1 ED 1 p.18-19 Barony)
Robert died at 438 Gairbraid Street, Maryhill, at 5.10pm on 22 MAR 1906. The cause of death was acute
pneumonia, suffered for six days. Robert was noted as a lead worker married to Mary Ann harbison, and the son of John
Beggs, labourer (deceased), and Jane McGruigan (deceased). His son Thomas Beggs was
the informant to the Maryhill registrar on 23 MAR 1906 (Source: SP/NRS D 1906 622/1 645 Maryhill).
Rose Beggs - DNA link
b: 5/4/1855 d: 27/4/1938
Rose (listed as Rosa) was born on 5 MAY 1855 at Holestone, Doagh, and baptised in
Kilbride Presbyterian Church on 31 MAY 1855. Her father was noted as John Beggs and her mother as Jane
Groogan (Source: DoaghAncestry.co.uk).
Rose was noted as the daughter of John Beggs, labourer, in her marriage record.
She married Hugh Semple, labourer, from Drumadarra and a son of Samuel Semple, labourer,
on 17 JUN 1881, at Kilbride Presbyterian Church, within the registration district of Newtonabbey, and by license. In the record
Rose is noted as being a mill worker resident at Ballyvoy, and like Hugh, of full age. The witnesses were Robert Beggs
and Hessee Warwick, and the officiating minister was Robert Allison (Source: GRONI M/1881/P1/2079/3/74).
In the 1901 census for house no. 35 in Kilbride, Co. Antrim, Rose was noted as a 42 year old housewife,
Presbyterian and able to read and write. Her husband Hugh was also 42 and general labourer. Also present were her children,
19 year old Samuel (flax dreser), 17 year old Annie (yarn reeler), 16 year old Jane
(yarn reller), 14 year old James (scholar), 11 year old John (scholar), 9 year old Allen
(scholar), 7 year old Martha (scholar) and 5 year old Hessie, all from County Antrim, bar
Annie, who was born in Scotland (Source: National Archives of Ireland 1901 census).
In 1911, Rose was recorded as 52 years old, married for 29 years, and the mother of 8 children, all
of them still alive. Her husband Hugh was now a gravyard sextion, aged 52, and seven children were present - Annie,
aged 27 (linen yarn reeler), Jane, 26 (linen yarn reeler), James, 24 ('building cloth bleach green'), John,
21 ('frame man, cloth bleach green'), Allen, 19 (general labourer), Martha, 17 (linen yarn
reeler) and Hessie, 15 (linen yarn reeler). All were Presbyterian, from Co. Antrim, and all could read and
write. The children were all unmarried (Source: National Archives of Ireland, 1911 census).
Rose's husband Hugh died on 1 OCT 1922, and was buried alongside several family members in the family
plot at Kilbride Cemetery, Doagh (Source: DiscoverEverAfter.com, Kilbride Cemetery plot information).
Rose eventually died on 27 APR 1938 at Doagh. She was noted as a 76 year old widow of Hugh Semple,
labourer, who had suffered from myocarditis for seven days and then cardiac failure. Her son Samuel was present at death
and acted as the informant on the following day (Source: GRONI D/1938/5/1001/18/104 Doagh). Rose was buried alongside her
husband and a few of her children and grandchildren at Kilbride Cemetery, Doagh (Source: DiscoverEverAfter.com, Kilbride Cemetery
plot information).
In July 2019, Rose's great grandson Steve Perry was found to share 10cM of autosomal DNA with
Calum's, Jamie's and Pippa's great uncle Bill Graham, confirming the family link.
Samuel Semple
b: 15/7/1881
Samuel was born on 15 JUL 1881 in Co. Antrim, Ireland (Source: GRONI U/1881/5/1001/8/361 Antrim).
Annie Semple
b: abt 1883
Annie was born in Scotland, as recorded in the 1901 census for Kilbride, Co. Antrim. She was further
noted as a 17 year old yarn realler, Presbyterian and able to read and write.
Annie appears never to have married and passed away 22 SEP 1951. She was buried in the same plot as
her parents in Kilbride Cemetery, Doagh, though is not mentioned on the headstone (Source: DiscoverEverAfter.com, Kilbride
Cemetery plot information)
Jane Semple
b: 2/1/1885
Jane was born on 2 JAN 1885 in Co. Antrim, Ireland (Source: GRONI U/1885/3/1001/8/103 Antrim).
Jane died age 33 on 25 NOV 1918. The Discover Ever After website (www.discovereverafter.com) notes that she was buried in Kilbride Cemetery, Doagh, with the headstone bearing the following inscription:
Hugh Semple, Kilbride
In memory of his daughter
Who died 25th November 1918,
Age 33 years
Also two grandchildren,
Who died in infancy.
James Semple
b: 21/11/1886
James was born on 21 NOV 1886 in Co. Antrim, Ireland (Source: GRONI U/1886/3/1001/9/40 Antrim).
