Traced back to 18th
Century Perthshire, Scotland, with associated
families in Ulster, the Republic of Ireland, the United States
and Australia.
"In my estimation,
a long line of ancestry entitles no man to trample
on his brother, nor does a high sounding title give its possessor a right
to wound the heart, which vibrates with the finer feelings of a common
humanity, merely because
accident has cast his lot in an elevated station
of life, which he degrades by his vices, and in doing so prostrates the
gifts of Providence, and makes them the means of wounding the peace
and ruining the prospects of thousands, who though below him in station
are nevertheless immeasurably
raised above him in talent, in virtue, and
feeling. Whether in prince or in peasant a genuine
heart elicits
from me the response of a brother."
William Henderson
- Byegone Days; or, Sketches Illustrative
of the
Manners and Customs of
the Scottish Peasantry Seventy Years
Ago" (by an Octogenerian), published
Tha an
lasair nad anam aig meadhan do bhith
Nas làidir 's nas motha na riaghaltas no rìgh.
flame in your soul, at the centre of your being,
Is larger and stronger than
any government or king.
This is the history of the Paton family, traced back
to the 18th Century in
Perthshire, Scotland, by Chris Paton for his two sons Calum Graham Paton and Jamie Christopher Paton, and niece Pippa Louise Paton. But as much as it for them, it is also for the rest of the Patons, and their associated
families, stretching from Scotland, England, and Ireland, to the USA, Australia, Crete and Dubai.
The work continues all the time, and as new information
is found it will be added to the site - keep visiting for updates on this neverending story...!!!
This site is dedicated to the memory of my father, Colin Paton
(1945-2021), and my mother, Charlotte 'Cherie' Harper Graham (1950-2013).
Cuimhnich air na daoine o' n d' thàinig
And RIP to my Uncle Bob, Robert David Paton, who passed away 15
JAN 2022.

Reclaiming our History...
A' Rannsachadh ar
In the last few years, a great deal has been learnt about the life and death
of the boys' great great grandfather David Hepburn Paton, who lived and worked in Brussels, Belgium, until his death
in hiding there in the middle of the First World War. For more on this story, and the stories of his children, grandchildren
and great grandchildren, visit the Paton - Part Four page. |
On the same page read how in 1916 John
Paton was arrested and sent as an 18 year old civilian to Ruhleben prisoner of war camp near Berlin. Research into this
camp has led to the creation of a new project - The Ruhleben Story - which can be accessed at the following website link:
noteworthy stories include that of the Reverend William Paton, secretary of the International Missionary Society; Sir William Drummond MacDonald Paton CBE, professor of pharmocology at Oxford University; Cochrane Watton, painter on board the Titanic; the boys' grandfather Paddy Giles, a Tipperary man in the Middle East; Dr. William Henderson, the 19th Century medical pioneer based in Perth; and the boys' other grandfather Colin Paton, submariner and survivor of the Ladbroke Grove train disaster...
last but not least, 1866 saw the brutal death of the boys' great great great great grandmother, Janet Rogers, nee Henderson. Visit
The Mount Stewart Murder page to read the
newspaper coverage of the time, as well as letters written by the
Perthshire Police...

Because so much information has been amassed on some
of the families, it has been harder to keep things simple on each of the family pages. To address this, each page now contains
a link to my other family history site, hosted by Tribal Pages, which will give access to a handy series of charts to help
navigate through some of the larger families. This site can be found at:

Mòran taing
The information in this site could not have been gathered without the help of our parents and family, cousins
Joan Elizabeth Paton, Anne McGillivray Paton, Sheena Paton, Margaret Robertson Paton, Ian Joseph Paton, John MacKenzie Paton,
the Venerable Michael MacDonald Paton, David Michael MacDonald Paton, Joan Montefiore, Professor Colin Kingsley, Sheila Trotter,
Gregg Morrison, Pamela MacLennan, Anne Crook, Angie Kirk and Cheri Reisman, Councillor Eleanor Jackson, Michel Vanwelkenhuyzen,
Jochem Heicke, the Tay Valley Family History Society, the Public Records Office of Northern Ireland, the General Register
Office in Dublin, the National Archives of Ireland, the National Archives in England, the School of Oriental and African Studies
(University of London), Roy McGillivray, Greg Ross, Dan Kane, Kirsty Wilkinson, Simon Fowler, Richard Lansing, Stephanie
Wyatt, the Scots Origins website, the Scotland's People website, the Church of Latter Day Saints website, the Carrick-on-Suir
Historical Society (Co.Tipperary), Carrickfergus Library, the A. K. Bell Library in Perth, Dundee City Library, the Mitchell
Library (Glasgow), the Glasgow Genealogy Centre, and the National Records of Scotland. Thanks to all.

Site Last Updated
Sunday, March 26th 2023
website is
© CHRIS PATON 2001-2022
Calum's, Jamie's and Pippa's grandfather, Petty Officer Colin Paton (1945-2021) |
Charlotte Harper Graham, Calum's and Jamie's grandmother, early 1960s |
Calum's and Jamie's great great grandfather David Hepburn Paton in the early 1900s |
Calum's and Jamie's great grandfather Charles Paton in Brussels, Belgium, April 1907 |
Calum's, Jamie's & Pippa's great gran Martha Graham (nee Smyth), 1953, Belfast |
Calum's, Jamie's and Pippa's great grandfather Ernest Graham, 1953, Belfast |
Calum's & Jamie's great great great grandfather Edwin Graham, in 1939, with 2nd wife Sarah Ann |
Calum's and Jamie's great grandmother, Jane Paton (nee Currie), Belfast 1938 |