John Semple
b: abt 1889
John was born in Co. Antrim about 1889, as noted in the 1901 census for Kilbride. In this he was described
as an 11 year old Presbyterian scholar who could read and write.
Allen Semple
b: 10/5/1891
Allen was born on 10 MAY 1891 at Kilbride, Co. Antrim, Ireland. His father Hugh Semple
was noted as a labourer in the birth registration record, and his mother as Rose Beggs. Both resided at Kilbride,
and Rose was the informant on 28 MAY 1891 to the registrar at Doagh (Source: GRONI U/1891/5/1001/12/384 Antrim).
On 12 SEP 1912 Allen emigrated to Brisbane, Australia, on board the S.S. Themistocles, with the manifest noting him
as a 21 year old carepernter. He later took up work as a farmer, and on 11 FEB 1920 married Allan Irene Monk Stone,
a typist, at Ballina, New South Wales. The officiating minister was Rev. Edwin John Merchant, a priest of the Church
of England.
It is through a grandson of Allen, and a great great grandson, that we have identified two separate DNA connections on
AncestryDNA, to whom thanks are given.
Martha Semple
b: 15/8/1893
Martha was born in Co. Antrim, Ireland, on 15 AUG 1893 (Source: GRONI U/1893/5/1001/13/339 Antrim).
Hessie Semple
b: 2/1/1896
Hessie was born on 2 JAN 1896 in Co. Antrim, Ireland (Source: U/1896/5/1001/14/310 Antrim).

Agnes Beggs
b: abt 1845 d: 6/3/1918
Agnes was Calum's, Jamie's and Pippa's four times great grandmother.
Agnes married David Bill on November 22nd 1867 at Kilbride Presbyterian
Church, County Antrim, Ireland. Agnes' father, John Beggs, was a labourer, whilst she was resident at Ballyhamage
townland within the parish, and noted as a spinster. David was noted as a farmer, as was his father, John Bill,
of full age, and resident at Ballyvoy (aka Duncansland). The marriage was performed by the Reverend W, Orr, and by license,
with the witnesses listed as Alexander McAuley and Martha Beggs. The couple subsequently
moved to Belfast, and took up regular worship at Berry Street Presbyterian Church.
On Friday December 30th 1881, Agnes' husband placed the following advertisement in the Belfast
I DAVID BILL, 126, Wilton Street, Belfast, will not be responsible for
any Debts, contracted by my wife, Agnes Bill, otherwise Beggs, after this date.
December 30th, 1881
In the 1901 census for Belfast, Agnes is located at house number 14 in Suir, within Clifton, noted
as a 55 year old housewife from Co. Antrim. David was noted as a 56 year old Presbyterian general labourer, able to read and
write, married and also from County Antrim. With them were the family of their 26 year old daughter Mary
Mullan (nee Bill) - her 27 year old dock labourer husband William Mullan, from Co. Antrim, and their
children, 6 year old Margaret and 1 year and nine months old Archibald. (Source: 1901 census,
In 1911 the record notes that she was resident at house 61 on Bann Street, was 65 years old, had been
married to David for 43 years, and had had five children born alive, of which three were still living. Under place of birth
both Agnes and David had City of Belfast noted. David was noted as a 65 year old 'labourer house repairs'. Their eleven year
old grandson Archibald was also present, also from Belfast, a Presbyterian, and a scholar who could read
and write. (Source: 1911 census, NAI).
Agnes eventually passed away on 6 MAR 1918 at 44 Bann Street Belfast. The death certificates
notes her age as being 73, and the cause was chronic bronchitis and cardiac failure. She was noted further as the wife of
David Bill, labourer, who was the informant to the registrar on the same day, and noted as being present at her death (Source:
GRONI D/1918/49/1007/94/451 Belfast Urban 3).
David eventually died on May 20th 1925.
Children of Agnes BEGGS and David BILL:
Elizabeth Bell
b: 28/3/1868
Calum's, Jamie's and Pippa's three times great grandmother
- see the Bill page.
(Unnamed) Bill
b: 17/3/1869
(Unnamed) Bill
b: 13/6/1870
Martha Jane Bill
b: 1/7/1872
Martha was born on July 1st 1872, and her birth registered in Belfast urban district no.9.
Mary Bill
b: 19/10/1874
Mary was born on October 19th 1874.
William David Bill
b: 1/7/1877
William was born on July 1st 1877 at Ballymagary, Belfast Urban district no. 9, Co. Antrim, Ireland.

Connecting to Calum and Jamie
Agnes Beggs married David Hill in 1867.
Daughter, Elizabeth Bill, married Thomas Smyth
in 1888.
Son, William McKeever Smyth, married Annie Eveline Lesley Watton prior to 1922.
Daughter, Martha
Jane Elisabeth Watton Smyth, married Ernest Graham in 1943
Daughter, Charlotte Harper Graham, married Colin Paton
in 1969
Son, Christopher Mark Paton, married Claire Patricia Giles in 2000
Sons, Calum Graham Paton and Jamie Christopher